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Road to Simulation


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4200 Slot Server before and after Road to Simulation:


The Speedjunky 24/7 D-C Player: giphy.gifgiphy.gifgiphy.gif




The TMP Sim Player:





The Rookie:







The Modder:




The Troll:




The feeling about the Ingame Moderation:









So, basicly, nothing changed so far! Every Changing needs Time! ;)






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9 minutes ago, FernandoCR [ESP] said:

And what "group" would you say that the "blockers" the "illegal overtakers" are in... Simulation fans or arcade fans? If Simulation 1 is (according to you) worse than EU#2 used to be, it's not because of the people who try to play as a simulation, it's because of those who only see TMP as some kind of GTA with trucks. But once again, this "Simulation 1 is worse" is based on what? Duisburg. Trolls paradise before the changes, trolls paradise after the changes.


Don't you people see that it is blatantly absurd to blame the chaos in the servers on the simulation? The only problems that I ever saw in EU#1 were caused by trolls and some weekends, when EU#2 and EU#3 were 100% full and players who had probably hated EU#1 went there because it was the only server with free slots... Does this give a clue about who/what is responsible for the chaos?

They are neither Simulation or Arcade fans, they are trolls , And you know this.


But as ive said countless times Before, the VAST majority of Trolls and people who ruin the experience are people SPEEDING and crashing/ramming/tipping over and blocking traffic.       Blockers in general can easily be avoided, Rammers cant.

I suggest people go Watch the popular " idiots on the road " youtube series, and Watch the number of rammers vs blockers.


Nothing is " fixed " with these Changes, but its a huge step in the right direction

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Jimmy 'Arradin ' Stigsjöö



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33 minutes ago, FernandoCR [ESP] said:

And what "group" would you say that the "blockers" the "illegal overtakers" are in... Simulation fans or arcade fans? If Simulation 1 is (according to you) worse than EU#2 used to be, it's not because of the people who try to play as a simulation, it's because of those who only see TMP as some kind of GTA with trucks. But once again, this "Simulation 1 is worse" is based on what? Duisburg. Trolls paradise before the changes, trolls paradise after the changes.


Don't you people see that it is blatantly absurd to blame the chaos in the servers on the simulation? The only problems that I ever saw in EU#1 were caused by trolls and some weekends, when EU#2 and EU#3 were 100% full and players who had probably hated EU#1 went there because it was the only server with free slots... Does this give a clue about who/what is responsible for the chaos?

basically everything except for c-d area is dead empty, so yea thats what its based on. And why was EU#2 and #3 100% full and EU#1 wasn't? Everything except for c-d got boring, hence even more players go there. trolls will ram and drive recklessly no matter what, even if you implement a 50 speedlimit. people that prefer the simulation aspect could go on eu#1 and people that didn't could go on eu#2, now we're just thrown into a pot together

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@Arradin The blockers, maybe. Or maybe people who were speeding out of control, crashed and didn't want to hit F7 (they aren't necessarily trolls) and I've witnessed lots of these situations in TMP. But illegal overtakers = trolls? Not in the least. Some of them, maybe, but most of them are just "ARRRRGH... FASTER! FASTER!" players, not trolls.


@Californ1a Sorry, but you are wrong. And it's easy to prove, people (everyone) will go wherever there are lots of other people and there will always be more people in a 4200 slots server than in a 2300 slots one. And NOW, there's arcade servers for people who don't like simulation, why are they empty? Check my previous sentence. Arcade players are using simulation server for the same reason why simulation players used EU#2 server. Lots of other players around.

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2 minutes ago, FernandoCR [ESP] said:

@Arradin The blockers, maybe. Or maybe people who were speeding out of control, crashed and didn't want to hit F7 (they aren't necessarily trolls) and I've witnessed lots of these situations in TMP. But illegal overtakers = trolls? Not in the least. Some of them, maybe, but most of them are just "ARRRRGH... FASTER! FASTER!" players, not trolls.


Yes Fernando, that is my Point.

This change get rid of the " AAAARGH.. FASTER! " People that ruin MY experience most. 

And that is what i am most concerned about. My fun, and who ruin My fun. 


for ME, 99% of all people who ruin for me are speeders, because i cant avoid them. I cant F7 etc because i do WoT Contracts.  Blockers i can avoid easily.


