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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Smiiley

  • Birthday 04/10/1998

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  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Gaming, real life trucking
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Camp Verde
  • EU Garage Location
    Sweden: Stockholm
  • Known languages
    English, Swedish

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  1. +1 Accidents are caused by not having rear lights, also the trucks looks half finished without a front
  2. As a real simulation guy and a real life trucker i love this new update. IRL you can't go above 90km/h as most modern trucks has a limiter at that speed. Good job TMP team, this was needed!
  3. Awesome, now i can drive with nicer graphics in MP aswell
  4. I don't have the Schwarzmuller DLC which seems to be the problem. I just thought they would of done the same with Schwarzmuller DLC as with Krone where its a custom skin saying "Buy Krone DLC". Thanks for the answers, this can be closed as it has been resolved
  5. So from time to time i see people with red trailers and either its a company trailer that is just red, or its a red one saying texture? Anyone knows why this occures?
  6. Do i have to mod it in SP first then go into MP as if i have the addon mod by forerunner activated and goes into MP i still can't edit my trailers?
  7. Supported, this is kinda annoying!
  8. Supported idea
  9. Nope!
  10. @Ali. So you are not able to just set it to Zeyrox as that is what i put in but think i had a custom format copied with the name? Or do i have to play as User_TMPID for 14 days now?
  11. So i just changed my in-game name on TMP and i accidently put it in a font which i guess TMP does not support so now my name in-game are just a bunch of question marks... Is there anyway i could contact a member of staff to manually fix it or do i have to wait the 14 days?
  12. Awesome news!
  13. So far i am winning!
  14. Supported, i myself are in my final year in school to become a truck driver! I would love to have that!
  15. It was @[RLC] Elsassisch_Trucker Once again thanks for fast support!
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