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Statement Regarding Recent Developments in the Community

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Look, everyone now is aware of the protests.  However, because people constantly break rules with status updates that are not allowed, spamming, breaking rules in-game etc. The point will not be passed forward because some people are ruining it for others.


The awareness is there but it is being washed away by people breaking rules.  Simply, whoever is leading it, just ask the rule breakers to stop, and have a mature discussion.  Everyone is watching now so if you are worried it will be brushed under the carpet, you are wrong because it is in the public eye now.


If both sides are mature, do this like grown up men/women, then hopefully there will be resolution and the protest will achieve things.  

Posted (edited)

If you did a complaint properly through the correct channels then I’m sure it would act as a good method for proper and useful talks to take place. I’d imagine it’s in both yours and higher staffs best interests to resolve this rather pointless dispute.


Theres a total difference between peaceful protest and what you guys are doing by posting disrespectful images, spamming statuses, spamming discord, etc. I am very certain that if you made a proper willingful complaint, you would get somewhere much quicker than you are now. All I can see right this moment is a stalemate.

Edited by heyhococo
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12 minutes ago, Kid Fabi said:

We are always open to speak with you. But how? We don't have our Upper Staff member anymore. Status updates? Are closing faster than someone had a chance to reply. Topics also.


A question. How would you feel with the fact, that all your decisions are just ignored by the rest of the team. When you're asking something...nobody replies... when you're saying just a "hello".. nobody replies. Well, how do you expect respect from our side now, if you don't respected us before. And trust me, we still have respect to some of you (TEAM). But some, don't deserve it in our opinion. 

I'm sure, higher Staff members know what i'm talking about. Users, probably not, this is why most of community give you the right. If they will know the truth, all things gonna looks different like now. 


To community
Players, we are always respecting and will always respecting you. We don't protest only for us, Poles, we also protesting for you all. Why? Because i know what TruckersMP mean for you / us. But with the situation in the team right now, it's impossible to keep the game good for a long period of time.


We're also saying a big THANK YOU for kind words of Turkish community. Good to have someone on our side :)


Well, we're also open to speak to you but we can ask you the same question, how? If you will proceed to go down the path you are taking right now, you won't be taken very seriously I am afraid. Making offensive and vulgar memes, insulting (and threatening staff, such as 'we will find you') seems like you're a bunch of trolls willing to achieve nothing. I'm sure that that is not how you want to come across, so I suggest switching over to a better tactic such as peacefully talking - but we've said this before, the choice is up to you.


Same as I've told before, this complete post is based on the truth and nothing else. You keep claiming we are not telling the truth, but we're completely honest here. The situation described in the topic is how it went, the question is if you are willing to accept and face reality. 



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I wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind..


Be slow to critize, be fast to appreciate.


This is an example of why people should check their facts before making baseless accusations


I'm sad to see the number of people whose sole purpose is to harm the good ambiance of the TMP community...:( I'm sad to see all the bad players in the game....So please, if you are here to destroye the work of the TruckerMP team and to prevent truckers from playing quietly, stop and look elsewhere...

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That is not an excuse to break rules, anyhow -


We did try to listen, but that gets harder and harder if you refuse to come up with realistic suggestions and keep writing false claims. I've said this many, many times before and I also mentioned it in the conversation we had in Discord. The question is you, the people who protest, are willing to accept and face reality without denying what happened. Because as far as I can see, false claims are still being made and the 'protesters' aren't really working towards a solution.


The choice is yours, we're here and will stay here to listen what you've got to tell us once you're ready.

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I wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind..


Be slow to critize, be fast to appreciate.

3 minutes ago, RomeQ said:

In my opinion, the best solution is scarface and konfig0  resign from their position.

And why do you think that? I don't think is a good idea.


I think this is all a big waste of time. No one likes everyone. Plus there are bigger problems in the world than some people falling out over a trucking game that is not even owned by TMP. So do what I do. Sit back and chilllllllllllllllll.

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Nameless Ghoul.


