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Everything posted by Enf099

  1. I haven't played TMP in a long while... But this makes me excited and want to install the game again and give it a go. This opens a new, much easier way of casually driving with other people, it's something I always wished we had when I used to play here, but I thought it was so out of reach that it would be just impossible to implement, so I (and many people too, I guess) just stuck to the old external job loader plugin. It is so great to have this new feature, it will certainly make it much easier for the community to come together and make friends. Similar features were there in old SA:MP trucking servers where I used to play ages ago. You would meet someone, somewhere, and ask "yo u wanna convoy?", and a couple commands was all we needed to have synced jobs and play together. I certainly remember how much fun the game became that way, so I'm sure it'll apply to these games as well. Congrats to the devs and all the people involved in making this possible, it really adds a lot of value to the game ?
  2. Browsing the forums for the first time in like three months and the first thing I see is my old boss has retired widepeepoSad... You did a great job, for real, I couldn't have asked for a better leader. I'll always remember the time I spent in the mod team back in the day, it was great fun and everyone was so committed! ?


    Take care Nat ❤️

  3. Hi there. We’re glad that you’ve taken your time to come here and elaborate your suggestion. Ideas are always welcome and we’re happy to hear what the community has to say. However, I must warn you that you didn’t follow the required suggestion format, which can be found in the following topic: Failure to apply the format within 3 days will most likely lead to the closure of your suggestion without it being reviewed, so please, change it as soon as you can! Notice that images and details are always appreciated and will help us understand what you’re exactly suggesting. May you have any other questions, you can contact me by clicking here Cheers, en_field, TruckersMP Community Moderator.
  4. //Moved from Website Suggestions to Game Suggestions.
  5. Morning all! Have a great start of the week ^_^

    1. JJay


      Hello :mlg_doge: Have a wonderful day! 

  6. Hi there bradwiggo, and welcome to the TruckersMP forums!. I’m moving your topic to the Help section, since at the end it’s an answer to a question what you’re looking for. If you have a question, doubt or problem related to any service TruckersMP provides, please post it in the Help forum so that our staff can handle it better, choosing the best answers given for you. It would be great if you could take this into account from now on //Moved to the Help section.
  7. -Me: you won't get up there, it's too slippery

    -@[RLC] Martin: hold my beer


  8. //Moved to the Help section.
  9. I know I am kinda late but, //Moved to the Help section.
  10. Hi isak. We're glad to know about your worries on that area of the map, but you can't just come here and ask us to do something without bringing in any ideas. Please, try to give some examples of what you think could help sort the situation in Kirkenes or otherwise I will have no option than trashing your topic, since it cannot be considered a suggestion. I will give you one day from now (the time I am posting this) to do it. Also, please make sure to apply the right suggestion format, which you can find in the following topic: May you have any question or concern, don't hesitate to message me, my inbox is always open! Regards, en_field, TruckersMP Community Moderator.
  11. Hey PapaJoint. I’m moving your topic to the Help section, since at the end it’s an answer to a question what you’re looking for. If you have a question, doubt or problem related to any service TruckersMP provides, please post it in the Help forum so that our staff can handle it better, choosing the best answers given for you. I understand you might have posted it in Euro Truck Simulator 2 Discussions because your issue is directly related to that game, but if it's a question, it belongs in the Help section. It would be great if you could take this into account from now on //Moved to the Help section. Cheers, en_field, TruckersMP Community Moderator.
  12. already told you on fb but happy birthday again ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


  13. //Moved to the Help Section.
  14. Enf099

    Ayuda Amigos

    Tema duplicado: //Cerrado y movido al Archivo.
  15. Enf099

    Game Crash

    Hi Neillyd. I'm moving your topic to the Help section so that our Support staff can help you solve this problem. Anyone who's getting the same issue, feel free to participate here so that we gather as much information about it as possible! //Moved to Help.
  16. Hello Insider. I’m moving your topic to the Help section, since at the end it’s an answer to a question what you’re looking for. If you have a question, doubt or problem related to any service TruckersMP provides, please post it in the Help forum so that our staff can handle it better, choosing the best answers given for you. I understand you might have posted it in Euro Truck Simulator 2 Discussions because your issue is directly related to that game, but if it's a question, it belongs in the Help section. It would be great if you could take this into account from now on //Moved to the Help section. May you have any further questions, don't hesitate to message me! Cheers, en_field, TruckersMP Community Moderator.
  17. ^ I'm guessing Moldavia - Iceland or Spain - Northern Russia should do it... ?
  18. Enf099


    No hay problema! ? ? //Cerrado y movido a Resuelto.
  19. Enf099


    Buenas Alv. Mientras que me encantaría ayudarte, mi deber es informar que no está permitido hablar sobre bans en el foro, ya que consideramos que estos son asuntos que deberían llevarse de forma privada entre el usuario y el personal de TruckersMP relacionado, en este caso, Nathan. Es por ello que tenemos un sistema aparte en el que puedes apelar tu ban: https://truckersmp.com/appeals Ha apelado tu amigo Luk su ban? Porque en caso de que no, eso es todo lo que tiene que hacer para que se revise su situación, y, en caso de que no esté conforme con el resultado, podrá mandar un ticket al feedback donde se revisará de nuevo. Ahora bien, en el vídeo se ve claramente cómo el coche de tu amigo atraviesa dos camiones sin inmutarse. Esto se suele considerar "no collision hack", esto es, que tu eres inmune al daño y atraviesas a los demás como si estuvieras, por ejemplo, en una empresa descargando o en un taller. Acorde a las reglas de TruckersMP, esto supone un ban permanente: No estoy metido en el tema ya que mi cargo es totalmente ajeno al juego como tal, yo modero el foro y el Discord de TruckersMP, no lo que pasa in-game, pero quizás podría deberse a que el ping de Luk fuera muy alto, en caso de que seais de Latinoamérica? De nuevo, no lo sé, eso son cosas que tu amigo tendrá que discutir con Nathan. Espero haberte ayudado, y por supuesto, haznos saber si tienes alguna otra pregunta ?
  20. Hi Lobossauro Game. We're glad to see that you've spent time coming here and elaborating your suggestion, and also using the right format, which we really appreciate! However, your idea figures in the frequently suggested things list, which you can check here: For that reason, your suggestion is being rejected as there are no plans of implementing it in the near future, I hope you can understand it. Asides, your suggestion has been edited to contain only words in English, as that's the only language allowed in the suggestions forum. Please, keep that in mind if you ever want to suggest something. May you have any other question, feel free to send me a private message, my inbox is always open! ? //Rejected Regards, en_field, TruckersMP Community Moderator.
  21. //Moved to from Add-On Suggestions to Game Suggestions.
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