So...  Thats why *I* Think these Changes are so good.

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Jimmy 'Arradin ' Stigsjöö



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2 minutes ago, FernandoCR [ESP] said:

@Arradin The blockers, maybe. Or maybe people who were speeding out of control, crashed and didn't want to hit F7 (they aren't necessarily trolls) and I've witnessed lots of these situations in TMP. But illegal overtakers = trolls? Not in the least. Some of them, maybe, but most of them are just "ARRRRGH... FASTER! FASTER!" players, not trolls.


@Californ1a Sorry, but you are wrong. And it's easy to prove, people (everyone) will go wherever there are lots of other people and there will always be more people in a 4200 slots server than in a 2300 slots one. And NOW, there's arcade servers for people who don't like simulation, why are they empty? Check my previous sentence. Arcade players are using simulation server for the same reason why simulation players used EU#2 server. Lots of other players around.

then combine the 2 arcade servers into 1 and enable collisions and see what kind of style is more popular, simulation or arcade, and leave 1 freeroam server with no collisions where people can jump off bridges or do barrel rolls or whatever..sure youre right, thats why i play on sim#1 as well but I'm already tired of going 110 on empty highways outside of c-d without anything happening and without meeting anyone in 10 minutes

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@Californ1a Again, the "Outside of the C-D the map is empty". Not from my experience. I've been seeing other drivers everywhere I went in Simulation 1 and I've never been near Calais or Duisburg. But even if this were true, then you can use arcade servers. The roads outside of the C-D area will still be empty, but at least you won't have to go 110 Km/h. Right?


EDIT: I already asked for one of the arcade servers to be "changed" to 4200 slots so they would have the same capacity as the Simulation ones 4200+2300 Sim, 4200+2300 Arcade. Unfortunately, the answer I got is that TMP has only one server capable of handling 4200 slots, so this can not be done.

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3 hours ago, FernandoCR [ESP] said:

@dacia1310 The funny story, as you tell it, is absolutely not what I remember. We'll have to wait for other Veterans IV who have been here since the beginning to give their versions or share their memories from those old days. But just as examples:

EU#1 had 5000 slots? Since the beginning?

This is not even about remembering, simply check the stats:

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There weren't even 5000 players using MP... And that's from 2015, months after MP was released. AFAIK, TMP didn't even have servers powerful enough to host 4000 players, much less 5000. Your registration date in TMP, as mine, is from November 2014. And there was ETS2MP before TruckersMP... And initially there was just 1 server. EU#2 was opened because people were asking for a server where they could go faster than 90 Km/h, when EU#1 had been already online for some time. 


The report system came, according to you, after only several months after release.

The way I remember it, we used to report people in the the forums (even for a time after they changed from ETS2MP to TRUCKERSMP) with topics containing the offender data and video evidence. The new system with the reports in a section of players' profiles in the website (not the forums) was implemented in 2016.


"for an easy accident they started t report everyone without evidence, remember that the devs telleported to that area where the accident happen even though they didn't have an evidence againt the player that did or did not the accident they ban him directly ... most of the times he wasn't guilty"

This simply is not true. Like I said, the reports were sent inside the forums with video evidence. I sent a bunch of them myself, with video evidence. And same as now, people wasn't banned if there wasn't proof. In-game reports only lead to bans if the admin teleported and saw infracions by himself. The "video" that they can check now with in-game reports was implemented long after the web report system had started working.


" then in one day after 1 year i think of free mp the admins called directly as in present days ... #EU1 with 90/km speed limiter without any warnings"

"after all of this things were good 1 year i think when people complaining about the speed limiter - the admins took an action again - they put speed limiter on #eu1 server 110km/h this time and #eu2 without collisions without speed limiter"

Once again, untrue. EU#1 had 90 Km/h speed limits from scratch. EU#2 had no speed limits from scratch. Why should anyone complain about speed limiters? People who wanted simulation had EU#1, people who wanted speed had EU#2, don't you see that what you say makes no sense?


