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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/18 in Posts

  1. [GAME MODERATOR] @[???????] Fallen [BY] has been promoted to Game Moderator Leader.
    34 points
  2. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @[ FC CEO ] Cooper-NL left the team due to lack of time. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR OBSERVER] @SuperMouse has been promoted to Trial Game Moderator.
    29 points
  3. Raise your eyes to the sky and marvel at the night sky - Euro Truck Simulator2: Space Paint Jobs Pack brings a touch of extra-terrestrial experience to the game. We have created 6 spacy paint jobs to decorate your trucks, plus 2 brand new cool cabin toys... You have probably noticed that we have slowed down the introduction of new cosmetic items via DLC to our games in recent times, even though a lot of players keep asking us for new decorations. We are trying to strike a new balance with the timing, and new cool stuff is also now coming as rewards for successful participation in the various World of Trucks events. We have quite a bunch of ideas for topics worth covering in future thematic paintjob packs, but we also enjoy working on input from the fan community, so if you have a great suggestion, we'll be happy to hear it. Then there are the country-based paint sets, we still owe the players in several large fan communities their set of truck paints. We'll need to see what we can do about it, especially as new map expansions are under development ;). View the full article
    6 points
  4. [GAME MODERATOR] @[LKW Tr.] bobi124 left the team due to lack of time.
    5 points
  5. [PLAYER] @DJFrontier joined the team as a Trial Support.
    4 points
  6. Topic original: Salut les routiers, Aujourd'hui nous avons une excitante annonce à vous partager. Nous avons décidé de mettre à jour les catégories de notre système de Feedback afin que ça soit plus simple pour vous d'entrer en contact avec le membre supérieur du personnel en fonction de la raison pour laquelle vous devez nous contacter. C'est une autre étape que nous prenons pour vous aider à utiliser nos systèmes en ligne et à vous impliquer davantage. Veuillez également vous rappeler que le système de Feedback ne doit pas être utilisé uniquement pour les réclamations. Le système peut être utilisé pour des commentaires généraux sur nos systèmes et des commentaires positifs sur nos services et les membres du personnel. Quelle était l'ancienne liste ? L'ancienne liste de catégories est la suivante: Game Moderator Bans Discord Support Moderateur/Forum Serveur d'événement/Demande de règles temporaires Feedback généraux Suggestions Questions Site Web/Jeu/Forum Plaintes par rapport aux bans Plaintes par rapport aux reports Plaintes par rapport aux GM Comme vous pouvez le voir, cette liste comportait de nombreuses options différentes, mais certaines options finiraient par être envoyées au même membre du personnel, puis la liste serait compilée et devenait de plus en plus grande, ce qui signifiait que nous n'étions pas aussi rapides que nous l'espérions l'être et c'est quelque chose que nous devions changer. Alors, qu'avez-vous fait pour changer cela ? Nous avons décidé de complètement réorganiser les catégories du système de Feedback et de simplifier la sélection de l’option dont vous avez besoin pour répondre à vos questions / problèmes. Ce qui suit est une liste des nouvelles catégories et quelques exemples de quand nous contacter et pour quoi. Project Management - Se diriger vers le Project Management. Peut être utilisé pour des problèmes et des plaintes de la part du personnel supérieur, ou pour des questions très importantes qui ne sont pas destinées à d'autres responsables. Community Management - Se diriger vers le Community Management. Peut être utilisé pour des commentaires sur un système qui a été implémenté et sur lequel vous souhaitez donner votre avis. Cela peut également être utilisé pour des suggestions et des questions. Game Management - Se diriger vers le Game Management. Peut être utilisé pour se plaindre des Game Moderator, d'un report ou d'un ban. S'il s'agit d'un ban rappelez-vous s'il vous plaît que vous devez avoir fait un appeal ban en premier. Community Moderation Management - Se diriger vers le Community Moderation Management. Peut être utilisé pour se plaindre d'un modérateur de Discord / Forums / Social Media et Twitch. Cela peut également être utilisé pour des commentaires, des questions générales et des compliments concernant les Community Moderator. Event Management- Se dirige vers l'Event Management. Peut être utilisé pour donner des commentaires sur les événements officiels TMP. Cela peut également être utilisé pour une demande de serveur d'événements et également pour des demandes de règles d'événement temporaires. Add-on Management- Se diriger vers l'Add-on Management. Peut être utilisé pour les commentaires sur les addons (mods, ajouts) que TMP crée pour ajouter à la modification, comme la revue des Scout Car une fois complet et disponible à utiliser. Media Management -Se diriger vers le Media Management. Peut être utilisé pour obtenir des commentaires sur les médias, tels que les affiches, les vidéos et les flux Twitch réalisés par l'équipe média. Support Management - Se dirige vers le Support Management. Peut être utilisé pour les plaintes concernant les membres du support. Peut également être utilisé pour obtenir des commentaires sur un ticket ou une réponse d'un membre de l'assistance sur la section d'aide du forum. Maintenant que cela a été mis en œuvre et est en ligne, nous espérons être plus cohérents dans nos commentaires et nous espérons pouvoir répondre à tous les tickets que nous recevrons de manière rapide et courtoise. Happy Trucking et bonne route, La Team TruckersMP Traduit par: @Elsassisch_Trucker [FR]
    3 points
  7. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR OBSERVER] @aluizio' has been promoted to Trial Game Moderator. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @Adrian22-PL has been promoted to Game Moderator.
