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Mike Dragon

Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Mike Dragon

  1. Operation Admin Patrol is a go.






    (I should really Photoshop something onto that picture.)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LUIG


      Let's Go to the Works!
      I already did my part today.

  2. Our cockatiel just escaped and flew far away. :(

    1. Smalley


      I'm sure it will return. :( Sorry to hear 

    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      I hope so, too! She can't survive on her own out there. :(

    3. Smalley


      I remember when my huskies escaped. Luckily one of them came back because she was scared to be out in public on her own. And huskies aren't suppose to run back to their owners

  3. Our little cockatiel escaped yesterday when my mother was cleaning her cage and hasn't returned yet. I don't think she ever will. I'm a cat person but I really liked that little bird. I didn't think I would feel so sad about not having her around anymore but I actually am. The house feels so empty without that adorable little face singing and calling for attention every day. :( I am genuinely sad. Been sad all day since yesterday.


    I miss our little Cacá.


  4. Out and about for a pleasantly peaceful drive on ATS and after driving by two cities, only now I realized the floor of the car is missing textures. lol





    Anyone getting this problem on the Scout? I'm thinking about reinstalling MP so maybe that'll fix it, but I'm too lazy to do that, right now.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gun Powder

      Gun Powder

      I do not think so, maybe it's due to the new update, but reinstalling it usually solves a problem.

    3. KhaosHammer


      Nice carpet. Must be expensive!:troll:

    4. LordBenji


      I want a carpet like that in real :D 

  5. Out of curiosity... is there any headphone model you guys recommend that is cheap, offers a good sound quality as well as good microphone quality, comfortable and doesn't much? You know... something with a good value per cost. Preferably something with the good 'ol P2 plugs.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LordBenji


      I'd suggest Sennheiser, but the pair I got is not cheap :/

    3. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Thanks for the suggestions, guys! Keep adding more if you know/remember of others. I'll be looking into these to find something that suits my needs and budget. :)



      deffo asus cerberus headset ;) 

  6. Out of want and mostly need in a few ways, and although I feel it's still a bit too early to get back to it, today I am bringing back the Gaming Friday with part 4 of our Briley Witch Chronicles playthrough for the Commodore 64. Join me and let's see if I can handle streaming yet or not.




  7. Parallel park using Cam 1 is easier in real life. :L

    1. GhostGamingHD


      Noticed the struggle XD

    2. A Simple Cheeseburger

      A Simple Cheeseburger

      Just use cam 3 for real life! Fly a drone above your car and watch the live feed! lol

  8. Parked for the night. Gonna do some reports and head off.


  9. Part 2 and final of the special stream upgrade report starts now. Hopefully this one will be more entertaining than part 1, as on this one, all you'll see is computer building!




  10. Part 2 and final of the special stream upgrade report will start in about 30 minutes.


    Follow me on Twitch to catch it!

  11. Part 2 of my Q&A's here!


    1. [LazyT] MetalDragon

      [LazyT] MetalDragon

      Time for me to re learn Photoshop use to help run a GFX site making Banners, Sigs and avatars few years ago might be time to start one up again though don't think gaming sigs and avatars are as big as they use to be or just seems that way as I'm not in the community any more as much as I use to be, but this time around could also do custom truck skins ;)

    2. Aestrial


      Great video mate!

  12. Part 4 (and perhaps final) of Angels With Scaly Wings is about to start! Come and join me on this next part of the story on tonight's Gaming Friday. ?



  13. Partaking in the ATS event. Found two admins, so far. This is actually quite fun!

  14. Pécs and Szeged. I've never been to these cities before so I might. Gonna go for a leisure drive with my car. Departing from Dortmund in a few minutes, I'll head towards that area and explore those two cities.

  15. People are grieving the downtime of EU2 but in the meantime I am like this:



  16. People like this are the reason I hate playing on EU#2. Sure, imbeciles are everywhere but on EU#2 they can abuse the limitless speed to cause greater trouble. Such as this <insult of your choice here>.


    1. FirestarteR93


      ^You just reminded me that I forgot to report a guy - ty <3

  17. People wanting to play Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, but meanwhile, even though I am fully broke, my wish list be like:


  18. Plot twist: I don't have or ever had anything from Apple. The only apple product I have are fruits.



    Do they really think I'd fall for that? The sad thing is that there are people who do.

    1. Leo35


      there just wanting money of you

    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      I know that. Like I said:


      " Do they really think I'd fall for that? The sad thing is that there are people who do. "

    3. Leo35


      i had same 

  19. Psyonix added the other game modes of Rocket League to the roster of Competitive options so now Snow Day, Dropshot, Hoops and my favorite, Rumble, can be played competitively (I never understood why they were not available for competitive, before. Those mode are just as challenging and require as much skill or more than the traditional Soccar mode) so I decided to give it a try. And try I have been doing! Check out this save I made in one of my recent games dummy.gif:



    1. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      I don't like Extra Modes Competitive, as Im GC and Im playing with Gold ranks, It's hard to carry them in this mods :D
      Btw, nice save ;) 

  20. Pumpkins.

    https://www.picarto.tv/MikeDragonArt (Streaming on Picarto is experimental and may have lag)


  21. Question about horn spamming...


    Horn Spamming
    Purposely holding your horn down for an prolonged period of time or anything similar.

    Is that a bannable offense or the spammer would just be kicked?


    There was this guy earlier in Vegas who ran a red light after I turned left, then, even though he did that after I turned in, he caught up with my truck and held down his horn non-stop for me to get out of his way (as if I could or should) for quite a while. He was completely in the wrong and I feel like reporting, mostly to teach him a lesson, though. Though I don't really know if horn spamming is something worth of a ban or not. Something tells me it is not but I would like to be certain of my guesses, please.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MrHarv98
    3. Baymax.


      It's probs the best to kick as fella's say above me, it's an bug and it happens sometimes.

    4. Galeavia


      This is on purpose for example :) 


  22. Question for all of you with dem fancy graphics cards that cost a kidney and half a person's blood here in Brazil...


    How well would you recommend me a GeForce GTX 970? (Only NVidia, please. I'm not interested in AMD Radeons.) I'd prefer a GTX 1080, sure, but the bloody thing costs over $1300 in Brazil. I'd have to sell my soul to buy one of those by myself.

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. videogamer
    3. videogamer


      Another thing that is helpful is to look up the most demanding game you have or want to play and use that game to decide which graphic card you'll need to buy

    4. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Yeah, I've seen them before. If I go with the 960 and eventually get that game, it should be fine for the most part. Any of the options presented so far would, actually.


      As for most demanding game I currently have, I think that would be ETS2/ATS, I think. lol But obviously, eventually I will get "bigger" ones.

  23. Quick and short rant: After what happened during the last Gaming Friday, along with identical recent events, I am seriously on the brink of giving up livestreaming completely. It's not being worth it and I am losing more than I am gaining. I am not having fun as I am supposed to for doing something that I like. I give this up and I'll be adding yet another item to my list of things I like but was forced to give up. And I am sick of giving up the things I like. It doesn't help my depression and there are only so many things I can give up until I give up the one only thing that cannot be picked back up or recovered in any way once given up and wasted.


    Don't know what the hell I am talking about? No problem. Here's the really short VOD of last Friday's short-ended show:



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