Linow Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 Thank you for this change of direction. Our previous simulation server had a problem where even simulation players wouldn't want to play on them because they didn't want to drive alone, personally I feel this is a good way of uniting everybody. I have been here for a long time and had my fair share of trolls independently of server type, and although limiting their speed isn't gonna solve everything because this issue isn't so simple, it certainly will help minimise damage and disencourage them a lot. We achieved such a level that people often said "you only play on EU2 if you can tank damage costs", such conformity was surely doing wonders for the community. Better yet, we have people making money on YouTube while driving recklessly, making everyone think this type of behaviour is funny and/or acceptable. I suggest everyone who hasn't played ATSMP yet to try it out and see what a healthy community looks like, nowadays I spend way more time there but with these changes I might come back for ETS2 too. As for the "if you wanna play simulation, just play singleplayer" argument, why don't you play singleplayer with g_traffic 0 and no speed limiter so you can fly around every corner at 150 km/h? See how unfair this is? 1 3
Guest Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 1 minute ago, Linow said: Thank you for this change of direction. Our previous simulation server had a problem where even simulation players wouldn't want to play on them because they didn't want to drive alone, personally I feel this is a good way of uniting everybody. I have been here for a long time and had my fair share of trolls independently of server type, and although limiting their speed isn't gonna solve everything because this issue isn't so simple, it certainly will help minimise damage and disencourage them a lot. We achieved such a level that people often said "you only play on EU2 if you can tank damage costs", such conformity was surely doing wonders for the community. Better yet, we have people making money on YouTube while driving recklessly, making everyone think this type of behaviour is funny and/or acceptable. I suggest everyone who hasn't played ATSMP yet to try it out and see what a healthy community looks like, nowadays I spend way more time there but with these changes I might come back for ETS2 too. As for the "if you wanna play simulation, just play singleplayer" argument, why don't you play singleplayer with g_traffic 0 and no speed limiter so you can fly around every corner at 150 km/h? See how unfair this is? sadly noone will try that game as the map is still not finished, with less player counts who has ats. in my opinion the game is better than ets2 in some ways but has flaws where ets2 dont
bezciv Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 Just now, ADA Paulo said: where the limiter is inactive when limiting it
Guest Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 2 minutes ago, Linow said: Thank you for this change of direction. Our previous simulation server had a problem where even simulation players wouldn't want to play on them because they didn't want to drive alone, personally I feel this is a good way of uniting everybody. I have been here for a long time and had my fair share of trolls independently of server type, and although limiting their speed isn't gonna solve everything because this issue isn't so simple, it certainly will help minimise damage and disencourage them a lot. We achieved such a level that people often said "you only play on EU2 if you can tank damage costs", such conformity was surely doing wonders for the community. Better yet, we have people making money on YouTube while driving recklessly, making everyone think this type of behaviour is funny and/or acceptable. I suggest everyone who hasn't played ATSMP yet to try it out and see what a healthy community looks like, nowadays I spend way more time there but with these changes I might come back for ETS2 too. As for the "if you wanna play simulation, just play singleplayer" argument, why don't you play singleplayer with g_traffic 0 and no speed limiter so you can fly around every corner at 150 km/h? See how unfair this is? people buy the game to play with others as it will get boring in singleplayer. and still saying again, these new rules will block people who are having fun. trollers will be trollers personally i was driving triples since it came out with the latest update, yet didnt crash a single time, didnt cause any accidents. 1 minute ago, ADA Paulo said: My group did not like when they took off the speed of 120mph. now it has decreased even more. so we're hoping to come the infinite truckers forum with 120mph servers = 193km goodbye truckers mp 150km/h was logically the best because driving slow in this game takes 20 minutes to achieve almost 300-400KMs. but reducing it to 110kmh will cause much more chaos now. cars where cant go faster than trucks(accelerating) and people who are eager to overtake now will cause much more accidents.
Botina [BR] Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 1 minute ago, TheDuckThatFloats said: people buy the game to play with others as it will get boring in singleplayer. and still saying again, these new rules will block people who are having fun. trollers will be trollers personally i was driving triples since it came out with the latest update, yet didnt crash a single time, didnt cause any accidents. I understood correctly ... Are you saying that nothing should be done?