"the reports came from the "simulation drivers" not from the ones that they were already inside the #eu2 server after that change"

Sure. Because trolls never reported someone who took revenge after being trolled... It's one of the things they used to do... Troll others, wait for the retaliation and send video reports to get their victims banned. Do you really not remember this? But of course that the simulation drivers would be the ones sending most of the reports. Because it was them who followed the rules and it was the others who broke them. What would you expect, for rammers to report their victims? This is like that kid who said that the other kid had hit him... The moms ask, Sure? but it's the other kid's nose that's bleeding... Right! Because he hit my fist with his nose!


I must be clear on one point: I am basing my "story" in what I remember. And you are basing yours in what you remember. We can both be wrong at some points and right at others. So unless some other people from those times support any of our "stories2... They are just that, stories, not true and undeniable facts.



i disagree why do u say that #eu1 was with 90km/h from the scratch thats untrue man .. because they didn't had the means to limit the server at 90km/h  i remember that good u cannot say  that this is true man u didn't have from the scratch 90km/h and sneak in the fire when I say that .and about 5000k players i`m nto lying in november 2014 when mp came online there were 5000 slots and they relegated them to 3 or 2000 due to high ping ......... this is absolutely true.

the report system in the beginings i said that it wasnt any forum like u say to report from the begining.. u just right click on the player and name the reason and thats it, when the admin show the reason he took action it is not like u say with video evidence, the video evidence and all of that came after few weeks i watch how many players being banned without a reason just because the players reports them selves just to be reported.... you just talking your side of the story tell the whole story if u know all things here... i on the other hand know that because i participate as u here .. maybe not as long as you on forums .. but in game i was active.... what rules did u follow man ... you had your #eu1 empty server why do u complain like a baby and repeat your self as the same thing over and over .... trolls exist from day one u admit it or not ... trolls are on the street also u cannot stop them in reallity, but in game ... u think u can snap your fingers and you got rid of them this is the game u go over and over with the simulation game ... remember its just a game not a simulator !!!!!!!! you attack some persons here u accuse us of being trolls and rammers and s..... but u are selfish and u keep doing that why ? because some of us want something that u don't ???????


p.s i have few screens made by me on 05.05.2014 in multiplayer just to be ferm if u don't believe me i can give the screenshots from those days man .. the multiplayer appeared before november 2014 

- i assure u in the begining they were 5000 slots and was called euro truck simulator 2 multiplayer


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I've rarely posted in this forum since last year or so, but I think I have to say something on this...

I like the new idea for the servers and let me explain why; I like to play ETS2 (and ATS) as they were intended to be played: simulation games, not race games, for that, there is Assetto Corsa.

I appreciate the fact that you've divided the servers, because it's probably 2 and a half years that I no longer play on the now old EU2 because of the total madness there was around the entire map (not only C-D) with trucks flying past you or directly crashing in your trailer and so on; mainly for that reason, I was only playing on EU1 and for some time (1 month to now) on EU3, since there were far better players thatn on EU2, but still wasn't as empty as EU1.

Now for the first time I can play the game seeing someone more often (many times on EU1 played for 1/2 hours without seeing a player, which was a bit boring) that isn't a troller and that won't surely crash into you. I appreciate the fact that you can drive the Skoda car in Sim servers (with a speed limiter :D) as I've never actually driven it since 2016.

Finally, I just want to say to all the players that like to go to Calais-Duisburg road just to fly at 170Km/h that you have not one, but two arcade servers to use without the problem of being banned for reckless driving (since there are no collisions) and without annoying other players that have to use that road to make a delivery.

Last thing:

"Duplicate parts are now permitted, however abusing this by adding an excessive amount is not allowed (see below)" (taken from first post)

What does it mean?

I think I've written everything I had to say with this post.

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For the people asking for one arcade server to have collisions, everyone will go there instead of the simulation servers and it will be like the chaos EU2 used to be before they added the 150 km/h speed limit which they added for a reason because of cars going 200+ km/h or trucks going up to 170-175 km/h and crashing into everyone. I couldn't imagine seeing that again it would be insane and very chaotic. They want most people to play on the simulation servers anyway because that's the path they want to go toward.


