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Veteran Driver III
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About Focus_TMP

  • Birthday 06/14/2003

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  • Location
    Republic Of Ireland
  • Interests
    Photography, Simulation Gaming, content making
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  • EU Garage Location
    Belgium: Brussels
  • Known languages
    English, Gaeilge/Irish

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  1. Hi all! I was thinking about new suggestions for the discord when this came into my mind.. What if there was a small box on the main screen of the Launcher that was linked to the VTC you're in and it allowed you to see what members are looking to start a convoy? this could be linked to an in-game command (example - "/req-convoy [enter-game-ID]") then you can use the API from the Live map to track the users location in game, notify their private in game company chat that a convoy is starting at 'XYZ' and link that information to the Launcher to notify company members joining the game that there is a convoy starting/ongoing - - additionally to adhere to TMP rules regarding populated areas like the CD road you can also include a convoy limit in the in game command and to avoid clutter you can create code to have that convoy disappear from the launcher when the convoy host leaves the game. The main reason why I am suggesting this is because in popular VTC's I noticed is it rare to see people in company discord voice chats doing convoys together, and for the people with no microphones it gives them a chance to be heard when looking to play - plus nobody is constantly checking discord to see when their fellow company drivers are asking for convoys. I feel that with the addition of a private in game notification to all active drivers it will make it more accessible to create convoys and you will see more usage of CB radios for the people who's discord's crash when in voice channels. My launcher suggestion can be used for information rather than implementing a "request to join" button, when the driver enters the game he can use the "/vtc" chat to ask the host to meet. other useful commands could include; "/req-join [host ID]" - Gives convoy host a private system message informing them that a member wants to join. "/accept-req [PlayerID]" - allows a new driver to join convoy. "/convoy-kick [UserID]" - kick player from convoy. "/hostchange [PlayerID]" - routes host to another player to avoid convoy closure. With the live map API the host doesn't need to request a new convoy for each job - the game should be able to locate drivers within a close proximity and update the launcher with new updates and destination time - could use Trucky API to determine real time location? also launcher should have dividers for what servers the drivers are hosting on. It wouldn't hurt to add in a small refresh button either just so our bandwidth doesn't get eaten up anyways, this is a cool suggestion that I think could bring more convoys to the game - only downside I can think of is CD road hosting abuse (3 different hosts - 15 Drivers), but that could happen regardless. I think if this was to be considered there could be rules added for this specific idea that could help moderation. Looking forward to everyone's thoughts and comments! Focus_TMP ~ Transit-X
  2. Busses were a massive hype before they arrived, yet nobody uses them anymore which I'm sure is because there is only one model to choose from, the front of the bus has no collisions, and there is a very select amount of liveries to choose from. TMP's partner ProMods does a lot in fairness with bug fixes and new location updates. But ever Since DBusWorld partnered I haven't heard a single thing they've done? Will there be more busses added or do they just simply not matter anymore? It'd be awesome to get a better vision of DBusWorld's project for their future with TruckersMP. Will there be more updates or is this just it?
  3. I'm sick of these kids on the C-D road bruh?

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