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Of course they support ATS right when ETS2 is updated to 1.36. This is disappointing that it takes almost a month for ATS to update but as soon as ETS2 gets it they finally update. You guys shouldn't be neglecting ATS especially since a new DLC came out and people are going to really want to play it in multiplayer. People probably aren't going to utah now they will go to ets2 black sea instead so exploring utah in multiplayer with other players is not an option anymore because of super late update. I've explored the whole thing in singleplayer already.

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10 hours ago, Sanguinem Luna said:

And on ATS MP at least, the game also launches forced into windowed mode and there's no way to get into fullscreen. Game window "freezes" if you try to change the graphics settings to fix it and can only be "unfrozen" by hitting the Escape key to revert the changes. Alt+Enter doesn't work either. And the game process takes forever to stop now after quitting out of TMP. ATS sat in my task manager for about a minute after quitting out of ATS MP before it finally stopped.

It does this in SP as well since 1.36

2 hours ago, dragonslayingmaster1000 said:

Of course they support ATS right when ETS2 is updated to 1.36. This is disappointing that it takes almost a month for ATS to update but as soon as ETS2 gets it they finally update. You guys shouldn't be neglecting ATS especially since a new DLC came out and people are going to really want to play it in multiplayer. People probably aren't going to utah now they will go to ets2 black sea instead so exploring utah in multiplayer is not an option anymore because of super late update. I've explored the whole thing in singleplayer already.


I think it's more about synchronizing updates to both ATS and ETS. Why do the work twice over? 

They probably spent the last month grinding the update for 1.36, got ATS ready, waited until ETS patches aswell, kill 2 birds with 1 stone? 


Honestly a good 50% of the people on this forum are so unbelievably entitled it's flabbergasting. Give the admins the credit they so rightfully deserve, stop spitting the dummy when you don't get your way.

9 minutes ago, Reaper said:


I think it's more about synchronizing updates to both ATS and ETS. Why do the work twice over? 

They probably spent the last month grinding the update for 1.36, got ATS ready, waited until ETS patches aswell, kill 2 birds with 1 stone? 


Honestly a good 50% of the people on this forum are so unbelievably entitled it's flabbergasting. Give the admins the credit they so rightfully deserve, stop spitting the dummy when you don't get your way.

Well said, I couldn't have put that any better if I'd tried. And I'm a very blunt person :P

  • Thanks 1

I've noticed huge frame drops and some weird graphical things in ATS after the update; I can't tell for ETS2 as the version I'm using is not supported yet.

As for the bugs: some wheels of the trailers of other players are low poly and low definition, other are not (weird) and the rolling bushes are lagging and low quality as well as the trailer wheels. I've experienced frame drops in the cities (small ones too, where there isn't much to load): I was continously fluctuating between 60 to 30 fps inside the cities (with instant frame drops up to a 10 fps loss), creating a pretty annoying effect.

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1 hour ago, Alex [ITA] said:

I've noticed huge frame drops and some weird graphical things in ATS after the update; I can't tell for ETS2 as the version I'm using is not supported yet.

As for the bugs: some wheels of the trailers of other players are low poly and low definition, other are not (weird) and the rolling bushes are lagging and low quality as well as the trailer wheels. I've experienced frame drops in the cities (small ones too, where there isn't much to load): I was continously fluctuating between 60 to 30 fps inside the cities (with instant frame drops up to a 10 fps loss), creating a pretty annoying effect.

I can confirm this for ETS2. I play on Ultra (VSync disabled for the record) 100-200 FPS, gettings drops to 80-90 and freezes down to 1 FPS. Not only that, alt tab is an instant game crasher. Additionally F7 is also freezing.

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1 hour ago, Alex [ITA] said:

I've noticed huge frame drops and some weird graphical things in ATS after the update; I can't tell for ETS2 as the version I'm using is not supported yet.

As for the bugs: some wheels of the trailers of other players are low poly and low definition, other are not (weird) and the rolling bushes are lagging and low quality as well as the trailer wheels. I've experienced frame drops in the cities (small ones too, where there isn't much to load): I was continously fluctuating between 60 to 30 fps inside the cities (with instant frame drops up to a 10 fps loss), creating a pretty annoying effect.

