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  1. Suggestion Description: We propose a temporary African server to address the high latency issues African drivers face when connecting to European servers. The server could be located in Kenya or South Africa and run for 1 to 3 months, with a player cap of up to 500. This will allow the African community to demonstrate demand for a dedicated server and help the TruckersMP team assess server performance and player engagement. Why it should be added: African drivers currently experience high pings of 150ms to 220ms when connecting to European servers, causing unintentional accidents and bans. A local African server would significantly reduce latency, making the gameplay experience smoother and more enjoyable for African players. The test would allow the TruckersMP team to gather data on demand and performance while giving African players a fairer environment to play in, benefiting the entire global community by reducing ping-related issues.
  2. Hello. For already 2 days I cant join Simulation 1 Server in the daytime. If I connect, my and others ping is over 1000ms. This problem didnt exist 3 days ago and my ping was around 50-60ms. Thats for sure not me internet connection. Thanks in advance for the answer.
  3. Like, İ joined simulation 1 server, (Very much players) But when i look around or press tab, ITS EMPTY I HAVE NO CONNECTION PROBLEMS
  4. Suggestion Name: Cooldown after a server Kick Suggestion Description: I suggest implementing a feature that when moderators kick a player from the server for inappropriate overtaken, blocking etc, that they Don’t just kick that player, but make them wait 10 minutes before they can rejoin server. Any example images: No Why should it be added?: How many times have we seen a player get kicked for driving recklessly, inappropriate overtaking & blocking. Just for the person to be able to spawn straight back in (If they wasn’t also teleported to the nearest F7 they just load a save). My Suggestion means that everybody that gets kicked (by admin) would have to wait up to 10 minutes before they are able to rejoin the server (admin set cooldown time based on why they get kicked). we have seen it way too much especially for blocking the players will simply just load straight back up and continue traffic jams (and in a lot of instances the original traffic jam hasn’t even had time to clear before players spawn straight back in) Implementing this I feel could be an important step to try and cut down on the repeat offenders able to rejoin the server within seconds.
  5. Hej nu hvor der er kommet nye server navne på både ETS2 og ATS, hvilke servere kører i så på? Altså normalt ville jeg jo joine de servere der er flest spillere på, men lige i ATS, der er det typisk pt. US serveren, der har flest spillere, så jeg ved ikke om i også kører på den i ATS eller om i joiner den anden? og hvad med ETS2? hvilken server tager i der? Jeg vil nemlig helst gerne joine den der er flest på, men jeg vil da også rigtig gerne have mulighed for, at møde andre danskere på den server jeg kører på, selv om chancen nok ikke er så stor anyways.
  6. Como están estimados: Es una pregunta que me he realizado hace unos días. El truckers MP ha tenido un éxito y se mantiene durante años, y me pregunto ¿habrá algún futuro server cerca de sudamérica? en Brasil por ej. o alguno en Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, etc. somos muchos los que soñamos con tener menos ping en el juego y tener mejor experiencia. Saludos camioneros!
  7. Was sagt ihr zu denn Server Problemen in denn letzten Tagen seit dem Event TMP 10 funktionieren die Server nicht mehr so gut wie vorher durchgehend nur High Pings und so weiter. Meines achtens ist das keine gute Qualität zum spielen von Euro Truck Simulator 2. Sagt eure Meinung mal zu diesem Thema wie ihr das findet das die Server so schlecht sind ! What do you say about the server problems in the last few days since the TMP 10 event, the servers no longer work as well as before, only high pings and so on. In my opinion this is not good quality for playing Euro Truck Simulator 2. Share your opinion on this topic and how you think the servers are so bad!
  8. Howdy fellow truckers, I've been giving some thought to the "simulation" 2 server, as it hasn't seen much activity since its introduction. How about transforming it into a dedicated role-playing (RP) server? The server could be defined by certain pre-settings, for example collision mode enabled in all areas activated fines activated fatigue syncronized weather etc... As role-playing adds a layer of realism and immersion to the game, it would be beneficial for the part of the TruckersMP community which strives for realistic simulation. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this proposal. Please vote and if you like, share your opinions, ideas, and suggestions below.
