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Statement Regarding Recent Developments in the Community

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Posted (edited)

Remember that this is a requirement during TMP applications:

  • Can work as a team, even if you don't agree with another member.

So it’s clear the (Now former) members couldn’t accept the truth about the matter and move on- I.e. Bandero leaves on advise from managers after breaking the rules, then you work with the TMP team to determine a good replacement for Bandero. Is that community suggesting it’s okay to break the ISP rules just because they’re Polish and always been more prominent over other countries in TMP since day 1?? It’s clear it was necessary to remove Bandero because of the rules broken, and so he chose to leave on his own terms rather than be kicked from the team- this should be respected as he understood that, credit to Bandero in this regard.


But now most of the Polish community’s TMP members have left last night, there’s probably little hope that there will be a good replacement for Bandero at all because there’s hardly anyone left to promote!  They’ve ruined it for themselves because of the incidents last night, and I’m sure they’ll regret what they’ve done in time.

Edited by heyhococo
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Is it not normal for the non-working person to be removed from the team? or violators of the rule? why do you still have to host them? Decisions must be respected. If you were the boss of a company, what would you do with a relative working out of your rules? You need to fire it personally.
Also, I see the rumors of the removal of the Polish section as an exaggeration. because there is no information about it. I see those who say you will not be removed. you ask them for evidence. Do you have any proof that those who say it will be abolished? :ph34r:


If I let my true feelings out, I would definitely be kicked so I will control it and nor will I resort to being rude or using profanity on the forums and treating others like kids.


Seeing this all happen is a real shame and on a personal level, when chatting to some of the people who left, they were really amazing and dedicated team members who for sure, I will miss.  Even in game, the polish community is a jolly bunch of players and are really funny as well.  It will be a shame seeing so many leave TMP and take some of it's soul with them.  Remember, those who have left, do not be sad, there are plenty of other games and there is life which is amazing and much more important.  Go have fun and enjoy yourselves


However, it was bad seeing so many rules broken on the forum and discord.  I get people were annoyed but it invalidated the points/problem by breaking rules and the main problem got hidden and others got the upper hand.  Remember, karma always comes around so there was no need to break the rules.


Anyways, if anyone wants a word, feel free to DM me on discord, I reply to everyone and am a good listener.  




So my understanding is this A Polish team member Broke Security Protocol possibly exposing a ton of info and got given the option to either be kicked or leave on his own accord the member realising he Royal Messed up left on his own accord and a bunch of the polish community has a giant hissy fit over it and are attacking and insulting Staff and other people over it. my question is when did said people become like the typical American Millennial in expecting not to get punished for breaking the rules? i mean come on guys is it really that hard to accept that said member Royal Screwed up by breaking Security Protocol. i mean would you like your accounts compromised and or your personal info leaked to the public i know i sure wouldn't but if we just allow anyone to go around breaking security policies were gonna end up with another Leak like we had a few years back which was why the policies were put into place and come with such consequences for breaking it. so to this huge hissy fit i say quit your belly achin for the good of your community and the sanity of our wonderful staff who have put countless hours into making TMP the Awesome Mod/Community it is.

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Interesting things you write @konfig0 because Scar says something else. 

@HumaneWolf Say openly that you wanted to get rid of the Polish team. Because the truth is that who is against you should not be in TMP because he does not nod it to you. As they say it, the truth hurts. Everyone knows how it is. It is not like now, every support or forum moderator waits until it can be GM or TGM. You are doing communism with tmp. I wish that this thing would eventually collapse, maybe then people will see what it was without sense.




PS best regards to several people licking ass from team TMP.

7 minutes ago, bryangullickson said:

So my understanding is this A Polish team member Broke Security Protocol possibly exposing a ton of info and got given the option to either be kicked or leave on his own accord the member realising he Royal Messed up left on his own accord and a bunch of the polish community has a giant hissy fit over it and are attacking and insulting Staff and other people over it. my question is when did said people become like the typical American Millennial in expecting not to get punished for breaking the rules? i mean come on guys is it really that hard to accept that said member Royal Screwed up by breaking Security Protocol. i mean would you like your accounts compromised and or your personal info leaked to the public i know i sure wouldn't but if we just allow anyone to go around breaking security policies were gonna end up with another Leak like we had a few years back which was why the policies were put into place and come with such consequences for breaking it. so to this huge hissy fit i say quit your belly achin for the good of your community and the sanity of our wonderful staff who have put countless hours into making TMP the Awesome Mod/Community it is.


Man, you do not know what's going on and you speak. What you write is not true.

6 minutes ago, Mikkell [PL/SE] said:

@HumaneWolf Say openly that you wanted to get rid of the Polish team. Because the truth is that who is against you should not be in TMP because he does not nod it to you. As they say it, the truth hurts. Everyone knows how it is. It is not like now, every support or forum moderator waits until it can be GM or TGM. You are doing communism with tmp. I wish that this thing would eventually collapse, maybe then people will see what it was without sense.

I would like a source for where I apparently said that TruckersMP wants to get rid of it.


