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Road to Simulation


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TMP is trying to address two problems at the same time: enhanced simulation and less reckless drivers. I really believe this is the way forward, however, I highly doubt it will reduce the number of reckless drivers as it stands now (cause that needs specific measures) and I have the idea people dislike the reduced server choice. However, I might have a solution to address all those problems at the same time:

1) New players start with a full simulation experience. This will prove them that they should take this game seriously. After a certain period with no bans (e.g. 1 month) and a minimum amount of hours logged, they get access to servers with more 'freedom' (e.g. higher speed limits, cars, etc.). 

2) Based on many reactions I read, please give players a choice of servers with different properties:
Simulation 1 - Full simulation: trucks 90km/h, cars 130 km/h
Simulation 2 - trucks 110 km/h, cars 150 km/h (or different)
Arcade 1
Arcade 2


This idea can be adjusted easily to make it fit. I believe this would enhance the simulation aspect, remove trouble caused by new players and give players the choice at the same time. I look forward to your opinion on this suggestion. 


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8 minutes ago, Arradin said:

We lose players that get rammed by people going 170 with a trailer and crashing into people.


This is a truck simulation, not racing sim.

If they really wanted to make things better, they would bring hw id bans that were recommended in many years, stupid rules wont solve anything at all. Hell from this point on i dont think they really care. 

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For me personally I have to agree with the majority of people here who say that this is a bad idea.


Yes having a more “simulation” focus is a good thing, but the implementation is way off, most of us agree that we use TMP not to go troll or to ram or to do a billion miles an hour and do a quadruple kick flip in a truck, (although it’s still hilarious to watch), but we using TMP to have fun with friends and to just drive how we want to drive. 


The question has has to be asked, why does the TMP staff think EU2 was such a popular server? From my opinion it’s because it was a good medium server, you still had speed limiters in cities and collisions, but you could drive how you want to drive, which was enjoyable and at the same time a test of driving skill and reaction time to something that happens ahead of you.


Making 2 servers speed limited with collisions and 2 without limiters but without collisions just doesn’t make sense, yes, before anyone says it, ETS2 and ATS are simulator games, but as a good Youtuber once said, they are not true simulators, they are “arcade simulators” where you have aspects from one genre and aspects from the other, that’s what makes the games so much fun, that’s their premise essentially and with TMPs new setup, I feel it’s safe to say that what’s happening isn’t true to the games actual format, otherwise why can you turn off realistic settings, fines, speed limiters and set your stability super high? 


Yes es getting rid of the “GTA” players as people like to call them is good, but honestly it can be done by simply changing the physical rules and making punishments harsher for certain rules on certain servers, it’s really not that hard. 


As with save editing, well, having “native” trailer lengths is comic really, the old “triples”, done correctly, such as b triple (a b double with an extra short trailer added to the front), wasn’t an issue for anyone, collisions were fine, hitboxes, fine.


It does feel like TMP is taking every ounce of fun and individuality out of MP and making it a glorified “play Single Player with friends” situation, and I have to agree that with such big changes, it should be put to a public vote before implementation to get people’s opinions of the changes and what people actually want, instead things were added and changed out of the blue without much warning and then people are expected to go, oh this is fine, without question, only it seems to have predictably backfired spectacularly. 


Dont get me wrong, trying to push for a more simulator feel is a good thing, but it has to be done in a way that caters for all drivers and currently, for drivers like me who enjoy relaxing and cruising around being able to drive at a speed I’m comfortable at and being able to watch chaos unfold out of my window, the current setup doesn’t work and I’m afraid will lead to an increased number of trolls and trolling going on with those playing by the rules getting screwed over time and time again while the rule breakers drive away laughing their heads off. 

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12 hours ago, S p a r k i e said:

I personally don't agree with the Arcade servers having no collisions. Once again, this is another thing that I feel should be voted upon by the community rather than changed with absolutely no regard to what the community wants to see.

There are people who do want things like this, but I don't believe this is a good direction for TMP.

I totally agree with you.

I don't know when and where the players were asked to make these changes. I really loved this multiplayer, but after this I removed it from my PC.


DC: Petrova#6591  |  VTC: Wolves™  |  My YT Channel  |  Languages what I speak: Hungarian, English, Russian

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Just for reference for people here (might be interesting for you all) 


Here is a list of every country in the EU and what their speed limits are for Trucks, HGV's, special cargos etc

Note that none of them go over 100 km/h (as far as i can see) .. so in my personal opinion, 110 km/h in a simulation server is very generous. 

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 Community Manager at SCS Software & Truckers.FM Founder.