  9. Suggestion Name: Highlight the server with the best connection in the server list upon starting the game. Suggestion Description: Like the name suggests, Ping each server 3/5 times and see which server has the best ping, and then highlight that server in the menu to show which will have the least lag, I'm sure this would be very trivial to code, and could easily benefit those who have unstable connections. I think it would even come as a benefit to those with not so good connections. Any Example Images: No, but if my description is unclear - I will make one real quick. Why should it be added? To show those with poorer connections which will give the best connection, and most lag-free game play. Note: I am going to make a small application to test your ping to servers, firstly for practice, secondly because it may be of benefit to some.
  10. Hello, in the last two days, sometimes I have high ping when playing in Euro Truck Simulator 2 principal server. My internet connection is ok, when I do a speedtest when I'm in game or not, I have only 7 of ping and no data package lost. In TruckersMP my ping increase upto 1000 of ping! I have nothing in background that uses my internet connection and it's great... What could it be?
  11. Suggestion Name: Server Selection Menu Suggestion Description: Hello guys, I like the new Server Select menu, but I prefer the old one... This one is very confusing. If for some reason I select Europe 2 server for mistake, and I want to select another one, I need to restart the game to select other server. You guys should put a "button" that when you click, you will exit to the server selection screen. Any example images: I dont have any Why should it be added?: Because it makes it easier for the selection
  12. > hi, i got a problem, the thing is i was playing with friends the other day and we where playing ATS on US simulation but 1 of them join to the same server and we couldn't see him in game, and he said that on his game was raining and in ours it wasn't, but we check his screen and he was online and in the same server, what it could be?
  13. Can something be done with the servers because Europe 2 ETS2 is getting very full with over 3490 players logged in and a queue of 200. One suggestion would be to remove the speed limit enabled on Europe 1 ETS2 temporary and see if more go over to that server to relieve Europe 2 ETS2 hopefully admin and developers will read this and give it a try because everyone is piling on Europe 2 ETS2 because of the limiter and if removed might encourage some to go over to that one. I tried to get on EU2 today and was hopeless and kept say tomany in a queue and try another server and going on another server where there is only 300 or 400 plays you never see anyone else and feels like a ghost town. What is the Europe [Trial Test Rules]ETS2 server for. Moderators if you're reading this please move this topic to the appropriate place forum. Edit / update : Europe 2 ETS2 server is always full so when I and other try to use it we get a message telling us the queue is too big because the queue is 200 because 3486 players are using that server because there is no speed limiter in use and can use cars. What I am suggesting is for a trial period remove the speed limiter from Europe 1 ETS1 server and allow cars and see if it reduces the amount of users on Europe 2 ETS2 server and some of those users who use Europe 2 ETS2 server logon to Europe 1 ETS1 server and half are on Europe 1 ETS1 server and half are Europe 2 ETS2 server. If I log on to Europe 1 ETS1 server I never see anybody and feels like a ghost town. I hope this helps Moderators understand. I also think this should be placed in the appropriate place and developers or I.T. should consider it and ask what others think of the idea to see what feedback they get.
  14. Suggestion Name: Dynamic AFK grace period based on server capacity Suggestion Description: Set a default AFK time allowed and extend this if there are less players on the server than than the half of its capacity. Any example images: None. Why should it be added? Currently there's a fixed amount of away from keyboard time after when you'll get automatically kicked. Kicking inactive players after a short amount of time if the servers are busy is a good idea but there are times when this rule is just so strict. Eg.: I usually take a break from the game every hour to go to refresh myself and I do find myself being kicked off the server even if there are only a few players on it. Since there is no quick reconnect option I have to quit and relaunch the game, reload my profile, connect again. This makes the resting places at highways, the petrol stations and hotels in cities absolutely useless.
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    Serverlar görünmüyor.

    Arkadaşlar böyle bir hata alıyorum cidden sinirlerim bozuldu her yere baktım ama adam akıllı çözüm yok! Arkadaşlarımda o sırada böyle bir hata yoktu. TruckersMP clienti sil yükle canım çıktı.
