Smalley Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 @BAKERPK [PL] [ENG] We're not aiming to delete the polish section... 1
H&V I Vaiarek Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 Still I'm waiting for the answer Dołącz do jednej z najstarszych vs'ek |
Guest Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 (edited) @Smalley How do you know that? Would you be doing a leak? You can't give the correct answer. You're lying to people. Edited March 14, 2018 by Mikkell [PL/SE]
Smalley Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 How is it leaking @Mikkell [PL/SE]? And I know as we treat every region, race, religion with the respect they deserve. Unfortunately we dont get enough back...We’re not aiming to delete any kind of section but like it says in the post. If this carries on then there will be no choice.
Guest Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 (edited) Do not be funny. I got a concrete answer from PM that comes to this. On these two posts I will end the topic because you are incompetent for further discussion. Edited March 14, 2018 by Mikkell [PL/SE]
H&V I Vaiarek Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 But soon you'll be do this. Please, Scarface or other PM, CM - answer for my question. Dołącz do jednej z najstarszych vs'ek |
Azuly Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 That situation is so embarrassing, that's not protesting, if you wanna protest, make ir civil 1
Guest Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 I feel very sad for this community, and I think this community has hurt all of us, and I'm not going to stay here.
ScaniaFan89 Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 I don't know what happened or why it happened, but its clear that its had a massive impact & like when earthquakes hit you get aftershocks which is whats currently happening....people need time to calm down & sort themselves out! But as giff gaff says in their adverts " free to go, free to stay...the choice is yours at the end of the day ( not that i want to see people leave ) Let the fire go out guys, don't keep pouring petrol on it, it just upsets everyone even more & things get said that are regretted moments later.
DJFrontier Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 In my opinion, I work in a system that subordinates to the Ministry of Defense in my country, and I come here to give a simple answer, what happens in the administration of TruckersMP, has to be in the administration of TruckersMP. If you join a team, you have to know that to keep a team together, trust is the foundation of everything. Internal affairs about the management of some organization, have to be restricted only in that circle, because they are things that may or may not happen in the future. The moment leaks happen, things never go as expected. As a Brazilian member of this community humbly, I ask that other members not insist on these matters. TruckersMP administration will solve problems peacefully. Do not try to act with some form of violence, this only makes the situation worse. ~DJFrontier 3 DJFrontier | TruckersMP - Retired Team Member ||| Languages: English | Portuguese || Rules || Support System || Appeals || Feedback || Realtime Map || Suggestions || Report System Staff Member since September 11, 2018 to July 19, 2021
ScaniaFan89 Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 (edited) ^So basically " What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas " Has to be that way & it is that way IRL, Its why you see Police Commissioners, MP's etc stepping down when leaks or other things happen! Edited March 14, 2018 by [SFH]MrHarv98 Don't qoute the post above
Noxii Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 Geez is this a kindergarten or what. First off, you need to show some respect to get some respect and that applies to all so I don't get it why you have to run around calling others bad things etc, that is just completely unnecessary and uncalled for. Man up instead and show the rest that you are better than that, that you can behave properly and not act like a 12 year old kid. I don't like taking sides especially since we all know that there's often two sides to every story, but the behavior (as previously stated by some in this thread) by some here recently have just been ridiculous and to be honest quite shocking, some people that I thought higher of has now shown me their true face I suppose which is honestly shocking. And threatening people, what's up with that? Do you really think it's okey to threaten people? How would you feel if someone threatened you instead? You wouldn't like it that much I think, well do you think anyone likes it? I actually feel sorry for our upper staff at this moment by the amount of crap they've been getting from some, it's again ridiculous and also uncalled for and above all unfair! So once again MAN UP! If you have issues with anything or consider something to be bad then that's fine, we all have different opinions on things but that does not mean we should go berserk and threaten people or misbehave. If you have issues with something or consider something to be wrong then bring it up in a well manner, point out what you think is wrong, why you think so, a possible solution etc and you will get heard and you will get answered properly as well. Or is it simply just too much to ask that people be polite nowadays. 6 1 That's what desire is, the need for what we can't have. The need for what's readily available is called greed.
caff!!! Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 I don't know what's really going on due to a language barrier, but an entire country's staff just doesn't just go into revolt over a disclosure violation. Just saying "complaints" removes a level of detail on this situation, that perhaps we could use to know what's happening. 1 Independent driver On 8/28/2018 at 2:16 PM, caff!!! said: to quote Revolver Ocelot: I love to reload shift gears during a battle delivery.
