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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Sυѕkun

  • Birthday 05/18/2000

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  1. I've been using Google Chrome for years, and I really enjoy it.
  2. The large convoys organized every anniversary are definitely some of the most memorable moments for us. The sight of hundreds of trucks moving together, the sound of horns honking, and the friendly conversations... Everyone coming together to celebrate this special day always brings us closer. I can never forget these moments.
  3. Happy birthday🎂🥳

  4. Hello Good Morning 😊

    1. L-DR@GO


      Good Morning 2U2 

    2. PinkNub_


      Morning my friend 🐺

  5. Happy Birthday Friend 😊

    1. Tеddy



      Thanks! :HaulieLove:

  6. Happy Birthday Friend 😊

  7. Dostum Harika Yeni Görevinde Başarılar 😊

  8. Let's Not Kill Our 60 Crazy Vehicles On Flat Roads That Are 110 KM Pothole Roads
  9. I'm practicing the old time right now to open it and urgently step on the gas and fly until it approaches me
  10. woww very nice thought so increase speed limits one click
  11. Happy Birthday Friend 😊

  12. Happy Birthday Friend 😊

    1. Bronator


      Thank you 😀

  13. Happy Birthday Friend 😊

    1. Aligatoor


      Thank you so much for the congratulations. It was really nice to receive such messages ❤️

  14. Happy Birthday Friend 😊

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