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James Charles

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About James Charles

  • Birthday May 3

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  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: London
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  1. Happy birthday ! :HaulieExcited:

  2. Happy birthday. I hope have a good years! 🎂🥳🎉

  3. Happy birthday ??? 

  4. https://truckersmp.com/recruitment
  5. Have tried you resetting your password?
  6. Hast du versucht, auf dieser Seite auf deine Einstellungen bei TruckersMP zu gehen und eigene Spiele zu checken?
  7. Нажмите L на клавиатуре и включите фары. Тогда вас не ударят.
  8. Do you get your loads off the Freight Market page? I believe if you get them off the external contracts page it restricts you to 55mph. I might be wrong though.
  9. Congratulations Prototype 

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