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About dragonslayingmaster1000

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  1. Well TruckersMP could do ATS exclusive events of course, which they do real operations, convoys, etc. but that only brings players to ATS for one day. There has been some times where the main ATS servers were populated but mostly just because of SCS events/DLCs, I can give a few examples (I'm going to just copy paste this from another post I made in the past to make it easy): Feb 2016 (ATS Release): Not much knowledge on what areas were highly populated because I started playing truck sims in Nov 2017. I believe California route 1 was one of the more popular roads. There are plenty of videos on ATSMP from the early days around the first month or two of release. June-July 2018 (Operation Big Sur): This was an event by SCS where you had to deliver to repair a landslide and it was very chaotic with hundreds of players on one road, there's plenty of videos out there on that event. June-July 2019 (Washington DLC release): Player counts only around 600-800 for a few weeks but this was another situation where there was a popular long logging road to the east of Bellingham, it was a tight road to maneuver with lots of turns (similar to Kirkenes quarry in ETS2 Promods) and maybe 60+ players at a time so there were lots of traffic jams. Good amount of videos on this one too. Dec 2020 (Promods Canada support in TMP) - Player counts over 1000 for at least a month but unlike previous popular periods that I mentioned players were more spread out throughout Canada but because the map is quite small you could see players all the time. There was a lot of hype for this one combined with the fact that covid was around at the time so more players on of course. I think I got most of them but let me know if I missed any big player spikes. 2021 and beyond there wasn't any significant player counts due to convoy mode by SCS being released and player counts dropped by over 50% overall. If you're wondering here's where I got the historical player counts https://stats.truckersmp.com/ . At the bottom of the page you can see it and you can filter all servers except for ATS by clicking on all the other servers.
  2. I made a suggestion to improve ghost mode awhile back and it actually got accepted so it's at least much better than it used to be, people can't just spawn in the middle of the road with expired ghost mode, but now it's up to people to move off the road and come back when it's safe to do so, and if possible assuming your game didn't crash just move off the road in the first place before logging off.
  3. I have no problem with the cars themselves as long as people are using them responsibly which of course many people don't. And in TMP with ping being a thing and cars having truck-like physics a car can destroy a truck easily and yet they're able to drive off no problem most of the time and that can be very frustrating.
  4. Well it's not a huge deal to turn off high beams because they don't really blind you in this game but I would still do it for realism.
  5. The cars aren't the problem, bobtail trucks go just as fast or even faster than the car and even going around corners fast if using unrealistic stability settings which many of the reckless drivers do. They used to be more of a problem when TMP had the 150 km/h speed limit on the biggest server and even no speed limit at all many years ago. To get rid of reckless drivers TMP needs to be more strict with their rules and punish people who are driving recklessly. They don't ban reckless drivers in highly populated areas unless they cause a crash, only kicks. And last year they removed permanent bans and now you can only be banned up to 90 days. For these reasons, I haven't even bothered playing TMP since around the middle of last year because it's just going downhill. I would consider participating in events at least but my PC can't handle it so it's not as enjoyable.
  6. Suggestion Name: Longer period of inactivity before a topic can be archived on the ATS discussions section. Suggestion Description: Instead of the normal 2 weeks of inactivity before a topic is archived, I think that should be longer specifically on the ATS discussions section, maybe around 1-2 months at least. Any example images: None Why should it be added?: That section of the forum is not posted on that often and is often empty or only has 1-2 topics because they always get archived. If they are allowed to be left up for 1-2 months without any activity it's not like it will clog the forum up because not many people make threads on there in the first place. It would be nice to have some threads to reply to on there but it's often empty.
  7. I might attend this one, I did participate in Real Ops V12 in ATS back in September and that was pretty good.
  8. As a 6th ban a 1 year ban could be good, but I think whether someone did it on purpose should be considered too because some people make actual mistakes occasionally, like I said in my reply above.
  9. In a way I do like this change but at the same time it's not good and could be adjusted for sure. It's good because there's some people in the community that have been around for 5-6+ years and may have a few bans from some mistakes they occasionally made in the past but they do their best to be a good player. It's good to know older players will have some leniency if they're on their 4th ban. I personally have 3 bans on my record over the past 4.5 years of playing TMP, only 1 for a driving related offense and 2 are chat related (profanity), that is something that would be nice to have changed to mutes instead but not gonna go into that. At the same time for the people who are actually bad players and intentionally drive recklessly (constantly overtaking on CD road is the most common rule breaking you will see) only get a 90 day ban that is never increased, the threat of a permaban didn't prevent many trolls from being intentionally reckless so a 90 day ban will definitely make that worse. Not sure what can be done about that because at the same time this is good for older players who typically drive more safely but inevitably they will make mistakes sometimes. Maybe ban lengths or whether someone deserves a ban at all should be determined on whether it was on purpose or not. And if it's determined it wasn't on purpose (such as equipment malfunction, they were driving a reasonable speed, driving normally before the accident, etc.) the next ban they get the length should not be increased or just have a lesser cooldown period until it won't get stepped up (perhaps from 1 year to 180 days). Also if you don't get any punishments in 2-2.5 years, you should go down a punishment tier.
  10. Well, because this this is going to be a really big event and I'm on a low end PC the fps is going to be a big disadvantage, it doesn't have anything to do with skill at that point it's just who has the better PC is faster, I would be crawling on like 5 fps or less probably and because of that I would likely have no chance to win even the first thing which is a drag race. Even those on mid-end PCs would probably struggle and have a significant disadvantage. That said, I'm definitely not going to be playing. I know it's not TMP's fault but just something I wanted to point out that it's not exactly fair to some people. However, this event still sounds like a great concept.
  11. One suggestion I have is to check your microphone privacy settings. Just search up "microphone privacy settings" in the search box and it will show up, it's in the settings app. Make sure that the 3 settings on there, "Allow access to the microphone on this device", "Allow apps to access your microphone", and "Allow desktop apps to access your microphone" are turned on. I had a problem with that in other games awhile ago and that fixed it for me, hopefully it works for you as well.
  12. Try asking on the Help section: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/55-help/
  13. I've been doing the Operation HQ event and I've seen a fair amount of people doing this, but based on the points in this guide I can say that most people actually don't know they're crashing into people. Thanks for making this guide! I hope that TMP will do something about this big problem, I know TMP is in alpha but they're really prioritizing buses and other stuff we don't need instead of fixing these major bugs. Unreliable connection kicks are also another big one that needs to be fixed.
  14. It could happen, since they did do it for the Operation Big Sur WoT event in ATS.
  15. Flashbacks to the One Truck Family or Operation Big Sur WoT events anyone? I haven't tried it yet but I imagine it's something like that. This is what it looks like on the map if anyone is wondering how chaotic it is: https://prnt.sc/26vqz69
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