    3 points
  8. Wer war alles da? Leider konnte ich dieses Jahr nicht dabei sein deshalb würde ich mich interessieren wie die Gamescom dieses Jahr war. Und war jemand im Simulator ?
    2 points
  9. Po tym zdaniu szkoda mi czasu na dyskusje z toba...co ma MP do tego ? Ludzien ktorzy nie graja na mp kupuja te malowania tak samo jak i mapy i tuning packi bo chca to posiadac w grze a nie zeby sie chwalic na jakims tam MP przed dzieciakami !
    2 points
  10. I'm sorry, but that is just a stupid comment. Try processing 3300 survey entries on your own and then analyse it. No value, my a**.
    2 points
  11. We look at the complaints and other feedback when it's finished, not halfway through a survey since you can't summarize how many complaints we got when the survey isn't finished yet. This really depends on the workload of our Game Moderators. Sometimes it's high, sometimes it's low. We work with a FIFO-system (First In, First Out) what means that we will deal with the oldest reports first. Sometimes 1 user has more reports against him and that could by any chance be a report that is quite new. That's what makes some report being dealt with a bit faster and others a bit slower.
    2 points
  12. A message for everyone with comments about the rules about high traffic areas not being enforced or not properly being enforced: your comments have been noted and forwarded to our game managers for further discussion and follow-up.
    2 points
  13. [GAME MODERATOR] @flybel left the team due to personal reasons.
    2 points
  14. Suggestion Name: Add time stamps in chat Suggestion Description: Have the feature of enabling time stamps in chat which will refer to the real server time (the same as what the /time command displays). Any example images: Example of time stamps in Steam Chat Why should it be added?: Would be practical and easier in regards of reporting messages or any information shown in the chat (especially spam). It would also be quicker than having to type the /time command frequently when creating evidence for a person spamming or blocking for example. And of course be a neat feature I think many would appreciate having, also including that it would be toggleable.
    1 point
  15. why not add time inside the /pinfo string? [System] : Nickname : $ Id : $ Steamid64: $ TruckersMPID : $ UTC TIME $ this thing is more easy for who is no in utc time , in my case (ITALY) i need always to remove 2 hours from the recorded time
    1 point
  16. Suggestion Name: /afk command Suggestion Description: A new command where you can do /afk while standing still and your truck/car will be frozen and you won't have any collisions. If you type /afk again your truck will unfreeze and you'll be in ghost mode for about 10 seconds. When /afk is typed you will not be kicked for afk. If you didn't type /afk and you're afk you will be kicked for afk after 10 minutes like it's now. Any example images: None Why should it be added?: This will allow people to be afk without being in anyone's way and it will allow people to be afk for longer times.
