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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/17 in all areas

  1. As of yesterday, I've been on the TMP staff team for 1 year. I was accepted as a moderator 20/04/16. I want to thank @Burner for giving me this chance. Since then I've become an IGA and just wanted to thank @Clarkinator for trusting me and giving me this opportunity. I still enjoy doing this for all you guys and will continue to for the foreseeable future
    11 points
  2. People should stop violating game rules and bans wont be a thing anymore neither will be admins. And isn't it stupid to +1 your own suggestion? also simply +1 to suggestion without stating why is considered useless. Big fat -1
    7 points
  3. Locked since some time has passed since the 1st of April.
    4 points
  4. uhhh welcome to C-D I guess https://gyazo.com/5b45a5f75795ebb0acc336a7f42193ff
    4 points
  5. game crash on the D-C road is over. As I understand it, it was because of a player with a mod that made other people crashed that where near... thanks admins for solving it this fast. well done
    3 points
  6. Cały SCS to niekończąca się bajka i obłudy społeczności więc wiesz xD
    3 points
  7. I think a car trailer in the Truck Simulator game is wrong. The cars were made so that the admins could go to the event more easily.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. Дорога Кале - Дуйсбург давно превратилась в сборище "дебилов", независимо от дня недели.
    2 points
  10. After revealing our plans for Heavy Cargo for Euro Truck Simulator 2, we have noticed some American Truck Simulator players worrying if we are not forgetting about them. Fear not, because we have something equally cool in the making for you! The US regulations are different from European, calling for different axle configurations for the special transport trailers. It takes a ton of skill to master driving these monstrosities, just look at the screenshots bellow... View the full article
    2 points
  11. Jak Range T do Viva La France xD?
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. If you get a ban, it's not the end of the world. We won't look at you as criminal. Mistakes can happen and can be caused by various reasons. Since mistakes can happen, we give a player some chances to improve themselves after a ban expires. The purpose of banning people is to remind them they broke a rule and that they need to understand what they did wrong and how they can improve. Obviously, we can not keep giving chances to a person if he clearly shows he doesn't learn from his mistakes. We have to put on a limit at some point. We are currently not going to change our ban system now, so I will reject this suggestion. Although we are not doing it now doesn't mean it will never change
    2 points
  14. Suggestion Name: Add friend in color in tab (and if it's possible in chat + in truck) Suggestion Description: Just a simply color, like blue Any example images: @Domi7237 @KillBones The good old time xD Why should it be added?: It is convenient !
    1 point
  15. Hello. If you encounter this problem, follow these instructions: This will help to solve many of the problems with multiplayer. Thank for attention and happy trucking!
    1 point
  16. "How to properly create a report and give valid evidence" Hello everyone. I decided to create this tutorial since many people don't know how to properly fill in a report and give us proper evidence and this is an issue that has been around for quite some time. With so many reports coming in, a perfect report that has only what we really need to ban a player, is what would let us to check reports faster and better. -PART 1 : Recording/Capturing an offence Many players record their sessions but some players can't use a recording program because their PC is slow and using a recording program would cause even more lag. Here's what you can do to give us proper evidence, whether it's a video or a picture. Video Evidence Recording an offence is always the best thing, it shows exactly what happened! However even if recordings are evidence that can't be proven wrong (almost), there are always some issues related to video evidence: very long videos with unrelated content, incomplete evidence, missing informations and video reports that would only need an image (I'll talk about this later). If you record your whole session on Twitch or YouTube (or similar), or you like to create compilations of reports that are longer than a few minutes, we need you to put in your report the exact time when the accident happens, we can't watch minutes and minutes of videos until the evidence pops up. Writing where in the video we have to look, will let us check only what we need for that report and we will be able to check it faster and go check another report. We really like your videos, but we don't want to watch them when we're doing our "job". This apply to shorter videos too: usually an evidence needed for a ban is from 10 to 30 seconds long, we know you're a good driver! But please show us only what we need for the report, you can always show off your driving style in the videos topic, we'll appreciate it much more there! Something like this would be enough for longer (or multi reports) videos (/pinfo in the video or in the report would be appreciated): Obviously we love short videos since they're faster to check and they contain what we need, but don't cut them too much (giving videos that could lead to some misunderstandings)! If the evidence of the video is too long you can still speed up the video. Always check the videos you give us, so we don't have to decline them for Wrong or Insufficent evidence! No one will waste time, we won't have to check a bad report and you won't have to create a new one. It's also important to give us evidence that happened recently, you can't report a player for an offence which is older than one month. Photo Evidence As I said, some people can't (or don't want to) use a recording