  16. I want to request an event server for a german event: DHT-Convoy / 08.05.2020 (Thema : Geburtstags - Convoy) Date & Time: 08.May.2020 at 17:00 - 22:00 UTC Organiser: Profi_Kartoffel (Timo Wagner) Participants: Über >100 Server Name: DHT-Convoy Game: ETS2 Max Players: 500 AFK Kick: No Speed Limiter: Yes Collision: Yes Cars for Players: No Temporary Rules in English: Rules for the convoy: -Overtaking for participants isn't allowed without an approval from the event staff ( DHT- Dark Horizon Transports / ConSec ). -Participants must have a trailer. -Follow the instructions from the convoy control (ConSec): indicator and chat signals. -It is allowed to block roads with the convoy at the start, break and destination. -Convoy control (ConSec) is exempted from §2.3 (to block roads for showing the right route) and §2.4. -Beacons are only allowed for the convoy control. Temporary Rules in German: Rules for the convoy: -Das überholen für Teilnehmer ist, ohne Einverständnis des Veranstaltungspersonals, nicht erlaubt ( DHT- Dark Horizon Transports / ConSec ). -Jeder Teilnehmer muss einen Auflieger angehängt haben. -Den Anweisungen der Konvoiabsicherung (ConSec) ist folge zu leisten: Blink- und Chatzeichen. -Der Konvoi darf während dem Start, der Pause und des Ziels Straßen blockieren. -Die Konvoiabsicherung (ConSec) ist von der Regel §2.3 (zum blockieren von Straßen für das anzeigen der richtigen Route) und §2.4 freigestellt. -Das anschalten der Rundumleuchten ist lediglich für die Konvoiabsicherung zugelassen. Participants list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nk8BL9Vv7_EG1IIJgs22u3l-vtjK6vtVPsFl4P13XC8/edit?usp=sharing Link als Nachweis der Teilnehmer Let me know if you need something else. Thanks in advance. Profi_Kartoffel (Timo Wagner)
  17. Hi. Currently, Iranian players cannot connect to Multiplayer. Because all TruckersMP servers are filtered for Iranians. Please solve this problem.
  18. HOST AND JOIN friends server -A way to host or join a friend or many friends server thru truckers mp to play along with just us and the ia. -It'll expand the avaible options for truckers mp + -will get many many more users who just wanna play with friends and the ia making it more thriling and without those users having to deal with trolls and many other hassles typical of public server such as they're now.
  19. Suggestion Name: Clean Sheet (Server) Suggestion Description: A new server for veteran players that who has no ban punishments in the past year. Any example images: No need. Why should it be added?: We need safe driving without any blocking, ramming or hacking. It will improve multiplayer. Some trolls keep buying this game to disturb people. This idea will prevent them. We can replace Simulation 2. Best Regards, Next7
  20. Suggestion Description: Connection suggestion: if a player is kicked from inactivity or high ping, with a command e.g(/retry or /reconect) he will be abble to rejoin the server. Any example images: [No image] Why should it be added?: I don't know if this is possible, but it would make it easier for players, as they would not always have to close and open the game. Thanks.
  21. Hallo, momentan sind die Server zimlich instabiel. Die schmieren permanent ab und man muss das Game neustarten und wieder auf den Server Connecten. Dann sind die Server wieder online und man connectet wieder neu drauf. Nach einiger Zeit wenn man ein paar KM gefahren ist, schmiert der Server wieder ab und das ganze fängt von vorne wieder an. Leute ist das euer ernst???? Gruß Cronka
  22. A problem for the DLC color truck. .... Today I chose a color for my truck. But I faced a problem. My connection to the multiplayer server was automatically disconnected. What is the reason? ... For example, I used these colors .
  23. Suggestion Name: Re-Login on Game-Servers after a kick. Suggestion Description: There could be 2 variants. 1. Variant) Add in Tab a Button with "Re-Login" and you get logged in back to the server, you was previously - OR 2. Variant) Add in Tab a Button with Drop-Down menu and you can Change the Server Any example images: no one, unfortunately... Why should it be added?: Who dont know this. You are going shortly AFK to do make food or going to toilet and you was too slow and got kicked. So, you are playing now 6 hours without pause and dont want to loose the current Playtime in Steam - you are currently forced to play offline or restart the Game and loose the current playtime.It would be a nice Feature, so we dont loose our current playtime Kind regards, Maurice "MauriceLPs" K.
  24. Why make it a limited time? It should be a server to stay for those who want to roleplay or have fun for a bit For example: Having it as a server to stay for those who want to use it such as police chases Any example images: No Why should it be added?: It's already gonna be added on the 29th
  25. Hello everyone. A time to today, appears too frequent for me to kicked the server no longer by high ping. This problem is fixed. But this new appeared: "Kicked from server. Reason: [System] Unreliabe connection". What does it mean? How to solve this?
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