    1 point
  17. Olá condutores, Hoje temos um anúncio importante para partilhar consigo. Decidimos atualizar as categorias do nosso sistema de feedback para facilitar o contacto com os membros da Staff, dependendo o motivo pelo qual precisa entrar em contacto. Este é mais um passo que estamos a dar para tornar as coisas mais fáceis para usar os nossos sistemas online e falar connosco. Lembre-se também que o sistema de feedback não deve ser usado apenas para reclamações. O sistema pode ser usado para feedback geral sobre os nossos sistemas, comentários positivos, serviços e membros da Staff. O que estava na antiga lista? A antiga lista de categorias é a seguinte: Game Moderator Bans Discord Support Moderator/Forum related General feedback Suggestions Questions Website/Game/Forum Complaints about bans Complaints about reports Complaints about GM Como pode ver, esta lista tinha muitas opções diferentes, mas algumas das opções acabariam por ir para o mesmo membro da Staff e, de seguida, a lista compilava e continuava a ficar maior e maior o que significava que não estávamos a ser tão rápidos como esperávamos, sendo algo que precisávamos de mudar. Então, o que fizeram para mudar ? Decidimos reformular completamente as categorias do sistema de feedback e assim, simplificar a seleção necessária para que a sua possível questão / dúvida seja respondida. Abaixo está uma lista das novas categorias e alguns exemplos de quando entrar em contacto para cada um. Project Management - Direciona para o Project Management. Pode ser usado para problemas e reclamações de membros da Staff ou assuntos muito importantes que não são para outros Staff. Community Management - Direciona para o Community Management. Direciona para o Community Management. Pode ser usado para dar feedback sobre um sistema que foi implementado e sobre o qual deseja dar um feedback. Também pode ser usado para sugestões e perguntas. Game Management - Direciona para o Game Management. Pode ser usado para reclamar dos moderadores de jogo, de um relatório ou de uma proibição. Se for de uma proibição, lembre-se de que deve fazer primeiro um "Appeal Ban". Community Moderation Management - Direciona para o Community Moderation Management. Pode ser usado para reclamar de um moderador de Discord / Fórum / Social Media e Twitch. Também pode ser usado para feedback, perguntas gerais e elogios aos moderadores da comunidade. Event Management - Direciona para o Event Management. Pode ser usado para dar um feedback sobre os eventos oficiais da TMP. Também pode ser usado para uma solicitação do servidor de eventos e também para solicitações de regras de eventos temporários. Add-on Management - Direciona para o Add-on Management. Pode ser usado para dar um feedback sobre os addons que a TMP está a criar para adicionar à modificação, como a modificação do carro Skoda, uma vez que esteja completo e disponível para uso. Media Management - Direciona para o Media Management. Pode ser usado para dar um feedback sobre os recursos de mídia, como os posters, vídeos e as transmissões da Twitch que são feitos por esta equipa. Support Management - Direciona para o Support Management. Pode ser usado para reclamações dos membros de suporte. Também pode ser usado para o feedback de um ticket ou uma resposta de um membro de suporte na seção de ajuda do fórum. Agora que foi implementado e está ao vivo, esperamos ser mais consistentes no nosso feedback e esperamos responder a todos os tickets de feedback que recebermos a tempo e atenciosamente. Boas conduções A equipa TruckersMP Ver post na página principal Tópico original: Traduzido por: @Tuna_
    1 point
  18. @Szeszej nikt Ci tu do gardla skakal nie bedzie Przy wydawaniu holenderskich PJ pisalem "z laski na ucieche PJ pod strzeche" dej Ci panie boze takiego urodzaju PJ w atsie to drugi PJ do ets w ciagu miesiaca czasu ? I ja nie wiem czemu sie upieracie czy jest sens kupowania do singla PJ czy nie. nie ma takiego obowiazku przeciez ale dysproporcje w tej materii miedzy obiema grami widac ogromna
    1 point
  19. Ahm I am a noob I can only do jobs I have not bought a truck so I cant sleep
    1 point
  20. Cóż są rzeczy ważne i ważniejsze. Co z tego, że Ty będziesz posiadał jakiegoś paint joba skoro inny gracz, który go nie zakupił i tak go nie widzi. Lepiej aby studio skupiło się np. na dopracowaniu w jak najlepszy sposób modelu własnych, naczep Kron, czy DLC mapowych w te czynności bardziej wydaję mi się, że studio angażuje swoich grafików dlatego tez mamy paint jobów tyle ile mamy. @K?sacz czy nie lepiej aby ta beta potrwała jeszcze tydzień lub dwa aby wszystkie błędy te większe jak i mniejsze zostały wyeliminowane ? Musisz pamiętać o tym, że jak do tej pory jest to największa aktualizacja zarówno ETS-a jak i ATS-a więc stąd też czas bety jest jaki jest. Beta która wnosi do gry nie aż tak dużo jak ta o oznaczeniu 1.32 faktycznie niech sobie trwa tak jak napisałeś 2 tygodnie. Wydaję mi się, że raczej powinniśmy się cieszyć z tego, że studio chce dopiąć wszystko na ostatni guzik aby wszystko grało i furczało a nie wypuścić bubla i później co chwilę wydawać updety aby to naprawić. Chyba że się mylę w takim razie proszę abyś mnie poprawił