Exactly the same on ETS2, everything that's broken in one is broken in the other! @_J-M Are you guys aware of these issues, the trailer wheels are flipped ( back to front ) doubles are jack-knifed & ncz through everything ( player doesn't see this ) f7 crashes etc...i noticed the game randomly freezes frequently which is why i reverted back to dx9 but now its forced everything is super buggy! Sorry if you already know 

1 hour ago, THEREALDETONATOR said:

Simple fix for that just press the Windows Key for Start menu and then press the game in taskbar, it Will go fullscreen

Believe me, I've tried everything to get it into fullscreen and nothing has worked. And it's literally only broken on ATS MP. If I launch the game in singleplayer, it's perfectly fine. I even downgraded ETS2 to the currently supported patch and launched ETS2 MP. That launched in fullscreen just fine though.


Guys, some of the errors you are talking about are related to the fact that there has not yet been official support for the new patch and the new DLC, so such errors are quite natural.
Our developers are working to ensure that you can enjoy the new features of the game and new territories as soon as possible.

The latest patch from SCS added big changes to the code and the core of the game (SCS themselves also say this) and it takes more time to add support.
Please be patient, it is not as easy as it seems. Thank you for understanding.

  • Thanks 1


Бронзовый призёр в номинации "Сотрудник поддержки 2016"

Game Moderator Leader of the Year 2019 - #2



Guest Kriptik

Am I missing something? I'm a bit new to ETS2 and TruckersMP but I can't seem to play the game now. It's telling me I'm not using the expected version ( but I'm using the 1.36.x beta option, and that's the most recent beta option for me.

4 minutes ago, Kriptik said:

Am I missing something? I'm a bit new to ETS2 and TruckersMP but I can't seem to play the game now. It's telling me I'm not using the expected version ( but I'm using the 1.36.x beta option, and that's the most recent beta option for me.


At the moment: Latest version Euro Trcuk Simulator 2 ( is supported.

  • Steam - Euro Trcuk Simulator 2  - Right Click - Properties - BETAS for Euro Truck Simulator 2 - NONE - Opt out of all beta programs 
  • Install update
  • Restart Steam & try again launcher TruckersMP as administrator

If it doesn't help. Check the solutions in this topic:

Unsupported game version detected! (if game meets the requirements)


Happy Trucking

MarkON (player-Veteran Driver)

Guest Kriptik
4 minutes ago, MarkON said:

At the moment: Latest version Euro Trcuk Simulator 2 ( is supported.


Working now, thank you!

43 minutes ago, [Интегра] ResTed said:

Guys, some of the errors you are talking about are related to the fact that there has not yet been official support for the new patch and the new DLC, so such errors are quite natural.
Our developers are working to ensure that you can enjoy the new features of the game and new territories as soon as possible.

The latest patch from SCS added big changes to the code and the core of the game (SCS themselves also say this) and it takes more time to add support.
Please be patient, it is not as easy as it seems. Thank you for understanding.

I don't know if y'all are aware, but the game code between ATS and ETS2 is nearly identical. How would I possibly know this? Well, SCS has said it themselves. Remember when ATS used to be on like 1.6? While ETS2 was on something like 1.18? (not meant to be accurate, but meant to give you a picture of how it used to be a year or two ago). And you see now how ATS and ETS2 are on the same patch level and getting about 99% of the same features each update? Yeah... Y'all remember why that was? It was because over two years ago, SCS announced during a new open beta that they'd be bringing the two games in line with each other, with the same version numbering. This was originally for communications purposes, but IIRC, later on went to bringing the two games to the same feature and code level. This was so they'd have less work to do by having the games share damn near identical code to each other. Proof? Here: https://blog.scssoft.com/2017/07/american-truck-simulator-128-open-beta.html And more proof, by them literally saying, and I quote, "In the frenzy of releases at the end of last year, we have not managed to sync the codebases of American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2 to the same revision.": https://blog.scssoft.com/2018/01/american-truck-simulator-130-update.html


So, while ATS had 1.36 for over a month, why weren't y'all using ATS 1.36 as a learning base for what all had majorly changed so y'all would have had a better idea for what changed in ETS2 as well? Seems like a wasted opportunity to me. Or laziness? Also, why bother supporting 1.36 a day after ETS2 got it when everyone knew that RttBS was coming literally the next day? Y'all updated the mod, only for it to become instantly outdated again. Like? !?!? What sense does that make? None. It makes no sense. At all. Whatsoever. In even the slightest of ways. Zilch, zip, nada.