program, that's fine! Some things can only be documented with a video (ramming and spamming cb for example) but other offences that can be documented with pictures are good as video evidence! You only need to take those screenshots properly! Things like blocking, insulting, driving a car with trailer, excessive save editing, inappropriate name/tag/picture, are fine with one or more screenshots. To prove that some player is blocking with screenshots you need to give us at least two pics (where you show the in-game time, so we can see how long he/she/it blocked). You can also use the /time chat commend to show real time. In most cases one picture for blocking is not enough. Obviously we ask for original and unedited screenshots, this is just an example to show what a valid evidence for blocking with a picture would look like: For proof like insulting/spamming chat/inappropriate language (etcetera) it would be better to have an in-game screenshot of the chat, sending us a picture of the chat logs would take longer to check and will probally be declined since logs can be easily edited (unless they get checked by higher ranks). While making a good report for blocking is pretty easy (if you're patient), creating report to prove ramming with screenshots is not enough. Unless you manage to take many screenshots in a small time, creating a stop motion evidence, which should be enough (even better if it's uploaded to some pic hosting website as an album). Creating reports for inappropriate overtake (talking about overtaking traffic jams), can be reported with screenshots, but one screenshot only isn't enough to prove that the player is moving. To provide a valid report for "overtaking a traffic jam" you should provide at least 2 screenshotsNEW -PART 2 : Stuff that doesn't need to be reported Now that you learnt what you can do with your F12 key and with your short videos, you're ready to fill in a report. But wait a moment! Not everything you see is a bannable offence or a kickable offence, as you know punishments depends on which admin deals with the report, I'm here to show you what you don't need to report because no action will be taken! As you surely know we have server rules and we often look at EU and UK driving regulations for ETS2 and US driving regulations for ATS, but we do not punish for every thing you do that's against real traffic rules, we're not monsters, yet. Here are some examples (more will eventually come) of things you don't have to report. -Parking on the hard shoulder (or in the grass). It's allowed as long as you don't block the driving lanes, to make an example those two things, are completely fine (unless where TruckersMP rules forbid to do so, Europoort, Rotterdam, busy roads like Duisburg-Calais): -Ignoring traffic lights. There's nothing wrong going past red lights if you don't want to wait a minute (or even less), you can do that. Ignoring traffic lights becomes a problem when you ram someone or force someone to change their direction because you decided to ignore a traffic light with players around, that's a bannable offence and you will be probally banned for it. -Overtaking in solid lines/Ignoring some markings. There's nothing wrong in overtaking when there are solid lines as long as the overtake is clean and it does not result in an accident or it makes one or more players crash to avoid a reckless overtaker. Overtaking on a single lane road is NOT considered as driving wrong way! That's simply an overtake. Remember that overtaking is not allowed at all in some places (EP, Duisburg-Calais when there's heavy traffic for example). Remember that evidence which show a player who speed up while being overtaken by another player could result in a ban for both players. -Insulting. No one like to be called names, everyone got called names at least once in their life and I'm sure you didn't appreciate that. However the word "Idiot" is not something we ban for, we kick for it so you don't need to make a report for this. Obviously you can't go around calling every player an idiot, any excessive use of the word or similar (placing profanities with it) won't be tolerated. And in that situation we'll be happy to deal with that report. -PART 3 : How to fill in a report properly Now that you learned how to use your F12 key, how to send us your videos and you know what you can report and what not, you're ready to know how to fill in a report properly! With so many reports coming in, giving necessary and correct informations in the report is really important to deal with a report properly and in a fast way. You will be asked to give us the TruckersMP ID. The TruckersMP ID is not the number that you see near players' name, that's the in-game ID and it's temporary, we have no use of it. The TMPID is the number you get when writing /pinfo or when reporting a player in-game, and it's also the same number we'd love to see in your evidence, it's really helpful for us to check if you reported the right player. Here's where you can see the TMP ID (you'll be able to find it in the chat log in Documents->ETS2MP or ATSMP->logs): The other things are pretty simple to understand, just fill in the evidence box with all the informations needed. Remember: always put evidence, don't write what happened without giving us evidence (like I previously explained) and don't write stuff like "Add me on Facebook and I'll send evidence" or "Tell me if you need evidence", writing what happened is not enough and without something to look we will decline the report immediately. As you can see, there's a "Language" box where you can chose an admin that requires the knowledge of a certain language to check that report. This means that you must change the language from "English" to another one only when there's a report related to Insulting, chat spam, cb spam. No need for explanations in your report other than a timestamp, the video speaks for itself. So offences like, speedhack, ramming, blocking etc. Must have the Language set as English.