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3 minutes ago, dragonslayingmaster1000 said:

For the people asking for one arcade server to have collisions, everyone will go there instead of the simulation servers and it will be like the chaos EU2 used to be before they added the 150 km/h speed limit which they added for a reason because of cars going 200+ km/h or trucks going up to 170-175 km/h and crashing into everyone. I couldn't imagine seeing that again it would be insane and very chaotic. They want most people to play on the simulation servers anyway because that's the path they want to go toward.


that's your opinion we respect it but by the way i said to put collisions without possibility of reports ... if they go to that server they will know what to expect u will have your simulation servers and play as long as u want with 110 km/h 

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@dacia1310 OK. I made it clear that my version of the story is based on what I remember and that I can be wrong, but the same applies to you. But no, you speak "absolutely true". I've seen those posts of mine reacted with "True story" by other veteran users, none of yours have received a similar reaction. Let's try again


"i disagree why do u say that #eu1 was with 90km/h from the scratch thats untrue man .. because they didn't had the means to limit the server at 90km/h  i remember that good u cannot say  that this is true man u didn't have from the scratch 90km/h and sneak in the fire when I say that"

Then why so many people started whining until EU#2 was opened? Why did they need EU#2 if EU#1 did not have speed limits? Search in your screenshots and show me, please.


"this is absolutely true"

Who would dare doubt that! Seeing how all your other "facts" have nothing to doubt about.


"the report system in the beginings i said that it wasnt any forum like u say to report from the begining.. u just right click on the player and name the reason and thats it, when the admin show the reason he took action it is not like u say with video evidence, the video evidence and all of that came after few weeks"

Ooooook... "You just right click on the player and name the reason..." What game have you been playing all these years? In the beginning, there were 2 ways to report other players: Video evidence, posted on a specific reports section of the forums, or in-game, opening the chat and typing /report ID reason. You really don't remember this? It makes me doubt about everything else you say you  remember... And yes, when you used the /report command, an admin (if available) would teleport to the location and if he didn't see anything wrong, he wouldn't ban anyone. Maybe you have "unfair" bans and that's why you complain so much about reports and the people who send them? The only similar to what you describe is the current system (which was implemented around 2016), open the TAB window, right click to enable the pointer, select the player, hit Report, choose a reason, hit send report. Nothing to do with the initial reporting methods. This current system, in case you don't remember, was implemented to remove the chat /report command, because it was too messy for admins to deal with reports with all kinds of weird reasons written in all kinds of languages.


"what rules did u follow man" 

All of them. Did and keep doing. What rules do YOU follow?


"you had your #eu1 empty server why do u complain like a baby and repeat your self as the same thing over and over"

What does this have to do with the current discussion? I'm not complaining, I'm happy with how things are now, need I to remind you WHO is complaining like a baby? With TWO arcade servers empty?


"this is the game u go over and over with the simulation game ... remember its just a game not a simulator !!!!!!!! "

OMG. This is just unbelievable. ETS2. ATS. Do you really not know what the S stand for in both names? And don't you know who is repeating "It's just a game" for several days now?


"you attack some persons here u accuse us of being trolls and rammers and s....."

Who exactly have I attacked here other than "trolls, reckless drivers, idiots on the roads, etc." Give me a name or shut the... You know.


"but u are selfish and u keep doing that why ? because some of us want something that u don't ???????"

Like I said, I'm happy with the current situation. I play simulation, yes, but that means that in the servers, I'm respectful towards all other players as long as they don't F*** with my game. If this happens, I simply record and report and keep playing. It's you and the people like you that are complaining and whining because you can't do everything you want, which seems to be driving recklessly fast and be able to crash into others or be crashed into by others. I've suggested solutions to make the arcade style players happier (and you should know this, like enabling collisions in one of the servers but keeping it no-rules). You and most of the people like you have suggested nothing. You only demand. Demand that TMP gives your precious EU#2 back. Because that's what you want. And I am the selfish one?? Funny!


And this is the end of this discussion for me. I'm not going to waste any more time, I've tried to give arguments, facts, solutions, you only give your own memories (which, honestly, don't seem to be so accurate), complaints, demands and disrespect. Farewell and try to enjoy the TMP, be it in Simulation servers or in Arcade ones. "It's just a game", after all.

