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Veteran Driver VI
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Status Updates posted by Dziada

  1. Ło w morde, a kto to se kurna wrócił, powodzenia ziomek ?

    1. wpx_


      Najaaak! Dzięki!

  2. Very well deserved, your accent alone could've got you to GMM 

    1. JeffSFC


      I appreciate the kind words Dziada. :love:

  3. Cheers for the follow!

  4. Dzięki za follow'a!

  5. Don't do stupid things. Think about things like 50 times before you do them, and then think again, because when you look back at the wrong decision you've made, it's too late.

    1. AdaBey


      Never but never, everyone not knows everything. We're not perfect and we all make mistakes.

    2. Nykyyy(SV)
  6. Sorry to anyone for not being what you expected I guess. We all make bad decisions some worse than others. The one I made was really, really stupid, but eh, we only live once.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Matt


      It was sad to see you go my man :( 

    3. Ali.


      I'll miss you bro :(

    4. CptJacker


      Instead of looking back being sad , sometimes gotta look ahead and be happy.

  7. Ay well done Matt, from what I've talked to you, you're a proper nice guy, have fun in the role, you'll definitely enjoy it!

    1. Matt


      Thanks very much Dziada <3 

  8. Good luck, hope you do well!

  9. Took a trip down through Germany with my VTC: (only taggable person though is @wpx_, lurking in the back)





    1. Guest


      There always the one lurking eh? 

    2. Nykyyy(SV)
  10. Thanks for the follow!

    1. Andreea RO

      Andreea RO

      You're very welcomed! :P

  11. Thanks for the follow!

    1. Miyu*


      Congrats on your promotion, @Dziada

  12. Slightly upgraded my truck; only visually though, keeping it at 370HP ;)



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dziada


      You don't need more than 500 unless you're hauling heavy or special cargo :wesmart:

    3. CptJacker


      I feel you ;) , mine is 430HP , take it slow keep it relaxed 

    4. ScaniaFan89


      All my trucks are 750 or 730 bar one which is 410! I wonder what the buses will have when they are eventually added, most urban city buses are 140hp  ( Cummins ) - 240hp ( MAN  Engine ) or under & the large double deckers are 250hp ( Scania engine, most common ). 

  13. Thanks for the follow!


  14. Late night driving up north in Scandinavia 



  15. Thanks for the follow!

  16. Thank you for the follow!

    1. Serg1os


      np  bro good night


  17. Thanks for the follow!

  18. Another very pleasant drive w/ my favourite American @K0rnholio





  19. Congrats and welcome TumbEd!

  20. Snow camouflage w/ @K0rnholio









    2nd photo credits to K0rnholio, thanks for the drive! :tmp:


  21. Keeping the streets of Poznań clear w/ @PsychicznyMajster



  22. Friendly Reminder: The third mod that was part of the winter mod, is the physics mod. That can mess you up real bad, so make sure you don't get banned! :tmp:

  23. Thanks for the follow!

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