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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by v8Smokin

  1. Welcome to the Team! :D 

    1. -Tomukas-


      Thank you very much mate :=) <3

  2. Happy Birthday! :D 

    1. EPS!LON


      Thank you so much

  3. Congratulations!! :D 

    1. legress


      Thank you a lot! <3

  4. Happy Birthday! :D 

  5. Congrats man! :D 

    1. Kap.


      Thank you

  6. Happy Birthday! :) 

  7. Congratulations mate! :D 

    1. Aestrial


      Thanks mate, appreciated! :D 

  8. Congratulations buddy! :D 

    1. Smoky


      Thanks :) 

  9. Happy Birthday! :) bit late, sorry.

    1. ^Dominik^


      Thank you,sorry for my late answer 

  10. Happy Birthday! :D 

  11. Superb work from the Developers like always! It was a horrible process having to wait, but it was well worth it.
  12. Happy Birthday! :D 

  13. Hello, Firstly, let me just say Thank you for taking the time to review my Topic. I have been thinking for a while now as to why there isn't such rank for "Premium". This would be a purchasable membership, (Monthly/Annually) subscription available to all Members. Suggestions as to what could be available for those that purchase. Premium Username Colour Premium User Title & Banner Extended amount of Inbox storage Symbol next to their name In-Game Access to Premium Discord Channels Extra VTC Topic Options (Title Colours) Option to Open/Close own VTC/Tool Topics This could be a recurring Membership or it could also be a one off with lifetime access. I believe that with the current state and future of TruckersMP, a Premium Membership would be a very nice addtion to this Project. The payments received through this Membership would also provide further support to the future of TruckersMP and it's possible featues. Important: Each and everyone of you are open to your own opinions. This could be a Membership that is built around the suggestions of others and the TruckersMP Team.
  14. Congratulations on the new position! :D 

  15. Survey completed. These surveys are a great way to get feedback from members of the Community.
  16. Happy Birthday! :D 

  17. Happy Birthday! :)

  18. Happy Birthday! :P

  19. //Topic Inactive. //Locked and moved to Inactive Topics. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  20. @Kent Cargos LTD Has your problem been solved? Please let us know as soon as possible. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  21. v8Smokin

    Game Freezing

    @MASONJOHN1991 Has your problem been solved? Please let us know as soon as possible. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  22. //Topic Inactive. //Locked and moved to Inactive Topics. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
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