Edited by FernandoCR [ESP]
Correcting typos
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8 minutes ago, FernandoCR [ESP] said:

@dacia1310 OK. I made it clear that my version of the story is based on what I remember and that I can be wrong, but the same applies to you. But no, you speak "absolutely true". I've seen those posts of mine reacted with "True story" by other veteran users, none of yours have received a similar reaction. Let's try again


"i disagree why do u say that #eu1 was with 90km/h from the scratch thats untrue man .. because they didn't had the means to limit the server at 90km/h  i remember that good u cannot say  that this is true man u didn't have from the scratch 90km/h and sneak in the fire when I say that"

Then why so many people started whining until EU#2 was opened? Why did they need EU#2 if EU#1 did not have speed limits? Search in your screenshots and show me, please.


"this is absolutely true"

Who would dare doubt that! Seeing how all your other "facts" have nothing to doubt about.


"the report system in the beginings i said that it wasnt any forum like u say to report from the begining.. u just right click on the player and name the reason and thats it, when the admin show the reason he took action it is not like u say with video evidence, the video evidence and all of that came after few weeks"

Ooooook... "You just righ click on the player and name the reason..." What game have you been playing all these years? In the beginning, there were 2 ways to report other players: Video evidence posted on a specific reports section of the forums, or in-game, opening the chat and typing /report ID reason. You really don't remember this? It makes me doubt about everything else you say you  remember... And yes, when you used the /report command, an admin (if available) would teleport to the location and if he didn't see anything wrong, he wouldn't ban anyone. Maybe you have "unfair" bans and that's why you complain so much about reports and the people who send them? The only similar to what you describe is the current system (which was implemented around 2016), open the TAB window, right click to enable the pointer, select the player, hit Report, choose a reason, hit send report. Nothing to do with the initial reporting methods. This current system, in case you don't remember, was implemented to remove the chat /report command, because it was too messy for admins to deal with reports with all kinds of weird reasons written in all kinds of languages.


"what rules did u follow man" 

All of them. Did and keep doing. What rules do YOU follow?


"you had your #eu1 empty server why do u complain like a baby and repeat your self as the same thing over and over"

What does this have to do with the current discussion? I'm not complaining, I'm happy with how things are now, need I to remind you WHO is complaining like a baby? With TWO arcade servers empty?


"this is the game u go over and over with the simulation game ... remember its just a game not a simulator !!!!!!!! "

OMG. This is just unbelievable. ETS2. ATS. Do you really not know what the S stand for in both names? And don't you know who is repeating "It's just a game" for several days now?


"you attack some persons here u accuse us of being trolls and rammers and s....."

Who exactly have I attacked here other than "trolls, reckless drivers, idiots on the roads, etc." Give me a name or shut the... You know.


"but u are selfish and u keep doing that why ? because some of us want something that u don't ???????"

Like I said, I'm happy with the current situation. I play simulation, yes, but that means that in the servers, I'm respectful towards all other players as long as they don't F*** with my game. If this happens, I simply record and report and keep playing. It's you and the people like you that are complaining and whining because you can't do everything you want, which seems to be driving recklessly fast and be able to crash into others or be crashed into by others. I've suggested solutions to make the arcade style players happier (and you should know this, like enabling collisions in one of the servers but keeping it no-rules). You and most of the people like you have suggested nothing. You only demand. Demand that TMP gives your precious EU#2 back. Because that's what you want. And I am the selfish one?? Funny!


And this is the end of this discussion for me. I'm not going to waste any more time, I've tried to give arguments, facts, solutions, you only give your own memories (which, honestly, don't seem to be so accurate), complaints, demands and disrespect. Farewell and try to enjoy the TMP, be it in Simulation servers or in Arcade ones. "It's just a game", after all.

@FernandoCR [ESP]

Then why so many people started whining until EU#2 was opened? Why did they need EU#2 if EU#1 did not have speed limits? Search in your screenshots and show me, please.

 the multiplayer was before november 2014 - the server was made i think in the end of april i said i have screenshots from that begining the fact that u say that it was opened in november 2014 disregard your words, i said that i have screenshots to show u that indeed  the multiplayer exists even from may 2014 u said no.... thats why i said u didn't have 90km/h limit from the scratch because u don't know what happend before if somebody agrees with u that doesn't mean its true .... bring me those evidence that they had 90km/h in that period and i will bring mine without any limit.


