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Subtle [HKG]

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Subtle [HKG] last won the day on May 18 2016

Subtle [HKG] had the most liked content!

About Subtle [HKG]

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  • Gender
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: London
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Subtle [HKG]'s Achievements


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Community Answers

  1. Happy Birthday :HaulieLove:

  2. It's been a while since i'm here again, hope everyone's doing well during these difficult times 

    1. GonzagaSX


      Hello @Subtle [HKG]


      We can't deny that it's hard really, but each one of us helping ourselves we are trying to live for the best and hoping that 2022 will be a much better fresh start, and we also hope that you are well ?

    2. TACCOO


      Hey bro welcome back We are happy to see you again

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Hey, long time no see ?? I'm doing good, hope your doing well too ❤️

  3. Buddy i wish you all the best for your Day. Happy Birthday too youu ❤️

  4. congratulations;)

    1. Matt-Damon


      good afternoon


  5. Guest


  6. Hey, hello, does Subtle add a friend to Steam? Congratulations on your promotion.

  7. Congrats on your promotion

  8. Is obama still a part of the US government after he finished his tenure???? Then what's the logic of adding retired TMP staff into the staff team when they have been retired and not a part of the team anymore? the retired member and legend is just a role to let us remember the stuff that those people have done when they're still TMP staff, other than that there's no difference with normal players . -1
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