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Veteran Driver IX
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Everything posted by Smalley

  1. You forgot about keeping distance between other players
  2. Depends how reckless the driver is and if its worth risking, I have seen couple of trucks do it irl but its a very big risk. Considering the weight and the speed of the vehicle in front
  3. Unfortunately I never learned about the news till quite recently and I am still in shock over it. Me and Jefferz did have our ups and downs but he was still a huge part of this community! So I wish I could of paid my respects by going to the event but unfortunately I wasn't so active when it was on. Funny enough I had a similar story with a VTC called Soarfly Haulage! Back in 2015 The very first day I joined SFH Scandinavia came out and one of the members gifted me it I believe. At the time I was 15 and my first ever drive with the VTC was from Oslo but I cant remember where exactly we went
  4. Pean Logistics Convoy about to start at 17:00 UTC on Simulation 2! Luxembourg-Innsbruck! Come join!


  5. I just normally alt + F4
  6. I am also gonna look into this route! It does look quite nice
  7. Happy Birthday boss man! 🙂

  8. How was everyones New years? 🙂 What have we all been up too?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Pretty good, bit of walking, gym and watching movies + a bit of TMP driving today :HaulieLove:

    3. Smalley


      @Almeida. I ended up doing a bit of trucking myself, Currently am doing as we speak. And been out drinking as well

      @Killua // Ireland ^_^ Good to hear! What movies were you watching and where did you go in TMP

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      watched the Great Gatsby + Herbie Rides again yesterday and just finished Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End 🏴‍☠️ Did some driving to Winterland with Krewlex and the Krew during his stream :HaulieLove:

  9. Im sure you'll get back there dude! I am glad to hear! Welcome to the community! You have plenty of time to make memorable moments within TMP and your own VTC
  10. Most important question, 


    Does pineapple belong on pizza?


    Me personally I say yes

  11. ^ Dont let that get you down though! Apply and push harder! Im sure you'll be able to pass it
  12. ^ I am dissapointed that I missed out on this. If I knew sooner I would of came! Just a shame
  13. ^^ Baring in mind it's currently christmas and new year period. Staff are currently taking time off to celebrate https://prnt.sc/88u-c-yy88Ul
  14. ^^^ I kinda missed out on that unfortunately
  15. @Nyrociel [GER] I definitely think you're gonna make so many fond memories with your VTC as well I am glad you have found a lot of new friends!
  16. Hey! As we're now coming to the end of 2024 I want to know what your most memorable moments of TMP in 2024 are! This could be anything funny you've seen whilst driving. Or even getting crashed into? Or maybe being part of an event! Or even hearing something funny whilst listening to radios such as Truckers.FM, Simulator Radio etc. Let us know! It'd be interesting to hear peoples experiences
  17. At least its now easier to see whats behind you
  18. In all honesty I reckon this would just cause more issues as its just more work along the road. If you block of one lane then people would make their own lane or just invite people to just go wrong way
  19. Merry Christmas all! Hope you all get what you want!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Penguin


      Merry Christmas to you too!

    3. Almeida.


      Merry Christmas! God Bless you and your family! ❤️ 🎄

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  20. Personally, I dont see it being an issue as long as you're not endangering someone or being a nuisance for people. I.E doing in No Collision Zones or Car parks or even in a quiet area where no one is about
  21. Hello, You have more then likely installed it to your 'Euro Truck Simulator 2' Directory and not your 'ETS2MP' Directory. First you would need to locate the ETS2MP Directory (This is where you installed TruckersMP) Then make a folder being called 'mod' this is where you should install the winter mod. Your folder should look like this. https://prnt.sc/mbuW24NQAU1l Once you've completed this load up your game and then see if the issue has been fixed. Hope this helps
  22. Im a bit unsure about the title and the post in general. I assume you are wanting ideas for your own truck? Anyways I have added a few photos of my Scania and Volvo which both include the tuning packs https://imgur.com/a/Dfr4GGw
  23. Me personally, has got to be the road to the hotel in argostoli. The roads on the way there and the Narrow road for getting into the hotel is beautiful and windy. Also experiencing a challenge when that road is busy
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