Ooooook... "You just righ click on the player and name the reason..." What game have you been playing all these years? In the beginning, there were 2 ways to report other players: Video evidence posted on a specific reports section of the forums, or in-game, opening the chat and typing /report ID reason. You really don't remember this? It makes me doubt about everything else you say you  remember... And yes, when you used the /report command, an admin (if available) would teleport to the location and if he didn't see anything wrong, he wouldn't ban anyone. Maybe you have "unfair" bans and that's why you complain so much about reports and the people who send them? The only similar to what you describe is the current system (which was implemented around 2016), open the TAB window, right click to enable the pointer, select the player, hit Report, choose a reason, hit send report. Nothing to do with the initial reporting methods. This current system, in case you don't remember, was implemented to remove the chat /report command, because it was too messy for admins to deal with reports with all kinds of weird reasons written in all kinds of languages.

 i didn't say anything about the new report system that was in 2016 i`m talking about the first report system from i think begining of 2015 ........... when even u say they had the video evidence i disagree on that because i saw players and i`m not talking about me ... that were my friends in fact that were banned in front of me by the admins for something that he didn't do for no reason, and i`m sorry that i don't have that evidence to show u, but believe me some of these reprorts in that period were like this and for sure u always disagree u "know it all".


All of them. Did and keep doing. What rules do YOU follow?

i follow every rule as i could, i couldn't be every time perfect, and when was wrong i payed for it without protesting knowing i messed up. i agree with all the rules and just fyi everyone makes mistakes, and even the easy ones are payed .

OMG. This is just unbelievable. ETS2. ATS. Do you really not know what the S stand for in both names? And don't you know who is repeating "It's just a game" for several days now?

Omg in your words: do you really know what a game is ????????? i know the s stands for simulation, but i say what i said on one of my above posts if this were a simulator they should of implemented it as a Simulator !!!!!!! .. before you give your test for driver's licence in real life.

You should consult a shrink about this - its just a game.


Who exactly have I attacked here other than "trolls, reckless drivers, idiots on the roads, etc." Give me a name or shut the... You know.

you attacked me every time when i was the contrary of you ... you don't support noone that speaks their opinion diffrent than yours , you always are right .... and so on and i`m not the only one who u attacked ..

i repeat my self i didn't stay like u in forums to aquire new friends and other stuff   - they give you "upvote" or "like" or right ... - your not mister know it all this is all i`m saying.


Like I said, I'm happy with the current situation. I play simulation, yes, but that means that in the servers, I'm respectful towards all other players as long as they don't F*** with my game. If this happens, I simply record and report and keep playing. It's you and the people like you that are complaining and whining because you can't do everything you want, which seems to be driving recklessly fast and be able to crash into others or be crashed into by others. I've suggested solutions to make the arcade style players happier (and you should know this, like enabling collisions in one of the servers but keeping it no-rules). You and most of the people like you have suggested nothing. You only demand. Demand that TMP gives your precious EU#2 back. Because that's what you want. And I am the selfish one?? Funny!


the funny thing is that this is not our first discusion about the simulation servers and the non speed limiter servers this is our second discusion about this thing .. if u watch the ex discusions in the past .. u are always arrogant and superior like your the god here and so on . 

i don't want #eu2 back i want what should be right - i mean if they give us 2 arcade servers they should make one with collisions and one without .........we demand ??????????? if we demand what do u do? i tell u , u demand same as me in the past same ... i told u that u are selfish because u always thinking firstly at your self and after that to the player that plays besides u this is my opinion.

and is one more thing here the freedom of speech because thats why is democracy to express a certain idea .


And this is the end of this discussion for me. I'm not going to waste any more time, I've tried to give arguments, facts, solutions, you only give your own memories (which, honestly, don't seem to be so accurate), complaints, demands and disrespect. Farewell and try to enjoy the TMP, be it in Simulation servers or in Arcade ones. "It's just a game", after all.

what facts did u give me always u said that trolls knock u over and gived u damage on #eu 2 u had your #eu1 server noone told u to come on #eu2 

i don't give u just memories u are the one who said that the server #eu1 was with 90km/h from the scratch not me ... and i told also that when the server was online for the first time there were 5000 slots. u are talking about complaints, demands and disrespect ? u disrespect me one time in an above post and u`re talking about disrespect ... why thank u. 

you are the best player i ever talked to ... clearly u`re thinking one side here.

