Status Updates posted by Dziada
Sorry to anyone for not being what you expected I guess. We all make bad decisions some worse than others. The one I made was really, really stupid, but eh, we only live once.
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It was sad to see you go my man
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I'll miss you bro
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Instead of looking back being sad , sometimes gotta look ahead and be happy.
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Slightly upgraded my truck; only visually though, keeping it at 370HP
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You don't need more than 500 unless you're hauling heavy or special cargo
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I feel you
, mine is 430HP , take it slow keep it relaxed
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All my trucks are 750 or 730 bar one which is 410! I wonder what the buses will have when they are eventually added, most urban city buses are 140hp ( Cummins ) - 240hp ( MAN Engine ) or under & the large double deckers are 250hp ( Scania engine, most common ).
Friendly Reminder: The third mod that was part of the winter mod, is the physics mod. That can mess you up real bad, so make sure you don't get banned!