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Status Updates posted by Kat_pw

  1. Sorry for breaking a few things during the forum upgrade ?

    1. Rider.


      It looks great but it was confusing at first when I first came on ?

    2. MarkON


      There are many novelties

      Rank Progress :thinking:


    3. MarkON


      Hi. I've seen a lot of novelty on the forum a few hours ago. Whether the works were completed or still work in progress? Are badges on the forum was temporarily hidden or deleted?




      now I see: "The page you are trying to access is not available for your account."

  2. Forum may be a bit slow while some backend processing is still going on but :). Things are still looking great! Sorry for the downtime while we upgraded it~

    1. Caernage


      No problem, good job about this upgrade. Thanks to y'all #LightThemeIsLitNow ?

  3. Emails should be working now! Happy days have returned :)

    1. Ady Man

      Ady Man

      Good Morning

      ok thank you for the information:wub:

  4. Sorry for the small forum blip. Upgrade complete! No new features to announce. 

  5. Forum upgrade complete + authentication update. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. stilldre1976


      Thanks Kat :) Mines ok on pc ali

    3. AloneWolf.


      the old version is better :(

    4. tfmpillow


      You never post anything but when you do, it's always great news. 

  6. So much to do, so little time.

  7. Image uploading has been fixed. Sorry for any troubles! 

  8. NOW the forums should be working again and allow logins. Our apologies! 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RapidFellow



      It's either a bug ot the end of the world


    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Thx for getting the forums back :) but could we Please have the old forums back :unsure:

  9. test 123

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. elot360PL


      Why "reputation" option work only in status?

    3. HamitCanKilic


      Error. :D 


      1-There was an error marking this item as read. 


      2- http://fs5.directupload.net/images/170730/ipj2chbv.png

    4. sgpch1983


      had to change password right now to log back in here. :D

  10. Forum Upgrade Complete. Enjoy the speedier version!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VUQAR
    3. FATHER 69

      FATHER 69

      Dear developer
      I've read the new rules, they will not be very good.
      Suggestion: 1 In the multiplayer mode, you have to disable the switch-off function.
      2 Money punishment does not work / cheat engine / Violation of the rules 10 to 15 minutes time limit and return to the nearest collision-free zone.
      3 The user travels in the wrong band or returns to the collision-free zone for 1 minute.
      4 Collision-Free Zone. Service at garages and sites should be extended to at least one trailer sleeve because the door is broken and can not be turned.
      5 Calais Duisburg: On the west side there is a plus bend to the Duisburg and a traffic light. The Dusiburgi road is also a bad traffic light at the intersection. On the way to the bridge, traffic is diverted to 2 side barriers and a pre-hiding traffic light. In the western part of Duisburg, the corners of the curve are bounded and can not stand.
      Thank you for your attention
      Thanks a user from Hungary Laslie Bakos / TRUCK B /

    4. amirpoya111
  11. That was a long... long weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mirko9


      Everything will be better :D 

    3. Dutch_Driver_Boy


      this not working 

      what its de probleem ????

      Screen Shot 01-09-17 at 07.20 PM.PNG

    4. Mirko9


      cant see nothinggg 

  12. Please use eu 4/5/6 for now. thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    3. H&V I Patrycja.

      H&V I Patrycja.

      @SLAUGHTEER my ping was like 601 so close enough :troll: then got kicked

    4. Angerfist_BG


      @Kat_pw Hello i have a problem with the game version when i open the MP Launcher i get unsuported version and i have wrote a letter to the support and section and they have told me to cancel all the betas in Steam i try this solution and the same problem appears when i open the Launcher it tells me unsuported version and i must have 1.26.3s version of ETS 2.vladi 1.jpg

  13. Caching enabled on download servers :) Hopefully you will notice faster speeds with the patcher!

    1. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      Thank you so much for the update :) 

  14. Working on possible release of patcher tonight. Hopefully we'll get rid of 'Error contacting update server' 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. CT CEO PrideChaser/Twitch

      CT CEO PrideChaser/Twitch

      Agreed with Twitch.tv/driftingAZ would be nice to see a update or a roll back cause 3 days is to long since ets was fixed in no time and as we wait in delay

    3. NascarBen


      Thanks for the update.  Good luck with all of the debugging.  I know what a pain that can be, time consuming too.

    4. v8Smokin


      Will this also be a fix for ATS randomly crashing In-Game?

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