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8 minutes ago, The-Beast said:

ps: one sees more and more that it is a children's team ...

No, I would say the opposite because it is obvious that entertainment and racing should be after the simulation and this is really why this project was created.


You use stereotypes that are imposed on most players - if this is a EU2 server, racers, crashes, and cheats are waiting for you! 

Knowing this and seeing it, many players think that this is normal behavior here and thus just kill the project as a simulator! For the same reason, we hardly see the VTC, and players who do not break the rules and respect other players go to a single game.


I have been in this project since 2014, and I know what I'm talking about, I saw all the changes and I was sad to see what multiplayer turned into. I want to see the multitude of convoys again, I want to see when all the players respect each other!

Honestly, if the project loses part of the audience because of this, then it will be good for me, because there will be less chance that someone will not break my truck because of speed, saying “sorry, buddy, my steering wheel broke” - this is real stupidity and not those solutions that should return the past name of mp - a multiplayer simulator.

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Бронзовый призёр в номинации "Сотрудник поддержки 2016"

Game Moderator Leader of the Year 2019 - #2



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5 hours ago, HammeR.GX said:


I liked the changes they made, I just have to say that the only thing I did not like was that they left the cars in simulation.


This is a truck game, please disable it

I agree 100% with this..It seems that alot of people are having problems with the speed limit and collisions.Why? cause you cannot run 150mph and crash into other people trying to play that game as it should be played.

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With such update, I wouldn’t even be bothered to drive on motorway - i.e. more boredom



driving on motorway alone, everyone deadlocked at 110kmh.... so no overtaking, so safe, so realistic.


wow cool update thank you...

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@Joao Rodrigues it’s people like you that make TMP toxic, just because people don’t have the same views or drive the same way as you so, does not make them reckless or trolls, I’ve met more respectable and well mannered drivers on EU 2 than I ever did playing on the “ EU1 simulation server”. 


Like i I said before, there are far more people who use TMP as an escape from the Realism and stresses in SP, In fact, if you want a fully realistic experience, you should play SP with realistic mods installed. 


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I have a BIG problem with this changes. Until now there was 3 servers to game and one with no collision - usually empty or almost empty. My company usually organized convois on EU2, and if EU2 was full - on EU3, cause it have less lags than EU1, and don't have weird 60km/h limit in some highways near to the cities (for example in Odense). Now we have Sim1 (it will be crowded as EU2 was), and we have Sim2, the old EU1 with lags of EU1... and if Sim2 will be crowded (there was times when EU2 and EU3 was full) there will be no third server for us.

At the same time there will be two servers with no collision. Even i don't saw EU4 full NEVER, ever, not even once.  

It is very hard to understand why the team doubled no-collision servers whitch was always empty, and cut the EU3 even it was full sometimes.


At the same time You changed the rules. Now You can get a ban when You drive on red light od 3am on a empty street. It was completly not important violence of rules. But now Mod-team will have 10 times more to do because of this rule. Or it will be rule that no one cares, with completly random bans for random players who "dont have lucky" and was seen by Admin. It is stupid. 


But the worst is new rule about reckless driving. Now You can get a ban if You not avoided idiot who run a red light, overtaking and cause a head-on collision or violated other rules. You can drive not violating any rules, ride on green light, road with priority and GET A BAN. Why? because You was tired, because You looked at mirror, at tab, at map or at other player (yes, in cities sometimes is more than 1 reckless driving player nearby), and not avoided collision with some reckless driver. It is a stupidest rule ever made on TruckersMP. It will harm innocent people who drive 100% correctly just for being little tired in seventh hour of playing. Or just for being not completly concentrated on some idiot, not foreseeing his doings. 

  • True Story 1



Za każdym razem, gdy do firanki podpinasz 8x4 i włączasz koguty gdzieś na świecie umiera w cierpieniu mały szczeniaczek.
Every time You attach curtain trailer to 8x4 and turn your beacons on - somewhere dies cute little puppy.

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26 minutes ago, Joao Rodrigues said:

As I used to drive on the former EU#2 server, I thank you for the compliment! :)

You’re an exception to the friendly drivers on EU2 rule in my book tbh, especially tarring people who want to have a hybrid arcade/simulation experience with those who just want to cause pain, misery and destruction. 

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now as the speed limit is locked on 110 km/h, I assume even more people will drive on c-d roads as driving on empty highways on slow 110km/h for hours gets boring very soon, so people will still be stuck in traffic and also people will continue to overtake in crowded areas. So I think everything will be the same as it used to be, just the ones that actually drive outside of c-d area will be the losers as they're forced to go a slow 110km/h on empty roads.


