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Veteran Driver X
 TruckersMP Profile
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About McFreshi

  • Birthday 07/09/1998

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
  • Interests
    McWomans ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Hamburg

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Community Answers

  1. Guess who remembered TruckersMP is still a thing after a few years!
    How is everyone doing?

  2. Happy Birthday! ?

  3. Happy Birthday Mate :mlg_doge:

  4. yF1gIuJ.jpg


    Y tho. Had my signature for that like half a year? Clarification pls?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. McFreshi


      @Miles. But when has it been changed?

    3. Subtle [HKG]

      Subtle [HKG]

      We have the following restrictions on signature size:

      • Max height: 150px (Any height excess of 150 px will be hidden automatically)
      • Max filesize: 150KB total download

      In addition, no blinking gifs or other animations are allowed.

      Moving gifs or animations are allowed.



    4. Subtle [HKG]

      Subtle [HKG]

      We have the following restrictions on signature size:

      • Max height: 150px (Any height excess of 150 px will be hidden automatically)
      • Max filesize: 150KB total download

      In addition, no blinking gifs or other animations are allowed.

      Moving gifs or animations are allowed.



  5. I don't know what's wrong with your games, but I can get it for my Peterbilt on MP without the use of any mods..
  6. There's a reason for 3 ETS and ATS servers individually. It already helps, if convoys were held on a lower populated server.
  7. The reason why Canadian streamers should stick to Forza if anything. He drove with the retarder on for the whole video... T_T


    1. Kamusel


      Most of the "popular" twitch streamers cause so many problems. No real regard for anyone else 

    2. McFreshi


      Would be funny to see him being banned one day, because of this lol @ffwjag

    3. Amazing Red Panda

      Amazing Red Panda

      ^ getting banned when he stream, lol :D

  8. Is there no status page anymore? Like to look up the current amount of players on the servers... I can't find it anywhere..


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. heyhococo


      @MrCreeper What would yours be without a custom one? Cos you have like 7k posts :D

    3. Dancool000
    4. heyhococo


      @MrCreeper It doesn't change anymore after something like 2000 posts then- Your spam is worthless... Jks ;)

  10. Rank: God of Truckers.. All praise the lord McFreshi! :D

  11. That's a reason, why you have to report someone with their TruckersMP ID and not their name. If you are ingame type /pinfo <insernumberhere> to find it
  12. Jesus Christ that kid that got banned coz he insulted me just can't stop insulting me below my videos. But that's not a reason to ban him permanently. Just sayin'.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NoTime4name


      Just block him from your channel if it annoys you

    3. Puncake


      wait, whos banned?

    4. McFreshi


      @notime4name I already did lol

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