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  1. Past hour
  2. If I understood this correctly one episode ago, we might soon be resurrecting a dead kitten, but I may be wrong. Join me on tonight's Gaming Friday for part 6 of Briley Witch Chronicles and let's find out.



  3. Hello there! Since this topic has been inactive for more than 3 days since the last reply, I will have to move this topic to Inactive Topics. If you have any further queries, feel free to DM me or another Support Team member, and we will open this topic as per your request. Thank you all for your participation. Kind regards, Roy Pegasus TruckersMP Support & Translator //Locked and Moved to Inactive.
  4. Hello there, Has your question been answered with the above given answer(s)? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum organized! I look forward to your response. King regards, Roy Pegasus TruckersMP Support & Translator
  5. Hello there! Since this topic has been inactive for more than 3 days since the last reply, I will have to move this topic to Inactive Topics. If you have any further queries, feel free to DM me or another Support Team member, and we will open this topic as per your request. Thank you all for your participation. Kind regards, Roy Pegasus TruckersMP Support & Translator //Locked and Moved to Inactive.
  6. Happy Birthday

  7. Good Night ❤️ 


    1. Tarial


      Great photo :HaulieLove:

  8. Hello @4Orzeszek, Has your question been answered with the above given answer(s)? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum organized! I look forward to your response. King regards, Folatti TruckersMP Trial Support
  9. Today
  10. Muchas gracias por el follow BigFan! 💖

    1. Melocotón


      Muchas gracias a ti por el follow Supreme BigFan! :HaulieLove: ❤️

  11. Happy Birthday CEBO! :HaulieLove:

  12. Happy Birthday! 

  13. Thanks for all your birthday wishes Tarial, HENGYA, Microsoft Windows 11, Insano Death, Melocotón, 'Lennox., FayezTMP, N C, Devsk1892, aesthxwolf, 'MaRtY, Alany, Muhammad Nizar F, pofii, Bhagyesh, ChrisHB, Almira xeltz., 'Leo., *CNDS*300-yang guang, L-DR@GO, Truckers / 3D, RedNub! :HaulieLove:

  14. Tebrik ederim Poyrazım başarıların devamını dilerim, EN YAKIN ZAMANDA 💖💖

    1. pofii


      Çok teşekkür ederim cansın :HaulieLove:

  15. Happy Birthday! 🎉

  16. Hello, i cant play truckersMP and enjoy it because im getting this error alot, i legit bought this game to enjoy playing online yet i cant..... Here what happens exactly: 1) i press play through truckersMP launcher., and game starts. 2) i join in simulation 1 server, all good right now. 3) i start a mission and load in into the world, everything is good. 4) After 5min or 10min i get greeted with a nice bombastic crash EVERYTIME. The Crash: Solution i tried: 1) Verify game Files on steam. 2) I tried this(https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/43150-fatal-error-or-crashing-each-5-10-minutes/) and not working. 3) And this(https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/97312-tmp-client-error-fatal-error-game-crash/) also not working 4) Delete DLC files in the game root folder. 5) Create a new profile in game 6) deleted and reinstalled the game 7) deleted and reinstalled the launcher. Other Info: I only own 3 small DLC yet somehow i got all of this by the game itself: Im running on Windows 11 So as you can see, i really gave up. Thank Very Much For Reading.
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