Also, since I strongly suspect you do not know what communism is, here, quote from Wikipedia: In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal")[1][2] is the philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money[3][4] and the state


7 minutes ago, Mikkell [PL/SE] said:

Man, you do not know what's going on and you speak. What you write is not true.

Actually, he got the essence of what certain groups did. And to empathize: No, not all Poles did this, only some groups.

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HumaneWolf - Website - Twitter - GitHub




I just have a question and I don't mind if this gets removed. But when will all of this calm down, when will the people who can't seen to stop... actually stop. I am getting really sick of it. -,- 


@bryangullickson You’d be right in saying they got a choice- as I mentioned further up, the former CM chose to leave on their own accord which should be respected, they knew they messed up, accepted this and decided to leave rather than being kicked.


It would seem that the rest of their community won’t accept this truth though and so they’re continuing to pointlessly attack the TMP team and others because of it. One of the protest methods was people leaving/being kicked from the team, but as I say that’s only hurting themselves more than TMP as a whole because they won’t have any members left to promote to polish CM anymore, in which case this would probably lead to the polish section being moved to the regular international discussions as there’d be no point anymore.

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@HumaneWolf Oh man, if you had some oil in your head, you would not use wikipedi. I finish this because I have no words for it. It looks like a fight with windmills.


Please give us a source where we, as in upper-staff, have said that we want to remove the Polish team completely. Until you have proof, don't make those claims because they aren't true. You're making up a story, one which is false and doesn't reflect the truth. @Mikkell [PL/SE]

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I wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind..


Be slow to critize, be fast to appreciate.


@konfig0 as I would like to access the discord staff and the channels that have been made for us, I would do a copy paste and show it here.

3 minutes ago, Mikkell [PL/SE] said:

@konfig0 as I would like to access the discord staff and the channels that have been made for us, I would do a copy paste and show it here.

So, you're talking about one time I mentioned my opinion, questioning whether it's worth it to feature the PL community considering conflicts like this, got it.


Newsflash though: My opinion isn't the opinion of TruckersMP. It's mine. It does not reflect what TruckersMP plans or want to do.

I'm not a secret overlord of TMP deciding everything, I am one part of a larger leader team which collectively discuss and agree on what we need to do, what we should do, and how to do it.

HumaneWolf - Website - Twitter - GitHub




I am so against all this BS in the polish community so I am going to sit in my lazyboy chair, eat this popcorn while they rage over my avatar. I hope all this gets delt with. This community doesn’t deserve the crap that is going on. Blazie is always a message away if any of you TMP staff need to vent ^~^ 


Tbh, this is just my opinion. But... lock this post. You honestly don’t see it ending any times soon. 


We're not going to lock it because this isn't a censor or dictatorship, and this way we can easily rule out rumors or things which are not true. 

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I wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind..


Be slow to critize, be fast to appreciate.


Sad to see the way things are still developing with this, the TMP team don't deserve to have to deal with all this.

Best way to deal with situations like this is calmly with respect for everyone and discuss it to try to resolve it. Worst thing people can do is react in anger and start attacking TMP and the staff. Its better to take yourself away from the situation and calm down, think about it and then come back to respond. 

You will never get everything you want here or have everything the way you would like it to be - I'm sure everyone here even staff have something that they do not like or somethings they'd like to see done in a different way but we all got to accept that we cannot always get what we want.

This mod started in Poland but it is an international community with people here from all over the world and correct me if i'm wrong but its not the largest as the Turkish community is much larger isn't it?


Bandero made a mistake and broke a rule and seems to have dealt with that in a good way be choosing to leave rather then get kicked so respect to him for that. Surely would have been better to work with TMP to find a suitable replacement rather then whats happened and then deal with the issues without the attacks on TMP causing status updates to be turned off yesterday.


This is only my personal opinion but my view on these team members who get kicked or leave for breaking rules like KacakTV and Bandero is that no one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes sometimes and I personally believe that given sometime and seeing how they act afterwards (i.e - not causing issues or attacking TMP etc) is that they should be given a 2nd chance and allowed back in a trial role at first. However I fully understand that due to the rules broken chances are they could never come back and everyone should accept that.


If you are part of a team then internal matters are meant to stay internal, its one of the most important things about being in a team and the first thing you have to read/sign. I know what I mean with this as I am part of the Atlas Gaming Community Staff.

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@Trucker[PL/EN] we wouldn't have an internal discord if everything that gets posted on it is public knowledge. The discord is part of the ISP, anything which is said there has to stay there unless a Project Manager or Developer tells otherwise. We're very cautious towards our ISP, and I recommend to search up GPDR if you want to know why we take it so seriously. 

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I wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind..


Be slow to critize, be fast to appreciate.

1 minute ago, konfig0 said:

@Trucker[PL/EN] we wouldn't have an internal discord if everything that gets posted on it is public knowledge. The discord is part of the ISP, anything which is said there has to stay there unless a Project Manager or Developer tells otherwise. We're very cautious towards our ISP, and I recommend to search up GPDR if you want to know why we take it so seriously. 

GDPR is one example btw. When we have the large amount of data we have, we have moral reasons and other legal reasons why we don't want to abuse it, and want to make sure we are able to protect it.

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HumaneWolf - Website - Twitter - GitHub



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