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Veteran Driver VII
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About bryangullickson

  • Birthday 07/05/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Aberdeen,WA,US 98520
  • Preferred Trucks
    Freightliner Cascadia®
    Western Star
  • American Garage Location
    Washington: Olympia
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: München
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  1. Happy Birthday 🎂 

    • Health success, happiness, love with you, always be with me! Happy New Year. ?


    Kind regards...




  2. @ScaniaFan89I noticed that as well if you havent already i suggest making a bug report about it i just did but hopefully the more people that make one the more likely it will get fixed
  3. so anyone else getting error 500 when trying to update?

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Ya I got it, I just kept hitting ok and it worked ?

  4. so whats in the new update?

  5. Exactly which is why I asked but haven't got an answer back yet from staff
  6. What is Prohibit trailers for oversize cargos supposed to apply to out of curiosity
  7. @ApproachConsidering with 1.39 SCS messed with the Fmod Sound engine again among other things i Imagine it's going to take a while so find some good mods and enjoy Single player until MWL and co can push the update for 1.39
  8. From what I have heard from someone who is friends with a SCS Dev is with 1.38 SCS once again massively changed a ton of stuff thus why it is taking so long for MWL4 and the developers to port TMP to 1.38 because they have to completely reverse engineer both games code so that they can make multiplayer work properly so give them time they're working as fast and hard as they can. Believe me I want to play 1.38 on MP as much as everyone else and until i was told what i know now i was going to remove my patreon but now i honestly wish they had a higher tier or two to give more support to MWL and the team because they have to deal with the people that have no patience to wait for them to release a update that is as bug free as possible but at the same time throw a huge fit when the team and devs get tired of hearing all the complaining and send out something that may not have been as well tested as it could have been if people would have some patience
  9. Well that was a fun trip from Finland to Beirut in My Renault T High 520 though The Renault Definitely does not agree with some of those steep uphill climbs when loaded down with 20T of Flour But made it safe and sound another load in the book for Northern Logistics VTC

  10. @Rebelwarrior1981 well mine finally got their act together and downloaded at a reasonable pace
  11. Yay for winter mod but oh great won't be able to use it any time soon because sharemods and their throttling of downloads to kbps
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