X_RUSH_X Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 The TMP team has always acted badly in terms of online management, but with this move they have lost the north. 1 1 1
Guest Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 2 minutes ago, Botina BR said: I understood correctly ... Are you saying that nothing should be done? i am saying what must be done, well even if i state it again in here, someone will delete my reply anyway recommending feedback system where my mates used it to recommend a HW ID ban system in many times in many years. it is really sad how tmp became treating their community
Guest Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 8 minutes ago, gusmax1 said: The TMP team has always acted badly in terms of online management, but with this move they have lost the north. so true. rather than seeing what the problem is with the game management with the staff, they just force rules for players who will not obey. what would you think if they made staff and players understand eachother? this community needs a transparent forum where things must be discussed in here to be seen(where posts must not be deleted regarding about the true facts) with staff and players where feedback only works for management. players also need to understand somethings same as the staff. anyway i have been in this community for 1 month, tried to explain what things are wrong in my opinion(also same with other players), if this is how this forum going to go like that, tmp management being like this, community will eventually die. never seen a single update that helped things settle down(except the speed limit of 150kmh) cheating is a permanent ban reason; people still ncz. it is funny that how they expect these rules to work how they were discussed. tmp must make one thing, make a HW ID BAN so no ban evade cant be done, make players understand and try to see from their perspective, staff should be more responsible rather than filling their quota. that way we wouldnt need stupid rules. not talking about only speed limit. it should be diffrent. once i have seen "green lights on new gen scania was a ban reason" LMAO how is this going to help?
bezciv Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 so where we have the fix limited to arcade when the arcade has me without limit
Guest Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 5 minutes ago, bezciv said: so where we have the fix limited to arcade when the arcade has me without limit arcade is useless as trollers will be in simulation where people want to drive "realistic" where ever the more people, there will be that many trollers. it is just common sense. anyway im tired of saying the facts and what exactly going to happen, rules will not solve problems, staff member's excue will not fix any problem. hell i have been playing this mod for a month yet discovered so many wrong things, if i can see that much of it, i dont know what others are thinking. it is like being a journalist saying things against a government that will either put you in jail or blame your for something bla bla bla some might get angry towards me, some might understand me. if you TMP want to make this community better, stop trying to force rules. try to see things in detail. you made arcade server and simulation server; you want people to play realistic to improve simulation, guess what. those trollers will be in simulation server. now where is your arcade server? you want simulation but still thinking a simulation server would make the mod more realistic. please use your common sense guys it is not hard to see things. i just hope tmp will not kill it self. as they are slowly killing their own community.
Arradin Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 Fantastic update. People Who dont want simulation but instead go fast can play on arcade. Win win situation. Only the trolls suffer. Great work! 1 Jimmy 'Arradin ' Stigsjöö TruckersMP - Facebook - Twitch - Youtube - Steam " One Minute in Heaven "
Guest Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 2 minutes ago, Arradin said: Fantastic update. People Who dont want simulation but instead go fast can play on arcade. Win win situation. Only the trolls suffer. Great work! are you really that blind enough to believe trollers will play in arcade? you are so wrong! i mean look at this, this was taken after the update in simulation server now do you really believe trollers will play in arcade? as you are an older Member since: 03 Jan 2015 20:13 you should know this better than me.
N&A Trans Chassi de Grilo Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 1 hour ago, RyuSora [GER] said: Oi lá: D Esta atualização é incrível! Mas ... eu estava no primeiro servidor Acade e o limitador de velocidade está ativo (110km / h) e tivemos uma colisão. Será que os servidores têm nomes errados? Ou eu sou idiota ao ler inglês? xD My game is the same way
Granite [SVK] Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 1 minute ago, TheDuckThatFloats said: are you really that blind enough to believe trollers will play in arcade? Now explain your definition of average troll on late ETS2: EU#2, maybe I will explain mine. 1
Guest Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 2 minutes ago, Granite said: Now explain your definition of average troll on late ETS2: EU#2, maybe I will explain mine. i dont need to explain a thing to you, you are an experienced player that believes trollers will play in arcade. keep on believing there will be no trollers, no rammers, no blockers on simulation server. trollers are everything, not the people who want to have fun jumping above bridges. if you are going to say that the old ncz server, then dont.
