Suggestion Name: Damage Indicator
Suggestion Description: To Show other players that have the option on to see if the truck in frot of him is to hard damage and can be prepart to break if the truck stops or can't move at the momet.
Any example images: Sorry and have no Pic to show at the momet.
Why should it be added?: Frends and I had the problem so may time that the truck driver infrot of me or my frends did't know that /fix is a thing to do and the truck stop randomly. i wish that Incicator can be a Optional Thing to klick in the tab Box. Ones its klick in the tab box, under the user name of the trucker will be a 0-100% counter and mabey a tank fule counter to.
I hope that is posible to make and could be a thing in the tab menü to add a safe option to the game.
much love Wolfy :3