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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About 'Nhympex.

  • Birthday 03/23/2002

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    Turkish and English

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  1. happy birthday !



  2. Happy Birthday 'Nhympex. 🎂❤️

  3. Thanks ur follow ❤️  

  4. Thanks for the following!

  5. Thanks for the following!

    1. Almira xeltz.

      Almira xeltz.

      Thank you too ❤️

  6. Hello @semenfandukhov, First of all, congratulations for your first post on the TruckersMP forum page. Always try to be active. The idea you have presented is good. Developers can do this. But there is a site where you can see what time it is in the game without entering the game. This site shows the live map of the servers in TruckersMP and you can also see the time on this map. I share this site with you, https://map.truckersmp.com/ Regards, 'Nhympex.
  7. Thanks for the following!

  8. Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy Birthday!

    1. david12567


      thanks you ❤️ 

  10. Thanks for follow. ☄️

  11. Congrats!

    1. .Filip


      Thank you! 🤠

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