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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by -Dan-

  1. Taking a closer look at the games,its funny how much content SCS has recycled from the past titles

    1. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Why fix what is not broken?


      SCS is not the only game company who recycles materials from past games. It's cheaper this way and saves time. Besides, SCS is a very small company with a small budget so all the cash they can save is welcome.

    2. -Dan-


      Indeed,but using same prefabs from ets2 for ats feels just a little lazy,I understand using stuff from the 18 WoS series,but copying from ets2 to ats may give deja-vus to players who own both titles (quarries for example)

    3. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Well, to be fair, some of these prefabs actually were made for ATS and ported over to Scandinavia. Though I do agree that there could be a little more variety. In particular the gas stations. They are not ports of ETS2 but most are just as small as Europe's.

  2. Anyone can update this guy`s mod?

    It`s the best mod for this thing,but for some reason it doesn`t work with advanced coupling


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Creatured


      even Jazzycat's don't work yet


    3. -Dan-


      Indeed,Jazzycat`s don`t work,but I have a few mods that work perfectly,one of them even has the animation

    4. -Dan-


      Took a closer look,Jazzycat`s mod actually support advanced trailer coupling

  3. Be careful when you pop your zits..I have to take antibiotics for 1 week because of an infected zit on the top lip ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -Dan-


      I can provide pics if you want ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    3. Cyrusj


      That seriously sucks!

      I bet it hurts like hell.

    4. -Dan-


      It`s not that bad,but yea,pretty nasty

  4. Old meme,but gold



  5. Anyone knows the correct price per km for truck deliveries in USA ? Trying to improve my ats experience

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -Dan-


      0.45 holy god,I was thinking 3 to 4 dollars

    3. [VIVA] Savage Frog

      [VIVA] Savage Frog

      3 to 4 dollars?! you serious m8? xD

    4. -Dan-


      Idk,I`m no trucker :P


      With 0.45 I will never pay my debts

  6. Found this Asian Convoy,they look so cute



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Artical DAN

      Artical DAN


    3. Alex [ITA]

      Alex [ITA]

      *smack* Btw SK - Ter* Is a big company... I saw one their convoy and there were a lot of trucks...

    4. -Dan-


      Indeed,lately,I`ve seen at least 5 or 6 convoys from this vtc


      And they are friendly too,I just went into service and they greeted me

  7. Is there a mod to add the V8 Interior to the Streamline ?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. -Dan-


      Meh  ¯\_`ツ`_/¯

    3. UserX
    4. -Dan-


      (∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚.*

  8. A guy with a Mercedes was overtaking at Europort





    He was banned for speedhacking

  9. Anyone here plays csgo? 


  10. 10/10 would watch



  11. Finding your tuner friend



    1. [Viva] Ryannm

      [Viva] Ryannm

      ooh i love it this has just forced me to get the new dlc

    2. -Dan-


      Just so you can see it clear


    3. -Dan-
  12. Anyone knows a good VPN program with connection in India that is free? No ZenVPN

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. RayRay5


      Cyberghost VPN is quite good. Free version has a queue and a limited server selection, but that all is already enough for most uses

    3. RayRay5


      (and as I am reading your previous comments, I must add that it does not provide Indian servers)

    4. -Dan-


      Thanks for the answer Ray,already tried this one aswell

      And I`m so mad,because ZenVPN was working well,but fool me unistalled it and now it won`t work to install again ;-;

  13.  Last night,a DJ had a contest,to send him a message about what should he eat,and the best message receives a 10 pounds steam card..Did the winner get announced?

  14. BeamNG,Spintires or Trackmania United Forever?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spieker



    3. -Dan-


      Too bad,I bought Asseto Corsa from India for only 6 euros and now I got it locked in my invetory as a gift and only unlockable in india xd

    4. Spieker
  15. No matter how evil EA might be,their customer service is by far one of the best ones

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -Dan-


      Not only that they are very nice to you,BUT,the reason I bow to them is that I literally asked for a 10 euros DLC for NFSMW 2012 and they gave it to me :D

    3. Matt #CarLadMatt
  16. I found this


    They got it working again?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Seasons


      Or make double trailers only allowed to use the calais/amsterdam ports

    3. Save


      at 9:06, those sharp corners could make it like hell for everyone that uses the double trailers lol

    4. FirestarteR93
  17. (⌐■ ͜ʖ■)

  18. How much am I supposed to wait to get a ban appeal response?

    1. Forerunner


      Only the admin who banned you can accept/decline your appeal. The admin may be in a different time-zone or be at work. They will get to it as soon as they can. Please refrain from posting about your ban/appeal in future.

    2. -Dan-


      I just asked y`know,thank you for the answer

  19. First,I derank on csgo,then I get 3 days ban because I got knocked and couldnt move outside of Rotterdam ;-;

    1. dean142


      What rank where you? :)

    2. -Dan-


      Nova Master,but thanks to russian help,Nova 3 now 

    3. dean142
  20. Anyone here has any Myria products?

  21. Isn`t this just magnificent?

    1. FirestarteR93
    2. -Dan-


      Awful that two unfortunate events have ended this

    3. TrademarkGamer
  22. Bearded dragon

  23. Getting into arguments with low IQ people is oddly funny

    1. Haulvoc


      Don't argue with fools, they'll drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

    2. -Dan-


      Haulvoc,that is by far the best advice i`ve heard this year (no pun intended)..Too bad I love proving people wrong

    3. jx_23


      You cant win an argument with dumb people :P

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