Player Reports: https://truckersmp.com/reports

Ban Appeal: https://truckersmp.com/appeals

Game Rules: https://truckersmp.com/rules


wow this is really getting put of hand now. I am not 100% clued up on whats going on but its pretty clear to me that there has been miscommunication and things being put out of context. For all those that are protesting. Myself as a TruckersMP member of the community will not be put off the forums or my faith in the TruckersMP staff. I want to continue enjoying my time here and i feel that the protesting especially on the forum is a little out of order. Your issue is obviously with TMP Staff so why do i have to constanly hear about it. I think its a little petty and childish and you have to remember myself and others in the community do not deserve to be put into the middle of this fued.


To the TruckersMP team and other members of the community. I have to appologise for this post but it had to be said. 2 days of listening to snide remarks slander and abuse from a certain group of protesters ( NOT ALL) i just want to have fun because at the end of the day....... Its a game!!

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@RomeQ Rather than making bold statements like that (and this goes for everyone), try giving constructive feedback.  Say why (in a polite manner) you think that should be or what you think needs to change in the bigger picture.  


And to everyone saying give it a rest, just don't look at this thread.  This is something that needs resolution and it will take many posts here to reach that stage.


And yes it is only a game 


To all Polish people that are reading this, please consider doing the following:

  1. Gather as much Polish people as possible in a common forum or chat, reach out to your people.
  2. Explain the situation, the actual truth and not how you want to see things. It is important.
  3. Try to make your community to elect someone to represent the entire Polish community.
  4. Make up a plan, a list of items you want to discuss or work out a solution your community thinks is realistically.
  5. When ready (take as long as you need), let that one guy you all elected come to us so we can have a friendly talk and find a solution together.

We are willing to talk and work out a solution that we all can agree on and be happy with. Just know that actions that have been done are irreversible.

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Scar | Retired Legend

You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.

Banned: HELP! - Report a player - Help - Rules - Staff recruitment - Complaints/feedback

Posted (edited)

As I said, it’s all a stalemate.


The initial idea (I got, anyway) was that they’d promote an admin to polish CM and that’d be the end of it. But of course, someone had to go out and make up some fake news that the Poles were being neglected, causing most possible CM candidates to leave.


Of course, they could promote a a Polish moderator or support to CM- but this would cause a massive backlash from the rest of the TMP community because they haven’t gone through the ranks properly, it’d look like a hasty decision and then the rest would be unhappy because it’s an unprofessional and ridiculous idea to think of.


So really, we’re stuck until the ringleaders of this pathetic case get talking, and I don’t mean more spam or threats or abandoning the team, I mean meaningful, proper, serious talks.

Edited by heyhococo
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1 hour ago, Kid Fabi said:

We are always open to speak with you. But how? We don't have our Upper Staff member anymore. Status updates? Are closing faster than someone had a chance to reply. Topics also.


A question. How would you feel with the fact, that all your decisions are just ignored by the rest of the team. When you're asking something...nobody replies... when you're saying just a "hello".. nobody replies. Well, how do you expect respect from our side now, if you don't respected us before. And trust me, we still have respect to some of you (TEAM). But some, don't deserve it in our opinion. 

I'm sure, higher Staff members know what i'm talking about. Users, probably not, this is why most of community give you the right. If they will know the truth, all things gonna looks different like now. 

The logic is this post isn't there. Many communities don't have upper staff members. The feedback system is there to be used, there are still polish speakers on the team, that's one of the reasons they have a translation team. If you went through the protocol everyone else has to follow, something may result from it.

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Time for discussion is up. You should do it at the beginning. Now we have our demands... Polish Project Manager.


Btw. thanks for all players from Turkey and Russia for support <3
Be ready for Saturday. A large convoy is coming.

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If you want to officially close down the possibility of a conversation, then go ahead. But you can take full responsibility on you, we've offered to talk multiple times now so if you want to go ahead and deny that then that is your call.



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I wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind..


Be slow to critize, be fast to appreciate.

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