    1 point
  21. Muito legal, Tuna, agradecemos mesmo pela sua tradução!
    1 point
  22. We are glad to hear that ! Thanks for all participants ! //locked and moved to solved
    1 point
  23. Hello, This topic has been inactive for more than 3 days and because of that, the topic will be moved to the 'Inactive topics' section. If you want to get it removed again, feel free to contact me. Best regards, AdaBey -TruckersMP Trial Support //locked and moved to Inactive
    1 point
  24. Yeah, ty guys. Ty guys. I got it finally
    1 point
  25. Merhaba, Verilen cevaplar sorununuzun çözümüne yardımcı oldu mu? Sorununuz çözüldüyse lütfen bunu bize bildirin.
    1 point
  26. Greetings @MrGamerSizZla I sort of solved this for another person on discord yesterday so gonna give you the exact same directions below. But first test what @Tudas said Test and do the following. left click Euro Truck Simulator 2 in your steam library. Press Launch with OpenGL (64-bit). Change to preferred graphic settings. Let the game be on for a min or 2 and drive around and see so that the changes have taken effect. Close the game. left click Euro Truck Simulator 2 in your steam library. Press Launch with DirectX (64-bit). Check so that the settings have been saved and still are in effect. And let the game run for a min or 2 and drive around. If it worked close the game and launch TruckersMP as normal. Let us know if this solves your problem by marking the best answer or down below. Regards. (SWE)Rasmus
    1 point
  27. I'm gonna move this to the Help section, as at the end it is help what you're looking for . This section is meant for Eurotruck Simulator 2 related discussions, but not issues or questions. If you ever need help again, please either stick to the Help section or create a support ticket here. Thanks! //Moved to Help.
    1 point
  28. @Tudas Im atm not home, but going to try it. If it dont work, im going to msg you and we are going to find a solution. Ty again.
    1 point
  29. Hello there buddy, @[VIVA] Rukiro Please let us know your question is answered
    1 point
  30. Greetings. Each report can only hold one perpetrator per report, so I believe your only shot would to be to create four separate reports. I do understand your concern about filling four report slots for what's supposedly only 1 report, but this is currently the way reports work. If you believe it's a feature that is missing on the website, feel free to post a suggestion about it (if there's no such suggestion, yet). I hope this helps you! Kind regards.
    1 point
  31. Hello, Sadly no you can't. You will have to report 1 by one with the same video. Regards, -Arctic Wolf
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Bonjour @EvoxX Ceci est un bug avec les voitures ! Vous avez deux solutions ! Soit vous utilisez une boite séquentielle, vous devrez alors configurer deux touches (une pour monter d'un rapport une pour descendre d'un rapport) de votre clavier, manette ou volant (je conseille les palettes si vous en avez). Soit vous restez en Automatique simple ou réelle ! Ce qui veut dire que quand vous voudrez changer de vitesse, lâcher l'accélérateur, laisser la vitesse s’enclencher, puis accélérer à nouveau ainsi de suite... En espérant vous avoir aider, Bienvenue à vous @leoloulou2 Je tien à vous expliquer que les accessoires de police sont seulement autorisés aux Game Moderator ! Personne ne peux les utiliser à pars eux ! Si vous avez bien lu le topic que vous avez insérer dans une de vos réponses, il est bien écris que: "Les accessoires de police ne sont disponibles que pour les admins, vous serez automatiquement kick du serveur dans le cas ou vous en possédez sur votre véhicule."
    1 point
  34. Дайте конфигурацию. А то i7-6700k+gtx980+16GbRAM не хватает. Там видео в 30 FPS =) Потому и дёргается. И графика вполне сносная. (+ ночь) А если серьёзно, ещё раз повторю: Иногда некоторые случайные события в мультиплеере не видны и для тех, у кого они включены (работают неправильно в мультиплеере).
    1 point
  35. If you are a long term player, it is kind of obvious where the crowded cities and roads are. Which is why I don't even attempt to go to crowded cities. I don't have a very good PC and I get 8FPS with 20+ people around me. I'd rather not risk lagging and being kicked. Empty roads are nice and when you have a friend around, it can get pretty fun. Slap some spotify or TFM on and you got an amazing combo. Traffic isn't something to waste time on! Gotta finish the job
    1 point
  36. [PLAYER] @Nody joined the team as a Trial game Moderator Observer. [PLAYER] @[VIVA] PsychicznyMajster joined the team as a Trial Game Moderator Observer.
