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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/17 in all areas

  1. who remembers dat nikon advert back in the day
    4 points
  2. Been some time since I uploaded a clip like this but for those of you still interested here's another clip from my work days along the roads!
    4 points
  3. 3 points
  4. The feels when your life pretty much consists of music. Time to start producing music!
    3 points
  5. §2.15 Car with trailer Cars are not allowed to pull trailers. It looks weird and can actually cause reckless driving. *took pic from @Texas Transports LLC
    3 points
  6. გამარჯობა! მაქვს რამოდენიმე ვიდეო, რომლის საშუალებითაც მინდა დავარეპორტო მოთამაშე, როგორ შემიძლია გავაკეთო ეგ?
    2 points
  7. oh and @Mirrland is the car okay???? XD
    2 points
  8. Hola @[S.T] DANNY [08] [CR] Yo solo se lo he visto a los administradores, por lo demás no veo muchos UI Pack actualizados asi que tendrías que hacerlo manualmente. Igual puedes revisar la siguiente guía que aborda el tema en detalle (en inglés): ¡Saludos!
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. я так понимаю речь о том, что и "адекватный" игрок может попасть в ситуацию, когда он внезапно оказывается в толпе игроков из-за реконекта... но "адекватный" игрок, при потере связи с серваком и ТЕМ БОЛЕЕ если видит, что идет реконнект просто обязан взять РЕЗКО на обочину и остановиться!
    2 points
  11. Exiting the game: If you type "exit" in the Console and press ENTER, you will exit the game. The profile selection screen comes out To leave the game completely: If you type "quiet" into the console and press ENTER, you will be completely out of the game. You will close the game with Alt + F4. Returning to the profile screen: If you type "game" in the Console and press ENTER, your profile game is reloaded. Teleport: To use this you have to have the use 0 camera turned on. After typing "goto" in the console, leave a space and type the name of the city you want to go to. For example ; ''goto Berlin'' . The free camera will take you there. You can leave your vehicle at any place in the city you are going to. (it only works on single player) Time advance: After typing "g_set_time" in the console, leave a space and type the time you want. For example ; g_set_time 12 . Time will advance . Increase and decrease the volume of the cabin : After writing "s interior volume" in the console, leave a space and type the desired number. The standard number is "1". e.g Set Free Camera Speed: After typing "g_flyspeed" in the Console, leave a space and type the number you want. The standard number is "100". For example, if you type "g_flyspeed 1000", the free camera speed will increase, if you type "g_flyspeed 50", the free camera speed will decrease. Simulation Speed: After writing "warp" to the Console, leave a space and write the number you want. The standard number is "1". For example, if you type "warp 10", the game will be accelerated. If you type "warp 0.5", the game speed will slow down. If you type "g_minicon 1" in the FPS: Console and press enter, you will see 4-5 lines in the upper left corner of your screen. If you open the console and type "g_fps 1", you can see your FPS on those lines. If you type "0" in place of "1" in this list, you can type "g_fps 0" in the console first and then press enter. Then type "g_minicon 0" and press enter again. Turn off Traffic Tickets: Type "g_police 0" in the Console and press ENTER. Traffic punishment will be closed. If you change the location of "1" to "0", you can reopen the penalty if you enter console "g_police 1" and press enter. When you’re typing “save”, the game creates a “save from command line” immediately. It’s like a quick save, except your previous save won't be overwritten. Simple Auto Crossover Time: If you type "g_minicon 1" into the console and press enter, you will see 4-5 lines in the upper left corner of your screen. If you open console and type "g_fps 1", you can see your FPS on those lines. If you type "0" in place of "1" in this list, you can type "g_fps 0" in the console first and then press enter. Then type "g_minicon 0" and press enter again. Weather conditions : <<< g_set_skybox 1 >>> cloudy <<< g_set_skybox 1 >>> foggy <<< g_set_skybox 0 >>> clear without clouds <<< g_set_weather 1 >>> rainy <<< g_set_weather 0 >>> sunny IMPORTANT NOTE : If the console is not active: First we need to activate the console in the game. After I go to My Documents / Euro Truck Simulator 2 folder, we open the config file with the notepad. We use << uset g_console "0" >> in the file and make the place "1" which reads "0". In the map editor we will use << uset g_developer "0" >> in the file and write "1" at the position where it writes "0" because some of the properties that we will use are needed. We enter the game, press the "é" key and open the console. And we're starting to use the following features.
    1 point
  12. გამარჯობა, როდესაც შევდივარ თამაშში, ინტროს ამოგდების შემდეგ თამაში იქრაშება, რა შეიძლება იყოს ამის მიზეზი?
