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About LUPO (ITA)

  • Birthday February 12

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  • Interests
    - Videogames (Above all "TruckersMP")
    - Movies
    - Acting
    - Music
    - Travel
    - Drive
    - PC
    - Informatics and electronics
  • Preferred Trucks
  • Known languages
    English, spanish, italian.

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  1. Thank you very much for your follow! 

    1. NicqsiZAccent


      You're welcome 💖

  2. Hello @Söder, Thank you for your topic/discussion. In my opinion, this new update is very expansive and also takes much longer. However, I think that as soon as possible there will be the new update to version 1.50 but you have to be patient. I understand that everyone would like to try the new version in multiplayer as well, but at the moment you can play on TMP with the Beta version while waiting for the new update. Kind Regards, LUPO (ITA)
  3. Hello Bolorer, thank you very much for your follow!

  4. Hello Panda, thank you very much for your follow! 

  5. Ciao @Mica_TMP, Grazie per aver chiesto questa domanda sul forum. Io personalmente adoro viaggiare su Ets2 e TruckersMP ma non ho particolari preferenze sulla marca di camion. Però se dovrei scegliere, direi principalmente Scania ma anche DAF, Volvo ed altre marche di camion mi piacciono. Cordialmente, LUPO (ITA)
  6. Hello @[MCG] TMP_Malinois, First of all thank you for your suggestion. I think it might be a good idea and sometimes I've thought about it too. But I think it's absolutely useless because usually those signs are on highways and the C-D road obviously is not a highway. I don't think it's necessary for users traveling on that road. Of course this is just my opinion, but good luck with your suggestion. Kind Regards, LUPO (ITA)
  7. Guest

    Late congratulations!

    1. LUPO (ITA)

      LUPO (ITA)

      Thank you very much! 

  8. Congrats mate ! 💫

    1. LUPO (ITA)

      LUPO (ITA)

      Thank you very much! 😊

  9. Congrats 👏

    1. LUPO (ITA)

      LUPO (ITA)

      Thank you very much! 😊

  10. Congrats

    1. LUPO (ITA)

      LUPO (ITA)

      Thank you very much! 

  11. Congrats

    1. LUPO (ITA)

      LUPO (ITA)

      Thank you very much! 

  12. Congrats 🎉

    1. LUPO (ITA)

      LUPO (ITA)

      Thank you very much! 😊

  13. Congrats  ❤️ 

    1. LUPO (ITA)

      LUPO (ITA)

      Thank you very much! 😍

  14. Tebrikler arkadaşım

    1. LUPO (ITA)

      LUPO (ITA)

      Thank you very much! 

  15. Tebrikler arkadaşım

    1. LUPO (ITA)

      LUPO (ITA)

      Thank you very much! 

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