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Status Updates posted by El1teZombiezHD

  1. France DLC giveaway ends today at 10:00pm (UTC)! https://gleam.io/Z9KHj/truckersmp-vive-la-france-giveaway

    Hope you are all looking forward to the 12 Hour Convoy Tomorrow!

    1. TruckerTom94


      good luck people :) 

    2. Mirko9
    3. TrademarkGamer


      Im working man. Do a special one for me :P 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Takumi Fujiwara 86

      Takumi Fujiwara 86

      that truck that went after the car tho

    3. Cyrusj


      ^^ Yeah i think i have that guy on video ramming/blocking in EP.


      I still need to make the report though.

  2. Giveaway for Vive La France in my Twitch Chat now! http://twitch.tv/el1tezombiezhd/ !France to enter, you must be following!!

  3. GIVEAWAY Stream TODAY!! http://twitch.tv/el1tezombiezhd - Thanks for 200 Followers!

    1. El1teZombiezHD


      Congratulations to @Lamarboy5  who won the Giveaway!

  4. Going LIVE on Twitch with an Admin View Stream on EU#2, Maybe a Drive later? http://twitch.tv/el1tezombiezhd/ 61 More Followers off 500 and the Mystery Giveaway :o 

    1. [GER]Loading...


      Stream time baby :D

    2. AllstarDK


      YEAH!! :D Thanks elite!

  5. Going LIVE on Twitch with a TruckersMP Admin Troll Patrol on ETS2: EU#2. Convoys Later? http://twitch.tv/el1tezombiezhd/ We hit 600 followers! Maybe 700?

    1. [FR] AddaxV8

      [FR] AddaxV8

      Bonjour je suis Addax celui que vous avez ban pour sortit de carte vous croyer que jai hack ou tricher pour passer mes NON vous vous tromper . quand vous etes a l'atelier de Bordeaux tournez a gauche et aller tout droit regarder a gauche a coté des barrières il y a des quilles ou tu peut passer entre avec des voitures une fois que vous avez passer entre aller tout droit et tourner a droite ici prenez de lelans car vous aller sauter dans le vide et atterir dans un entreprise quand vous etes dans l'entreprise continuer tout droit et la vous allez tombé sur la route ou vous m'avez ban VOILA ! vous avez maintenant la preuve que je n'est fait aucun hack maintenant pouvez vous supprimer mon ban de mon historique car je me suis fait ban alors que j'était dans un endroit l'égal comme on peut y aller en multi (http://plays.tv/video/590a2cc5d79b83b151/-fr-addax)

  6. Going LIVE on Twitch with an Admin Troll Patrol! http://twitch.tv/el1tezombiezhd/ 

    1. [M.K] xing zai

      [M.K] xing zai

      Hello friends, I saw your live video yesterday because of the bad speed of China, the card dropped. Excuse me.

  7. Going Live now, lets hope Twitch doesn't die on me again.  Admin Patrol EU#2 & Listening to TruckersFM http://twitch.tv/el1tezombiezhd/

  8. Going Live on TruckersMP Twitch Channel http://twitch.tv/truckersmp/ - Come say hi and join for a convoy!

    1. [MIB] Agent "F"

      [MIB] Agent "F"

      Give me some warning & I will truck with you bro.. Sorry I missed out.  : <(


  9. Going Live on Twitch now with my New PC BUILD! https://twitch.tv/el1tezombiezhd

  10. Going Live on Twitch with an Admin Troll Patrol. Come say Hi and watch me drop The Banhammer! https://www.twitch.tv/el1tezombiezhd 15 Followers to go until 500 and the Mystery Giveaway

  11. Going LIVE on Twitch with an Admin Troll Patrol. Head over to http://twitch.tv/el1tezombiezhd/ to see how an admin works!

    1. Jutonk


      I will check it out



  12. Going Live on Twitch with Cities: Skylines. Starting a new city from Scratch! http://twitch.tv/el1tezombiezhd/ 

  13. Going live on Twitch, with @Pheonix_Twitch at https://twitch.tv/el1tezombiezhd/ Come and say Hello

    1. FirestarteR93


      Hai, *sets the stream on fire*


      (gl, hf)

  14. Goodbye @I<3VODKA - thanks for everything you have done for this amazing community. We wait your return :D

  15. Happy Birthday @Marc21feb

    1. Marc21Feb


      Thanks! Lol saw this a bit late! :D <3  

  16. Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to youuu @DJ Dynamic

    1. TrademarkGamer
    2. _Pingu_




      O-I O-I



    3. DJ Dynamic

      DJ Dynamic

      Hahaha Cheers Zombiez!

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