bezciv Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 10 minutes ago, TheDuckThatFloats said: pasáž je k ničemu, protože trollery budou v simulaci, kde lidé chtějí řídit "realistické" tam, kde stále více lidí, bude tolik trollers. je to jen zdravý rozum. V každém případě im unavený říkat fakta a to, co se přesně stane, pravidla nebudou řešit problémy, excitace zaměstnance nebude řešit žádný problém. sakra jsem hrál tento mod za měsíc ještě objevil tolik špatných věcí, když vidím, že hodně z toho, já nevím, co si ostatní myslí. je to jako být novinář, který říká věci proti vládě, která vás buď dostane do vězení, nebo obviňuje vás za něco bla bla bla někteří by se ke mně mohli rozzlobit, někteří by mě mohli pochopit. Pokud TMP chcete, aby tato komunita lépe, přestat snažit vynutit pravidla. pokuste se věci vidět podrobně. vytvořili jste arkádový server a simulační server; chcete, aby lidé hráli realisticky, aby zlepšili simulaci, hádejte co. tyto trolery budou v simulačním serveru. kde je váš arkádový server? chcete simulaci, ale stále si myslí, simulační server by mod více realistické. prosím, použijte své smysly kluci není těžké vidět věci. Jen doufám, že tmp to nezabije. protože pomalu zabíjejí vlastní komunitu. read the news from the arcade server to go Unlimited and go with restrictions, then try the game and see that they lie to people are limiting everything slowly
FernandoCR [ESP] Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 Well... This is almost exactly what I had suggested so I can't be happier! Thanks a lot. So many GTA fans complaining about the 110 Km/h speed limit... Haven't you seen that there are 2 servers with NO SPEED LIMITS? You can now go faster in Arcade servers than yesterday in EU#2 server, you should be happy too. And since Arcade servers are non-collision, no ramming, no blocking, no bans for the most usual reasons. Of course trolls will be on the Simulation servers, but like I said in my suggestion, since the Arcade servers have more relaxed rules, they don't need almost any moderation, so GMs can focus a lot more in the Simulation ones. Not like before, that 90% of the GMs had to be watching EU#2 and the "Idiots on the road". 8 2
Ru13z Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 9 minutes ago, TheDuckThatFloats said: are you really that blind enough to believe trollers will play in arcade? you are so wrong! I DO belive this will have, and it is a right step, towards a positive impact on reducing the troll count. There are now two servers only to enforce road laws. Their job IG Moderation can now be improved and focused on ENFORCING the simulation style gameplay. As for the rest who rather prefer to drive over-speed and how the hell they want, they now got their very own servers to do so. Everyone SHOULD be HAPPY and CELEBRATING! The only thing that there's no point in, is to stubbornly demand to play and do whatever the fudge you want among drivers who are here to SIMULATE in a SIMULATION SERVER. And to all players complaining that they can't crash, that just shows what you're here for and why this change is so much needed. Again, THANK YOU TruckersMP Team for this. Keep working towards the original goal of this Mod. 1 2
Guest Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 5 minutes ago, Ru13z said: I DO belive this has a positive impact on reducing the troll coun't. There are now two servers only to enforce road laws. Their job IG Moderation can now be improved and focused on ENFORCING the simulation style gameplay. As for the rest who rather prefer to drive over-speed and how the hell they want, they now got their very own servers to do so. Everyone SHOULD be HAPPY and CELEBRATING! The only thing that there's no point in, is to stubbornly demand to play however the fudge you want among drivers who are here to SIMULATE. And to all players complaining that they can't crash, that just shows what you're here for and why this change is so much needed. Again, THANK YOU TruckersMP Team for this. Keep working towards the original goal of this Mod. i didnt say a single thing about crashing. even if there are 2 servers, trollers will be in the most populated server= nothing has changed. i dont demand no one to play how they want. tmp staff want realism, trollers will ruin simulation server= nothing has changed. did it really make a change when they first made a ncz all map wide server? there were less players on that server. please stop quoting me. im done talking with 2 experienced drivers with that kind of common sense. it is really funny to see old members are that kind of not knowing the facts.
Ru13z Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 Changing the server layout is only part of the solution to fix the problem. Like I said, IG Moderation should now be enhanced and improved on Simulation Servers to achieve the goal intended. If that can be achieved sucessfully, the troll count will become a minority.
Guest Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 if they want to achieve the goal that is intended, they need to make players understand, not force some rules that will still be broken. rules may only have a little impact. people will keep using trainers, cheats, etc etc. bring HW ID BAN system and lets see what will happen. if they only made that hw id ban system, there would be no need of these rules. the intention can be a way to make the game more playable with less trolls but rules will not prevent them. either way they will ban avade.
China-leitinG Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 I agree with this approach, but it would be better if we improved it to make each server play differently, such as displaying the correct game name on one of the Arcade servers and driving at 150 speed on one of the Simulation servers, which would make Truckers MP do better! happy Truck!
happy_trucking_ets2 Posted July 2, 2019 Posted July 2, 2019 Hmm, When all the 5000+ players will join again, doing the exact same thing as before, only now going to Simulation 1......nothing will really change. Will be interesting to see people overtaking with a 110 km/h speedlimiter.....great. Don't forgot this happened earlier, you know, making a speedlimiter at all. When they changed it to 150 km/h. Now it is a bit less, wow, that will stop all the trolls for sure........not really I guess we will see what happens.
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