MrHarv98 Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 54 minutes ago, caff!!! said: I don't know what's really going on due to a language barrier, but an entire country's staff just doesn't just go into revolt over a disclosure violation. Just saying "complaints" removes a level of detail on this situation, that perhaps we could use to know what's happening. Hope that is helpful
Racc_ Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 Okay, So here is my view on this topic. If someone is Breaking the rules, and violating the ISP, they dont need to be here. All the "Protesting" and this kind of stuff doesn't need to happen. The TruckersMP Staff, Devs, PM's, CM's, and even the GM's, GMM's GML's And everybody else i didn't mention work countless hours, to make sure us as players can be relaxed and enjoy our experiences. The TMP Staff doesn't need all of your guys' drama on-top of what they are dealing with. So, all this Protesting, and all this, just stop. Refer to @Clarkinator and @Smalley. Those two have actual sense. Leave the TMP Staff be, they dealt with the issue how they felt it was necessary.
Game Developer ShawnCZek Posted March 14, 2018 Game Developer Report Posted March 14, 2018 (edited) Thank you for information and for your job. Once more big respect to TruckersMP staff how they handled it yesterday. It was not so easy, but they did it quite well. But I still do not understand what Polish community wanted to make with the spam on walls. We should do this peacefully, not as small kids. //EDIT: And hope there were some Polish team members who was doing stuff peacefully. If yes, respect to them as well. Edited March 14, 2018 by ShawnCZek Game Developer Discord Bot Developer
konfig0 Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 @Mikkell [PL/SE] the concrete answer you got was exactly what Smalley said. We are not deleting, or removing the Polish community at all. What might happen is that it will be minimized to International Languages (like any other language) now so many team members decided to leave or were kicked. This leaves us with little to no support of the language; and therefore we may have to take this decision. Furthermore, I don't really appreciate it if you start to lie about the answers we have given you to create a new discussion. If people have any more questions, feel free to ask them here or in a DM, preferably tag me so I can see it. Regards, konfig0 4 1 I wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind.. Be slow to critize, be fast to appreciate.
Aek177 Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 I cannot believe people are starting to "kick off" to this, the people who got kicked or left did so for a reason. As said many times they aren't trying to get rid of the section. People should realise this and take it on board so there are no more "sparked" arguments in my opinion. Aek177 | Report a user | Feedback about staff | Staff Recruitment | Rules | Staff List
RequieB Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 thanks for the comment after the from emerging events RequieB Game Moderator of the Year 2018
DerAmpelmann Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 (edited) 8 hours ago, H&V I Vaiarek said: If we deserve it, why are we losing it now? I wrote - we understand what he made a Bandero. But why only now we hear that this is not a Polish but international project only? We feel cheated. You could treat us like now from May 2014. The problem is, as konfig0 earlier said in his reply to Mikkell, that we one way or another lost majority of the Polish staff. It's difficult, if not impossible, to keep supporting the Polish community like before when there's no staff dedicated for doing that. Edited March 14, 2018 by DerAmpelmann Corrected a name, typo 1 Ready to go!
KOZIK_ Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 Hello, LoG! Why aren't you with other upper staff telling the truth and you lie? Why do you still lie to the TruckersMP community? How many people from Poland has been removed from the team for any violation of the rules? I'll give you an answer to all - 4. But how many people have left? The amount of the people that have left recently is 11 (during the week - 13 Poles). They have left because "upper staff" didn't have respect and they were bad about somebody's different opinion. And such people will not find any place in the team. Ofc thw post will be hidden soon 'cause the truth for the team is not uncomfortable. 1 1
HumaneWolf Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 8 hours ago, H&V I Vaiarek said: No one came and said "hey, we want to explain it with you". Actually, that happened. We did talk to members of the Polish community, and had active communication with the Polish team members, who are active in the Polish community. It let nowhere, the groups who wanted to riot, come with personal attacks, violate rules, etc. didn't care about the facts. 8 hours ago, H&V I Vaiarek said: Please, anwer my question... Clearly reply Our behavior is not the result of kicking Bandero from the team. We have less and less laws that exist from the beginning You have massive benefits no other language community has. Your have the largest and only featured language forum, you have had your own CM, etc. The question is whether we can continue that, with the limited staff we have now, as well as whether it is worth the effort, since this isn't the first time the PL community has rioted over a staff member leaving the team. Last time it was when Bakerpk didn't have time to continue his work. Besides that, your behavior is your responsibility. The groups that rioted chose to do so, and chose to not listen to facts, and to not wait for an actual solution. Asking peacefully for a solution was a choice people had, but that large groups decided not to use. 1 HumaneWolf - Website - Twitter - GitHub Ex-Developer
konfig0 Posted March 14, 2018 Report Posted March 14, 2018 I'm sorry KOZIK, but you do not want to accept the truth. The main post isn't a lie, it's the truth and nothing more. This is what happened, there is no other story or explanation. This wasn't about opinions, people simply broke the ISP and got punished for it. People with different opinions are more than welcome into our team, but sometimes you have to accept the fact that your opinion might be wrong; or not the most popular one. 2 I wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind.. Be slow to critize, be fast to appreciate.
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