    1 point
  17. Zapraszamy na konwój : Data i Czas : 21.04.2017 -Zbiórka 19:30 Konwój Odbędzie się na serwerze Eu 1 Start: Torino Koniec: Kopalnia ok. Dortmund Wyjazd:20:00 Mapa : Przerwa: Stacja benzynowa na drodze nr 2 miedzy Bern a Zurich czas 10 minut Komunikacja na konwoju odbędzie się na firmowym TS3: HGT.OVH Regulamin: 1. Niniejszy regulamin przedstawiający ogólne zasady konwoju jest własnością spedycji HardGroupTransport 2. Każdy z uczestników ma bezwzględny obowiązek zapoznać sie z niniejszym regulaminem. 3. Prowadzący ma prawo wyrzucić uczestnika konwoju za niedostosowanie się do zasad. 4. Na konwoju obowiązuje bezwzględny zakaz wyprzedzania innych uczestników. Nie dotyczy pilotów. 5. Odstępy w grupie wynoszą minimum 150 m. 6. W miejscu zbiórki każdemu uczestnikowi zostanie przydzielone odpowiednie miejsce na którym ma się znaleźć. 7. Konwój prowadzi osoba do tego uprawniona (Pilot) która jedzie pierwszy. (Zakaz wyprzedzania) 8. Zabronione jest używanie świateł ostrzegawczych czyli tzw. "kogutów". 9. Obowiązkowe jest używanie świateł awaryjnych np. na chwilowym postoju. 10. Przy przekraczaniu tzw. bramek należy zachować metodę od lewej do prawej wyjazd z bramek "jazdy na suwak". 11. Prędkość przelotowa na landówkach wynosi 60km/h a na autostradach 80km/h. 12. Ostatnia osoba to pilot zamykający konwój. 13. Na TeamSpeaku uczestnicy proszeni są o jak najmniej wypowiedzi by zapobiec przekrzykiwaniu. 14. Jeśli wiesz, że masz lagi lub zdąża ci się mieć wysoki ping postaraj się o miejscem w końcowych rzędach. 15. Przed rozpoczęciem konwoju każdy pojazd musi być zatankowany do pełna. Proponowane jest ustawienie 4 x 2 16. Każdy pojazd musi być w pełni sprawny technicznie. 17. Zakaz reklamowania Firm, zachęcania do dołączenia itp. 18. Nie obrażamy żadnych Firm i nie wywołujemy konfliktów. 19. Zachowujemy szacunek do innych Firm. 20. Organizator nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za uszkodzone ładunków i ciągników. 22 . Osoby nie będące członkami zgłoszonych firm nie będą dopuszczone do udziału w konwoju. regulamin użyty za zgodą M@ster_PL Zgłoszenia prosimy wysyłać mailowo na adres: [email protected] Uczestnicy:
    1 point
  18. It's your language guys. Sprinter i leave it up to you.
    1 point
  19. Petit convoi avec la team cette aprem
    1 point
  20. Dziękujemy za przybycie i zapraszamy do współpracy
    1 point
  21. Quick question, what happened to the vote-down function in the 'Help' section?
    1 point
  22. Trochę dosadnie Ci przekazali że Twój błąd xD Zamykam i przenoszę do archiwum.
    1 point
  23. We are not allowing individual racing in ETS2. It can happen that we as TruckersMP organize an event that includes racing such as the "TruckersMP 3 Year Anniversary Race". There is a dedicated race track in ATS. Please contact SCS through their suggestion forums to ask for a race track in ETS2. We will not be modding the map for this.
    1 point
  24. Читайте описание. МП только для x64. На калькуляторах МП не работает. Ставьте 64-битную ось.
    1 point
  25. Hmm. Tak, tak sądzimy.
    1 point
  26. So looks like multiple pivot points on a trailer are a thing now! (At least for ATS.) http://blog.scssoft.com/2017/04/big-in-america.html
    1 point
  27. If you see someone breaking the rules, then you can report them here: https://truckersmp.com/reports/create Make sure to upload your evidence to an appropriate site and then link that to your report comment.
