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Retired Team Member
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Everything posted by James

  1. Hello, Try out this solution, this may help your issue! Let us know if this fixes your issue. Kind Regards, JamesS014
  2. Congrats!

  3. Hello, As said above, Also TruckersMP released a knowledge article in January explaining why this hasn't been added yet. Another reason, is that they only have 1 developer who works on the client. You can read more in the Knowledge Article here: https://truckersmp.com/kb/105 Kind Regards, JamesS014
  4. Good afternoon TruckersMP! :)

    Hope we all are doing well. ❤️

    Nice short drive with @Tuna_ and @Fluffy Bunny


    1. Fluffy Bunny

      Fluffy Bunny

      Three super-skilled drivers here! :) 

    2. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      beautiful photo ❤️ 

  5. Hai, As said above, if you have 4 active (green) bans, then the next one would be permanent. You can read it in the rule here: §2.8 - How bans are issued The first 3 bans issued are at Game Moderator discretion. The 4th ban is 1 month. The 5th ban is permanent with no chance of unban. Any bans older than 12 months at the time of the new ban being issued are ignored, this 12 month period is the ban cooling-off period. Ban extensions are based on the active (less than 12 months old) bans at the time of expiration and will not be altered if a ban goes over the 12 month period while the ban is active. If you have at least two active history bans in your ban history, Game Moderators will extend your next ban to a permanent ban, regardless of how many bans you have had in the last year. Bans that are extended due to it being your 4th or 5th ban cannot be removed, they are strictly 1 month and permanent. The inactive bans are marked yellow, and active bans are marked green at the bottom of your TruckersMP profile. You can read the full list of rules here! Let us know if this helps you! Kind Regards, JamesS014
  6. Hello, You are not allowed to race other users on standard servers. (Except Tucson, Phoenix, and Södertälje (ProMods) race tracks), However you can go onto the arcade server and have a race. As rule 2.5 explains below. There are no collisions, but that's just how it is. You are not allowed to race because of rule §2.5: Rules marked with an Asterisk (*) do not apply on Arcade servers with 'Arc' or 'Arcade' in their title. §2.5 - Reckless Driving* Driving in such a way that is considered unsafe and that puts other players in danger, driving backwards, ignoring traffic lights and road signage, speeding, racing other users (except Tucson, Phoenix, and Södertälje (ProMods) race tracks), ignoring other players and rules. Being outside of the map boundaries, this includes spots inaccessible by normal driving. In the ProMods map it's allowed to drive on unlocked roads or paths. Attempting to use desync lag or quick saves in order to cause damage to another user's vehicle is forbidden. Using the ghost mode feature to go around traffic jams. Even if you have the right-of-way you must make reasonable efforts to avoid all collisions. Even if someone else is in the wrong, you must take actions to avoid a collision. This means that this rule does not apply on the Arcade server. You can read all the game rules here. You can find a full list of all the rules here. Let me know if this helps you! Kind Regards, JamesS014
  7. Congrats buddy! ❤️

  8. James

    Thanks for all the hard work you put into TruckersMP! ❤️

    1. Ali.


      I appreciate it, thank you :)) 

  9. Hello, You cannot be banned as it only makes changes your end. This means, it does not affect anyone else other than you. Therefore you won't be banned for modifying your money and/or XP. I will link you this guide below. It shows how to modify your money and XP. Let us know if this has helped you! Kind Regards, JamesS014
  10. Thanks for the follow and drive! :D

    1. Fluffy Bunny

      Fluffy Bunny

      Thank you too, it is really rare to see such good drivers, as you! Stay cool bro!

  11. Good night TruckersMP!



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Guest


      Great photo u 2

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Great photo ?:wub: Good Night ?

    4. Guest


      Good night!

  12. Hello, Head to your library, right click on ETS2/ATS, and select "browse local files". You will then see where your ETS2/ATS is installed - at the top eg: https://i.imgur.com/EsUxQdj.png Click on that, and it will shorten to something like this (It will be different for you) : D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2 Or D:\Steam\steamapps\common\American Truck Simulator Copy it, by selecting it all, and click CTRL+C (or right click and select copy) Then run the TruckersMP launcher, and when it asks for your Directory, paste that directory there. Let me know if this has helped you. Kind regards, JamesS014
  13. Good luck with the additional role! :P

  14. With @flowahh on CD road :wub:



  15. With @Kid Fabi , Folriden and Jamie.



  16. Hey, This is a good feature to the game! I have been using it for a bit. Good job
  17. Good Night TruckersMP!

    Went to the Courtz Carriers July Convoy!




    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Great photos ?:wub: Good Night ?

  18. Haiii o/



  19. Thanks for the follow bud! ❤️

    1. Raeker


      you're welcome ❤️

  20. Joey :wow:

    Happy birthday bud! ❤️ 

    1. Der Joey

      Der Joey

      Thank you ❤❤

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