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Veteran Driver VIII
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Status Updates posted by EnLight

  1. The long awaited return! Welcome back <3 

    1. Aestrial


      Thank you mate! Much appreciated. <33 

  2. https://www.twitch.tv/krewlex is streaming, be sure to check him out this evening ;) 

  3. I wish you the best of luck in the future, thank you for all your work over the two years for TruckersMP. 

  4. Really well deserved, best of luck. 

    1. KhaosHammer


      Thank you EnLight!

  5. Happy Birthday Penguin, have a great day!  <3

  6. Well done, you are going to do great and I wish you the best.

  7. Ready for the race this afternoon:


    Excuse the low graphics quality :P


    See you all there! 

    1. Aestrial


      Looking good mate, best of luck with the race! ;)

    2. tfmpillow


      Lol! I think I've never seen a truck with that paintjob xD


      Awesome truck to race with though, goodluck!

    3. HamitCanKilic


      Yellow - Red = We are the best GALATASARAY ! :D

  8. Amazing job smokey, well done and best of luck!!! :D 

  9. Congratulations! :) 

  10. Getting ready for Flagship's Easter Egg Hunt. Looking forward to it, hope to see you all there! 



  11. Managed to avoid the ETS2 update, just in time... :o 

  12. Welcome back Forerunner, glad to see you rejoin the team! :) 

  13. Very excited for the TruckersMP Easter Convoy! - Truck is parked up and ready to go :) 

    1. Subtle [HKG]

      Subtle [HKG]

      there's an official TMP convoy going on later??

  14. Happy Birthday! :) 

  15. Happy Birthday! 

    1. DJ Dynamic

      DJ Dynamic

      Cheers EnLight! :D 

  16. Happy Birthday! :) 

    1. ItzKieren


      Thank you Enlight!

  17. What are your thoughts on the GTX 750 Ti? 


    Can be any opinions you have - Make sure to post them down below :) 

  18. Congrats on full support mate! :) 

  19. Happy Birthday! :) 

  20. Congratulations Noxii, wish you the best and really well done! 

    1. Noxii


      Thank you so much, hope I'll be doing good enough of a job! :) 

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