    1 point
  28. Co do pomocy. To często się zdarza że na jeden temat jest 5 tych samych postów które mówią to samo tylko są inaczej napisane. Więc jeden jest akceptowany inne już nie bo nie potrzebne jest 5 tych samych odpowiedzi tylko jedna wystarczy.
    1 point
  29. -1 from me perma ban should mean perma ban,bad enough with people using mutli accounts
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Lol my game crashed while I was at Rotterdam's service area. I just logged in again and my truck is kinda... well... stuck in the ground without any reason. :'D
    1 point
  32. has been released. Crashes have been fixed.
    1 point
  33. Thank You TMP for the quick updates and fixes
    1 point
  34. I think you missed the point, if they can't modify the base game in any way why don't we have AI traffic? Why do we have no collision zones? That winter mod was great too. There isn't really a legal issue here, SCS allows modding of the game, that's why we have a mods folder, oh and the steam workshop. So....can it be done, Yes. Will it be done...No.
    1 point
  35. [ADMIN] @iReacheR returns as administrator.
    1 point
  36. [MOD] @SUZYLU89. joins the TruckersMP Team as a Forum Moderator.
    1 point
  37. To tylko ban na 4 dni .Przyjmij na klatę za nie znajomość regulaminu wygrywa się odpoczynek takie jest życie.Po co płakać tylko ciesz będziesz mieć więcej czasu dla rodziny .Ban jest słuszny według mnie. Wszystko ci już wytłumaczyli wyżej koledzy i administracja mp. Proszę o zamknięcie dyskusji tylko będzie powstawać spam i przenieś do archiwum Dziękuje
    1 point
  38. [MOD] @PrototypeGR joins the TruckersMP Team as a Forum Moderator.
    1 point
  39. Nie rozumiem oburzenia z twojej strony ban słuszny..przynajmniej Administracja jest na swoim miejscu i odpowiednie Osoby zasiadły na miejscu IGA. Wiedzą co robią nic nie dzieje się bez przyczyny jak bezczelnie jeździsz pod prąd jak te trolle z Turcji i nie tylko bo głodni są i lecą jak za chlebem to się nie dziw, że masz bana. Ban jak najbardziej słuszny a post w ogóle nie powinien tutaj się znaleźć. TO NIE NFS, że lecisz po 140 wchodzisz na forum i robisz dramę. Ja na twoim miejscu bym przyjął to na klatę jak chłop przemęczył się te 4dni jeżeli w ogóle Cię to męczy i grał na nowo a nie wyszukiwał dram. Elko
    1 point
  40. Ban jak najbardziej słuszny, możesz się cieszyć, że tylko na 4 dni. U mnie za takie coś dostałbyś od tygodnia nawet do dwóch. WYPRZEDZANIE/OMIJANIE KORKU (POD PRĄD CZY POBOCZEM) NA LANDÓWCE ŚMIERCI JEST SUROWO ZABRONIONE!!!
    1 point
  41. Nieprzestrzeganie regulaminu gry, wyprzedzanie w miejscu niedozwolonym. Nie pochwalam takiego wyprzedzania w tym miejscu, tym bardziej na 3, a później poboczem.. Ban prawidłowy, więcej nie będę komentować.
    1 point
  42. Skody Cywilne nie mówię o Policji powinny mieć całkowity Zakaz wjazdy na tą drogę bo nie którzy nie potrafią w ogóle autem jeździć Takie jest moje zdanie na ten temat
    1 point
  43. Dostałeś kicka, czyli zostałeś ukarany. Karą jest włączenie na nowo gry co zajmuje chwilę. Gdyby zostało to wprowadzone, wtedy "kick" nie miałby żadnego sensu, ponieważ po parunastu sekundach wracamy na serwer. Jestem na nie.
    1 point
  44. Może starczy już @MagLionPL tego nabijania postów, bo z tego co widzę to w ciągu ostatnich kilku godzin nagle ni z gruchy i pietruchy walisz tak bezsensowne teksty, że szkoda gadać. Archiwum jest w polskim dziale, jest też i w angielskim (gdzie jest nawet kosz). Nie ma sensu rozdrabniać się na Archiwa dla każdego działu, bo jaki to ma cel? Równie dobrze te wątki mogłyby być nieprzenoszone do takiego archiwum. Całkowity bezsens, a moderacji polecam zająć się Panem.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. Firma KFK Logistics chętnie weźmie udział w konwoju.
    1 point
  47. What C-D road will be like:
    1 point
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