    1 point
  37. /Moved to Help
    1 point
  38. The rules are there to make the gameplay better for everyone. Driving in these highly populated areas such as C-D road and even in the surrounding cities such as Rotterdam, Brussels ,Lille etc. Although certain people don't follow the rules, it's great to see an influx in moderators in those areas to set things straight and make sure that everything runs smoothly. A tip on how to survive these areas would be to; Don't drive at the top speed of the truck you're in (helps you control your truck in case of a crash on the road or stopped trucks). Leave a suitable amount of distance from you and the truck in front of you (helps with certain players who can lag etc). That is stuff that I can do to survive in highly populated areas as well as this - I tend to drive the speed limit (which annoys some players, not sure why) because it means that I have more control when driving. If you want to visit the cities that I said above, you can avoid the large amount of players by viewing this topic created by @heyhococo ;
    1 point
  39. Arada Uğrayalım kilit atıyor sonra https://prnt.sc/kmzfzl ŞATT konvoyundan bir kare https://prnt.sc/kmzhm7
    1 point
  40. Widzisz @SzeszejZmianę widzą wszyscy z wyjątkiem ,,kolegów" z Repińskiego. Wspomnę tutaj słowa, które kiedyś kolega Aro napisał ,,Nie jestem Alfą i Omegą aby wszystko wiedzieć". Kolego @[RT] Aro32 tutaj nawet nie trzeba mieć doktoratu oraz być alfą i omegą aby zobaczyć wprowadzone przez SCS ulepszenie tablic rejestracyjnych Wystarczy się po prostu przyjrzeć
    1 point
  41. [Community Moderator] @CJMAXiK [RU] has been promoted to a Developer.
    1 point
  42. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR OBSERVER] @Armonk has been promoted to Trial Game Moderator. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @RequieB has been promoted to Game Moderator. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @Bonnm has been promoted to Game Moderator. [SUPPORT] @XioPlay transferred to Trial Game Moderator Observer. [SUPPORT] @Frosty. transferred to Trial Game Moderator Observer. [GAME MODERATOR] @DanRO left the team due to personal reasons.
    1 point
  43. A few pieces of feedback on the survey itself. Page 7 of 10 assumes everyone has experience appealing a ban. As a user with no bans, I find it difficult to answer the two questions regarding ban appeal handling. The page also has questions in the form of "rate the quality of X reports handled by game moderators", which suggests I'm rating the quality of the reports, but I only know how good I think my own reports are, and I find it hard to believe that's what you were going for there. Was the intended meaning to rate the quality of the game moderators' work on my reports, perhaps? (i.e. how well the report was handled)
    1 point
  44. [COMMUNITY MANAGER] @Anriandor transfers to Game Manager. [GAME MODERATOR] @Pillow_ promoted to Community Manager.
    1 point
  45. [COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @Caermsoneidon has left the team due personal reasons. We thank him for all his work along with us here on his 1 year on Staff.
    1 point
  46. [PLAYER] @Rev. joined the team as a Trial Game Moderator Observer. [GAME MODERATOR LEADER] @-VOYVODA- steps down from his role, but remains as Game Moderator. [PLAYER] @sko0923 returned to the team as a Game Moderator.
    1 point
  47. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR OBSERVER] @Bull [NL] has been promoted to Trial Game Moderator. [COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTOR] @Killua // Ireland ^_^ joined the team as a Trial Game Moderator Observer.
    1 point
  48. Its an excellent idea. it shows the conversation time and if anyone spams or abuses easy to point and report with including time.
    1 point
  49. mogliby zrobić też jakieś nowe ładunki jakieś ciekawsze, kilka nowych firm bo wieje nudą, takie dlc bym chętnie kupił. Prawda jest taka że z byle pierdołą grzebią sie miesiącami a nawet latami. Co oni mają za ludzi tam leniwych czy co nie płacą im za free to robią że to tyle trwa? miliard modów robionych przez innych z prędkością światła a Ci z byle zderzakiem pół roku sie pie.... troche żenujące. Gdyby nie mp to ta gra już dawno by przy takim zaangażowaniu ze strony twórców umarła.
    1 point
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