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[AlphA] MgDalvin

Veteran Driver IX
 TruckersMP Profile
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About [AlphA] MgDalvin

  • Birthday 07/07/1995

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  • Interests
    Saúde, simulação e laser!
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Latvia: Rēzekne
  • Known languages
    Português, English (Basic)

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  1. Thanks for letting us know, I hope it will be quick.
  2. Muito obrigado, tentarei essas dicas para melhorar meu ping!
  3. Tks ?
  4. Hi @Ticreut29 Unfortunately, there are several different types of players and not everyone usually takes the simulation more seriously. Do not be alarmed by things like this, it has always existed and will always exist because just as many people denounce imprudences of this type and consequently the people who cause these imprudences are banned, other people come together with the same mentality! Of course, there are cases where there was really no intention, however, to always be driving according to the speed of the road is a way to help those who do not know where they can and cannot accelerate some more. I'm sorry that I went through this situation, I have also gone through situations like this and I didn't hesitate to report it because in order for the servers to improve it is necessary that we all do our part. I hope everything is fine with you, greetings.
  5. 1.39 aparenta demorar tanto quanto 1.38 e a cada nova versão que a SCS lança, mais demorado vai ficar... Desanima :(

  6. Hello, This will probably not be a TruckersMP problem, but a configuration or hardware problem. You can try to redefine the settings as suggested, in addition, check that the steering wheels you use are working correctly, that they are properly calibrated and adjusted to be used in the game. There is also an existing configuration in the game depending on how that wheel is used (instead of 'steering wheel' use 'joystick' in the configuration options of controls within the game). The game obeys commands sent by hardware devices, if those devices do not work correctly the commands sent to the game will not be accurate or may not work. Please keep us informed about your problem, if possible, you can tell us which steering wheel you are using to make it easier for us to assist you. From now on, peace and good.
  7. Veja um breve tutorial mostrando a configuração básica do VTC.World (Em PT-BR)

  8. Maybe if it was an update to the current TruckersMP vtc system, build a greater interaction with the game itself. It would be great and would avoid having to use third party applications that can end up messing up our profiles! You highlighted ETSFS, another highlighted TrucksBook, I liked VTC.World a lot, which 'forces' the player to be more prudent and simulative if he wants to grow. However, not all companies see importance in the travel record of their members, many just want to get together to make a convoy from X to Y place, so it could not be mandatory! Basically, there are much more important things to do, but it would be a very interesting implementation.
  9. I find this suggestion useful
  10. Simply an incredible system!
  11. It was exactly that, thank you
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