    1 point
  13. Czy marzyła wam się naczepa bez zlecenia? Z którą możecie jeździć gdzie chcecie i ile chcecie bez odgórnie ustalonego celu podróży? Jeśli tak do w miarę dobrze trafiliście. W tym poradniku przedstawię wam 2 sposoby zrobienia sobie właśnie takiej naczepy. Sposób 1 - Edycja Save Sposób 2 - Program TEDIT Jeśli w którymś poradniku znalazłeś błąd lub chciałbyś coś dopowiedzieć, napisz poniżej
    1 point
  14. Nazwa Sugestii: Profile w ustawieniach na ekranie głównym Truckers MP Opis Sugestii: Proponuję dodanie możliwości profili (przynajmniej 2 profile) w ustawieniach na ekranie głównym Truckers MP (obrazek poniżej). Dlaczego? Może większość nie widzi w tym sensu, dlatego że grają na własnych komputerach sami, ale są osoby, które z pewnych względów nie mogą grać na osobnych komputerach i mają jeden wspólny. Dałoby to możliwość ustawienia tagów czy innych rzeczy bez ciągłej jej zmiany, jak tylko ktoś inny usiądzie przy grze. Podobnie mam i ja - owszem, mam drugi komputer, ale nie mam możliwości jego podłączenia nigdzie z pewnych względów, a zmiana tagów i wszystkich ustawień po moim partnerze zabiera odrobinę czasu, kiedy to mogłabym już ruszyć w grze. Myślę, że takich osób znalazłoby się więcej. Przykładowe obrazki: Dlaczego twoja sugestia a nie inna?: Profile ułatwią i przyspieszą trochę rozpoczęcie gry. Nie jest to priorytetem, ale zmiana umili korzystanie z MP.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. გამარჯობა @nikoloz მოთამაშის დასარეპორტებლად გადადით შემდეგ ბმულზე - https://truckersmp.com/reports/create
    1 point
  17. გამარჯობა! პირველ რიგში გირჩევ შეამოწმო განახლებული გაქვს თუ არა დრაივერები, შემდეგ თამაშს სტიმზე გაუკეთე ქეშის Verify და შემდეგ კი სცადე შენი პროფილის წაშლა და ახალის შექმნა.
    1 point
  18. Watching All star driving school is boosting my confidence up a lot when it comes to learning to drive and passing my test. TV show which came on at the right time lol.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. and people say i cant drive.... its just skill.... i think
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Dział Galeria dotyczy zdjęć z Ets2 i Ats. Jeśli chcesz utworzyć wątek, gdzie zamierzasz publikować inne zdjęcia, powinieneś zrobić to w dziale Off Topic. Przenoszę do Off Topic.
    1 point
  24. Nie wiem skąd ta strona instant gaiming dobiera te dlc i ich daty wydania....
    1 point
  25. Half way through this work week and it’s soon weekend again and have next week off wohooo!
    1 point
  26. Bonjour @Anthony [FR], De plus, vous n'êtes pas tout seul sur les routes, si vous roulez vite, vous mettez forcément en danger d'autres personnes et vous. Par conséquent, arrêter d'appuyer fortement sur votre accélérateur et respecter le code de la route et les limitations de vitesse. Vous devez vous contrôler, vous pouvez le faire. Ce sont justes des conseils pour vous. Cordialement, Yoyo_ManSg
    1 point
  27. Change to plate! There is no country called kurdistan!
    1 point
  28. this is how the truck is going to be when you come from Calais to Duisburg
    1 point
  29. Możliwe, że SP odpala się w 32 bitach, a MP w 64 i program nie ogarnia
    1 point
  30. Spekulacje, spekulacje... Pożyjemy zobaczymy. SCS lubi zaskakiwać, więc różnie może być.
    1 point
  31. Another one of those foreign songs that I can't understand a single word of but just love so much and can't get out of my head.
    1 point
  32. გამარჯობა, თუ გინდა რომ შენს ტრაილერზე დაიწერო რაც გინდა დარეგისტრირდი World of Trucks'ზე, შემდეგ გადადი სეთინგებში და დააყენე ის ნომერი რომელიც შენ გინდა
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Sunrise during a cloudy Scandinavian morning. Sunset in an orange theme.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Przydatne, nieraz następuje potrzeba wyjścia z gry, a wtedy widzimy niemiły wynik i ujemne pkt za ooogromne spóźnienie :(.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Dzięki! Przyda się na pewno dla mnie
    1 point
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