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Guest adesjou

 Only the time will say if is a good change or not. for now it appears to road back to 2015, maybe thats good.



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@FernandoCR [ESP] Yep that's correct it was /report id back in the early days ( i wish it was still an option ), I think they added EU2 because more people wanted to play & the original server couldnt handle the numbers, then people said they wanted to go faster than 56mph so they set it to 68 & then people wanted no limit so it was ( as fast as you can physically go ) which was fine for ages until the skoda was brought in! The rest as they say is history & sadly the original concept was lost ( eu1 became a ghost town ). In fact i believe it was ncz originally with the speed limit. When you install truckersmp the installer still retains the iconic early ets2mp image from when it was a mirror download! #VeteranIV #whenyouknowyouknow #nostalgia B)



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16 hours ago, Killua // Ireland ^_^ said:

the TMP5 server was actually a big success, people knew road rules didn't apply there and alot of players really enjoyed it, I myself spent some time in there and people loved it, an arcade server with collisions could be similar with most knowing the road rules do not apply, might also help rid the Simulation servers of the reckless drivers aswell as meaning players who like the middle ground between NCZ no speed limit arcade servers and the 110k/h Simulation servers would now have a server to goto.


Right now Simulation 1 is EU2 at slower speeds, the changes have not improved peoples driving, you still have the players overtaking traffic jams, overtaking when not safe and forcing their way past other players, ramming them etc and Duisburg is still the same chaotic mess it was before so even though its a Simulation server its not any better for many players who want true Simulation while also being not fun for all the good players who liked not being limited in speed.


the problem with NCZ servers is its just not very fun and so unrealistic to have everyone driving through everyone, I know it sounds a little bit silly to be saying people don't like the unrealistic NCZ servers while they like to speed in trucks but its a partly Sim more relaxed style of playing that many people enjoyed, 


for some players fun is obeying all the speed limits and playing as realistic as possible for others its still doing jobs obeying speed limits sometimes but other time speeding while on long journeys and for others speeding and using their skills of driving at speed, driving to the road conditions and enjoying the traffic jams and traffic when its busier, right now for many players with no middle ground server MP is just not fun anymore



@Killua // Ireland ^_^ That is 100% true.


I soon hope they realise that they have made a huge mistake when more and more people complain about simulation 1 not actually being a sim server. just to all the trollers being on that server

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6 hours ago, FernandoCR [ESP] said:

@Hecki_Stafman Thank you for clearing it out, but...

"#EU1 had a speed limit of 90 that could have increased to 110. Collisions were active before. Cars maybe, too. If not: activate."

Wrong. EU#1 had speed limits of 60/110 Km/h long before this latest change. And when this servers limits were changed from 90 to 110, simulation style players were astonished... Why? Nobody had asked for this.

And EU#2 server had more people because, like I said, it had almost twice as many slots as EU#1, 4200 vs. 2300. And cars. It's not forbidden or even strange that simulation players drive cars. Following the rules and the speed limits. And that was only possible in EU#2. See the difference? I used to play in EU#2, most of the time I wouldn't go faster than 80 Km/h, rarely at 90 Km/h and almost never faster than 90 Km/h. you can see that I couldn't care less about speed limits if they are at least 90 Km/h (and there's never been speed limits lower than that).


It's been said countless times: Simulation players didn't use EU#2 because of its "freedom", they used it because that's where they could find lots of other players almost everywhere. Same as now, there are lots of arcade style players using Simulation 1 server.


I don't know who exactly changed which server.

But if there was no cars on #EU1 I am at the point again: the could have bring them on #EU1.

"So or so" it is now on every simulation server and how I can see there is no difference between Sim1 and Sim2 - only the capacity.


The devs should have made the old #EU1 server more attractive for everyone.

Now we have to choose between a boring simulation server with 110 kmh and collisions and a boring arcade server with no speed limit and no collisions.

That is like choosing between pest and cholera.