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3 hours ago, Alex [ITA] said:

I've noticed huge frame drops and some weird graphical things in ATS after the update; I can't tell for ETS2 as the version I'm using is not supported yet.

As for the bugs: some wheels of the trailers of other players are low poly and low definition, other are not (weird) and the rolling bushes are lagging and low quality as well as the trailer wheels. I've experienced frame drops in the cities (small ones too, where there isn't much to load): I was continously fluctuating between 60 to 30 fps inside the cities (with instant frame drops up to a 10 fps loss), creating a pretty annoying effect.

Yeah, others' trailers are super low resolution. Also, though my PC is horrible and I typically get some freezes, in SP since 1.36 I have been getting hardly any. In MP I was getting freezes as bad at 1 min+, and horrible framerate regardless. The thing that kills me is that they had an entire month to figure this stuff out, and yet this is still a thing.

6 hours ago, Sanguinem Luna said:

Or laziness?

A multiplayer update with support for both games came out a few hours after the release, what are you talking about?




Бронзовый призёр в номинации "Сотрудник поддержки 2016"

Game Moderator Leader of the Year 2019 - #2



42 minutes ago, [Интегра] ResTed said:

A multiplayer update with support for both games came out a few hours after the release, what are you talking about?

You clearly aren't paying attention to the context... You say a lot of the errors people are talking about are because of the new update changing quite a lot. And I replied with the fact y'all have had an entire month to look at ATS' 1.36 update to get a good idea of what ETS2's 1.36 update was gonna look like, since they share a lot of the same code. And so I asked why y'all hadn't spent the month learning what all changed. I then mentioned it seemed like a wasted opportunity, or might have simply been laziness on the devs part. Because it looks pretty clear that y'all didn't bother learning what changed at all, given the amount of horrendous bugs present in this latest TMP patch.


And, to be honest, I really shouldn't be surprised. I really should expect this by now. Y'all also don't seem to understand the concept of testing internally before pushing updates. And before you say "You guys are the beta testers", even SCS has loads of internal testing before any beta is made public. No reason y'all can't start your own internal testing team. So, rather than be smart about updates, y'all patch the mod up to barely running and then push it immediately. You also don't seem to care about timing updates. The release date for RttBS was known for about... A week before it released. The release date was announced November 28th. https://blog.scssoft.com/2019/11/road-to-black-sea-release-date.html I find it extremely hard to believe y'all didn't know the release date. So, instead of waiting for RttBS to also release and to work on support for it, y'all immediately push an extremely broken update for TMP to "support" 1.36 a day before the DLC drops, and wasted a load of time in doing so because the update was made near immediately obsolete by RttBS releasing. And don't even try to say you weren't expecting SCS to release another patch with the DLC release. Because anyone paying attention even in the slightest, to previous DLC releases, should know that additional patches accompany DLC releases, especially map expansions.


Y'all are REALLY bad at what you do. It's sad, honestly. Y'all have been developing Truckers MP for what... 4? 5 years now? And rather than be smart about updates, y'all cave to people demanding the latest patches be supported immediately, and in doing so you rush out broken updates. Y'all realize all the people demanding "updayte nao!" will still be here if you take a week or two to update, test internally, and make sure the update is gonna be relatively stable and bug free? Like. They're not going anywhere. There is literally no reason to rush updates. At all. Take this however you wish, but: Grow a thicker skin. Toughen up, nut up, and ignore demands for the latest patches to get supported. Start being actual developers and start doing things the right way. If it means a TMP update ends up being delayed until after New Years? So be it! At least then we, the players, can be assured the update will actually work correctly for once and not be a broken mess that was clearly rushed and had no thought put into it.

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hi I have a problem first of all as soon as I try to start the MP on 1.36 there is a crash after the established connection and then when I press f7 the game stops and I don't have to press enter to enter the workshop and then I noticed that from yesterday do the servers spot a little bit solutions? thanks a lot.

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