On the other hand, arcade servers will stay empty as there is no traffic with no collisions enabled and it's no fun going 160km/h without ever slowing down and without watching for other drivers as you can just drive through them instead of braking and slowing down, it just feels pointless.


I get it's supposed to be a simulation, but people will still continue to troll and drive recklessly no matter if there is a 50/90/110/150km/h or no speed limit at all. IMO tmp did themselves no favor with those changes.

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All that needs to happen is to add collision to one of the arcade servers, i guarantee that server will be the most populated.

"Only trolls are complaining about NC". No, not at all, i've been playing since Late 2014, never been banned on ETS2.

Collisions add a enjoyable danger to driving.


if people want a full simulation, lets do a full simulator then, lets see how many of these ppl praising the 2 new simulation servers complain.

Lets add:

Go through red light = banned

Overtake on solid lines = banned

Overtake in 3rd lane on motorway = banned

Play for longer then 4.5hrs without a 45min break = banned

Take a double into a country that they not allowed = banned.

Force truck speed limit to 56mph/90kmh

Remove text chat.

Remove tab menu.

Remove player icons on map.


People seem to be forgetting that this is a game, games are meant to be fun for all, not the select few full simulator players.


TMP have added some stupid stuff in my time on here but this takes the cake.



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13 hours ago, S p a r k i e said:

I personally don't agree with the Arcade servers having no collisions. Once again, this is another thing that I feel should be voted upon by the community rather than changed with absolutely no regard to what the community wants to see.

There are people who do want things like this, but I don't believe this is a good direction for TMP.


The reason we are where we are today with the chaos is because for all these years we've done what the community wanted. We need to regain the seriousness this mod once had by making decisions players may disagree with. Think back to 2014/15 when the mod was so serious people were scared to cross lines accidentally. We're not saying we want completely serious like that again however, we need this to be a simulation community not Need For Speed.

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Nameless Ghoul.


Player Reports: https://truckersmp.com/reports

Ban Appeal: https://truckersmp.com/appeals

Game Rules: https://truckersmp.com/rules

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15 minutes ago, Nameless Ghoul said:


The reason we are where we are today with the chaos is because for all these years we've done what the community wanted. We need to regain the seriousness this mod once had by making decisions players may disagree with. Think back to 2014/15 when the mod was so serious people were scared to cross lines accidentally. We're not saying we want completely serious like that again however, we need this to be a simulation community not Need For Speed.


Why would your team make SATISFACTION survey if you have your desired orientation, AND, it sounds like you are collecting opinion to do everything against the arcade oriented  community’s needs.


whether whoever makes sense or not, at least this is how I sensed from you, a representative of TruckersMP team.


I hope every independent player who wanted to play casually and safely could have fun with all these stressful restrictions 


I really wonder the purpose of player TMP is to play with stress? Or play with fun?

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This is stupid. There was simulation server which played around 700 players or less, and europe 2 with full server most of the time. Almost all players were driving over 110km/h and they were happy. Make the simulation server and let those players who likes simulate to play in there.

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23 minutes ago, Nameless Ghoul said:


Причина, по которой мы сегодня находимся в хаосе, заключается в том, что за все эти годы мы сделали то, что хотели сообщества. Мы должны восстановить серьезность, которую когда-то имел этот мод, принимая решения, с которыми игроки могут не согласиться. Вспомните 2014/15, когда мод был настолько серьезным, что люди боялись случайно пересечь черту. Мы не говорим, что снова хотим быть абсолютно серьезными, однако нам нужно, чтобы это было сообщество симуляторов, а не Need For Speed.

So what's the problem to give the arcade server collisions? Any two of the current.

Leave the simulation servers as there are, just give 1 server arcade with collisions and you will solve both problems at once. Those who want to be in the simulator will also be satisfied, and most of those from whom you have selected the arcade to #EU2 will stop scolding you.

For a project, it doesn't cost anything. The audience will disperse on the servers and will quietly spend time with pleasure. I can even offer you an idea - on the server with collisions, I can simplify the rules for which violations are made so that the audience is left to itself. Everyone will be glad and thank you.

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20 minutes ago, Nameless Ghoul said:


The reason we are where we are today with the chaos is because for all these years we've done what the community wanted. We need to regain the seriousness this mod once had by making decisions players may disagree with. Think back to 2014/15 when the mod was so serious people were scared to cross lines accidentally. We're not saying we want completely serious like that again however, we need this to be a simulation community not Need For Speed.

I can fully understand why you made this decision. For example, I think the new rules are good. Now you have to get used to the big Change even if it is difficult. ;):thinking:

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