And what about the reports?

As I started here at the end of last year I could write 30 reports.

With every accepted report I could go up and write one more report. 31, 32,33 and so on. Now I can write 67 reports.

Why don't they keep 30 reports max? Or reducing to 20?

So the people have to set priority for their reports. Now I can write reports for the little stupid things like a little ramming without any damage because I  am angry about the idiot who cut me off.

And as a reward I can write one more report.


The mods and the support here ARE making a good work. But they DO make themselves more work as they can actually  handle. And this is one part of choosing between pest and cholera.


Make #EU1 to the current Sim1-Server, reducing reports to 20 max. that players have to set their reporting priority to the stupidest idiots, what relieves the mods and support.

That's all.

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17 hours ago, Killua // Ireland ^_^ said:

the TMP5 server was actually a big success, people knew road rules didn't apply there and alot of players really enjoyed it, I myself spent some time in there and people loved it, an arcade server with collisions could be similar with most knowing the road rules do not apply, might also help rid the Simulation servers of the reckless drivers aswell as meaning players who like the middle ground between NCZ no speed limit arcade servers and the 110k/h Simulation servers would now have a server to goto.


Right now Simulation 1 is EU2 at slower speeds, the changes have not improved peoples driving, you still have the players overtaking traffic jams, overtaking when not safe and forcing their way past other players, ramming them etc and Duisburg is still the same chaotic mess it was before so even though its a Simulation server its not any better for many players who want true Simulation while also being not fun for all the good players who liked not being limited in speed.


the problem with NCZ servers is its just not very fun and so unrealistic to have everyone driving through everyone, I know it sounds a little bit silly to be saying people don't like the unrealistic NCZ servers while they like to speed in trucks but its a partly Sim more relaxed style of playing that many people enjoyed, 


for some players fun is obeying all the speed limits and playing as realistic as possible for others its still doing jobs obeying speed limits sometimes but other time speeding while on long journeys and for others speeding and using their skills of driving at speed, driving to the road conditions and enjoying the traffic jams and traffic when its busier, right now for many players with no middle ground server MP is just not fun anymore




This has been very well said, especially about EU5.


Truly hope that there is a more considerate approach.  I am not against the focus on simulation but I don’t hope this is a mean to get rid of all other drivers who just want to simulate a driving environment rather than to simulate a real life worker with a lot of limitations in a game.


Edit:  It has come to my attention that there is a particular comment disagreeing those who don’t see this game as a truck simulator.  Please be a more considerate person. “Go play NFS if you want speed” and “Go play EU1 if you want simulation” are just the same attitude that won’t help to the conflict surrounding this topic. 

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1 hour ago, ScaniaFan89 said:

@FernandoCR [ESP] Yep that's correct it was /report id back in the early days ( i wish it was still an option ), I think they added EU2 because more people wanted to play & the original server couldnt handle the numbers, then people said they wanted to go faster than 56mph so they set it to 68 & then people wanted no limit so it was ( as fast as you can physically go ) which was fine for ages until the skoda was brought in! The rest as they say is history & sadly the original concept was lost ( eu1 became a ghost town ). In fact i believe it was ncz originally with the speed limit. When you install truckersmp the installer still retains the iconic early ets2mp image from when it was a mirror download! #VeteranIV #whenyouknowyouknow #nostalgia B)



it was like this it was everywhere ncz because the devs worked to fix the entrance of the companies and so on because if someone would toch somebody else the one in front would fly ...

it was without speed limit and this is how i remember it too

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1 hour ago, dacia1310 said:

it was like this it was everywhere ncz because the devs worked to fix the entrance of the companies and so on because if someone would toch somebody else the one in front would fly ...

it was without speed limit and this is how i remember it too

Was that when they added an extension to the europort ncz area as everyone was piling up & causing chaos? 

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If we return, we must return traffic jams in Rotterdam and the port :troll:(no)


Here is a good way to understand that the simulation is just as interesting:

TkTyH309Ts2vmAkYUj6ImQ.png open this achievement through World of trucks (https://www.worldoftrucks.com)


when you do this - speed of 110 km/h will be too big for you ;)


Бронзовый призёр в номинации "Сотрудник поддержки 2016"

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