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  1. The best Scandinavia 2nd (which I have) is BTBS. The worst Going East and France.
  2. The fact that someone performs WOT orders (not taking events into account) is their problem, because they have only disadvantages. Passenger cars should have a separate restriction... 110 is definitely too slow for players like me, but for simulation fans there is more than enough... The perfect compromise would be 130, which is still safe. However, if we already have a division of servers, maybe it would be better to focus on equalizing the number of players on them...
  3. I see that some people do not understand why people drive on route C-D. Landscapes? There are no exceptional landscapes there, just a regular, basic map. IT SHOULD BE CHAOS. If you want to drive safely, do not approach this route under any circumstances. That is why it should not be rebuilt. The reconstruction of Duiburg and the earlier inclusion of the no-collision zone also did not make sense. Even the removal of the roundabout in Calais reduced the experience of being there. I personally like driving on this route, but not often, because everything becomes boring. But I wonder why they chose this route? After all, GPS avoids it like the plague. In default mode it never showed it to me. I remember that a long time ago there was such a place in the Europort in Rotterdam.
  4. The problem is as old as the world and the answer is obvious. When you see a certain head-on collision, you should press Scroll Lock.
  5. I know that it is, I myself choose Simulation 1 against my will, seeing the advantage in the number of players. But why did the community once prefer EU2, not EU1? It's a vicious circle: not many players on S2 -> I choose S1 -> not many players on S2... Without some restrictions from above, it won't be stopped. And it's not just that I (and similarly players) want ride 150. I am also aware that sometimes I can irritate fans of real simulation with my riding. (Of course, I don't do things that directly ruin the game for anyone.)
  6. Either we think the same way or you're a bot that copied my post. XD You probably put it even better, because my English is not perfect. I'm from Poland. Is it that obvious? XD The map you sent is for passenger cars, if I'm not mistaken trucks in Europe don't go faster than 90. So why isn't the limit on Simultion 1 90?
  7. What's wrong with current TMP players? I remember the golden era of the perfect division of servers into EU1 and EU2, i.e. people who want to indulge in simulation in peace and those who don't have time to get bored at 110 km/h and know what quicksave is for. Road to Simulation was definitely the stupidest thing that could have been implemented - mixing 2 extremely different types of players in 1 rubbish tip (no one plays on Arcade because there are no collisions). When I heard about Back to Basics I was very happy, hoping for a return to glory, finally players got what they had been fighting for for 4 years. However, it's been almost 2 years since this change but in reality it turns out that the vast majority choose Simulation 1 and its advantage is even greater than EU2 used to be over EU1. WHY? I will also add that for me the optimal speed limit could be 130 km/h, which is safe and not boring. And why is the limit not 90 km/h on Simulation 1? It would also not be a bad idea to ban Simulation 1 whem player play there inappropriately, which would allow them to still use the rest of the servers, and the rules on Simulation 2 could be less restrictive.
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