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About plinio_lisboa

  • Birthday 08/02/1982

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Água Boa, MT, BRAZIL
  • Interests
    Maps for the game.
    Ideas for the Game ETS 2.
    Ideas to play at Truckers MP.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Switzerland: Bern
  • Known languages
    Portuguese, Spanish, English.

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  1. Happy birthday to you,🥳

  2. Happy Birthday, have a nice day! ❤️

  3. Happy birthday! ?

  4. Very good research! Congratulations !


    Brazilian, inventor, manufactures trucks. Your first model took 2 years to complete.


    An investment of  R$10 thousand reais.

    Lontras- Santa Catarina/ SC.

    Carlos Alexander Baumgart - joiner.



    complete  report. Conclusion  Mini-Truck.


    Original report


    Truck - class cargo . Red  board truck.

    Before the law the mini truck can have common plate of loads or special plate of invention and prototypes.

    The young man chose to plate loads.

    It means you can roll normally.


    Other Brazilians also build their mini trucks.

    We are passionate about trucks, the main means of cargo transportation.

    Lavras - Minas Gerais /MG.



    Oscar Baca and his mini truck. In the profile, you have videos of all the construction of Mini-trucks.

    City, I do not know, but I believe it's South of Brazil.



    Aparecida de Goias - GOIAS/GO


    Talison  Almeida


    Built one of the best mini trucks not BRAZIL AND WITH A VERY handsome TRAILER. WAS on sale in 2017.

    They believe this kind of thing and image at parties of truckers and rodeos, city festivities.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. plinio_lisboa



      Shalala lala

      You tube, there are several breeders here in Brazil there are tractors, harvesters.

      I'll show it to you.







      In Brazil, mini tractors are built by necessity.  Small tractors cost a lot of peasants. And here people like machines, they prefer this than legwork. Then they make adaptations. Usually motorcycle engine.




      I know only this case. Mini child reamer. We had real brands of national mini standard harvesters.


      Company was "DALLA", no longer exists.


       She helped to mechanize the farms. But we still have a lot of peasants and this sector today only has 1 new small business but has not entered the market yet.


      This was the 1st 100% national harvester, the plant was called SLC, "Schimidt Ltda Company". SCL started from scratch as old brands of harvesters, it did not reverse engineer as some countries do, it is usually illegal. After a long time it developed grain deposit and discharge pipe in bulk. She became a rival of John-Deere. So Jhon-Deere joined in buying 60% of the shares of the Schimidt family. Today it is called SLC JHON DEERE. Here in Brazil, the Americans did not want to erase the history of the company, which Brazilians love so much.


      This is the standard logo on the sides But in front the seal is jhon-deere.



      Claims? Zero. I hope I have shared some of the Brazilian culture and history. Everything here is linked to trucks all of them to get the farms.


      Good night.


    3. F.Maynard


      mini tractors are awesome I loved it, caserio useful for small garden, in Turkey farmers spend tons of money for case or new holland. 



    4. plinio_lisboa



      And it is not very difficult to build just knowing average level mechanics. Exactly my dear. It is a necessary stage of agriculture. Until the USA, it had this stage and strong companies of mini machines. Mini machines help poor people in their tasks. For some it can be fun for kids. But think for example, mini truck, very useful...

      when you are carpenter, bricklayer, gardener and need to carry supplies such as wood, paint tools, earth, pots for plants, etc. AND GENERALLY even simple people, without even used car, car trailer would be dream. then build with recyclable parts such as chassis, axles, wheels, ... So it's time for the Turks to do such things, creative, alternative, until they have money. Because trend is the TURKISH LIRA, continue to lose value. This leads to inflation, leads to everything being more expensive including tractors.



      Speaking ... in ... tractors we already had our PROPRIA COMPANY, it was called CBT - Companhia Brasileira de Tratores.



      We still use a lot. Easy mechanical, robust, powerful. It only has 2 defects; brake and steering over time, it takes looseness requires 2 turns to make back movement.


      When you look at agriculture map, CBT opened fields, forests, roads. Seat had damper thing evolved for the time.



  6. New trailers

    Does anyone know or have seen these trailers from this company?
    It would be very interesting in ET2.


    do not know about you friends, but some like "Krone", "Schwarzmüller".

    In the late evening, the trailer appears as a UK company.

    The company "DON-BUR" is gone.

    Specifically aerodynamic trailer and elevating trailers.


    If you like, just tell me something ...




    Aerodynamic trailers.



    Teardrop trailer.



    Others interesting trailers for ETS2.


    Double Deck Trailers





    Dismountable trailers.


    Double deck trailers.




    Lift trailers.


    Simple lift trailer




    Single Ram  Pulley Trailer





    Box Van Lifting Deck Trailer


    Ratchets trailes.


    Company trailer: Don -Bur


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. plinio_lisboa


      Marc [NL]


      This is very good allows for twice as much cargo per trip. Here in Brazil I do not know exister. maybe there is but I never found one.

      Maybe because our highway is still not a carpet for this low chassis.  When I unlock, I will show you the Minister of Transport.



      Man, is "privatizing" the main highways and in exchange contracts establish obligatoriamnte duplicate.


      Great majority much flow and accident, death, mutilated. We elect a right-wing government, just to be RADICAL.

      5 months 20 highways already in the hands of educational companies.



      And the government was dedicated to making the completion of roads and not attractive in places forgotten like the BR 163 in PARÁ/state. Over 40 years it was dirt and mud road.


      It is being completed this year by the army.


      40 years asphalting, has more than 1,800 km. surely. It is vital my MT state.


      These beautiful trailers DON-BUR is just dream driver.


      We have a larger mesh than the US, but we have a serious budget problem. Our social security is old, the government spends almost 60% of taxes on retired employees, with super salaries, some higher than the president. The minister, Tarcisio, always speaks of the French and Italian model, as we see in ETS2.


      We are trying to get out of the model of simple highways as Baltic countries to migrate to the Polish model. And so, in the future have a modern mesh. Maybe we'll see it in the landscape. Netherland has flat relief advantage overall, very good for highways.



      My son, we have a complicated relief, many mountains of low and medium altitud, many parallel, crusades, a complication, and steep, we call "saws".




      We have the "chapadas", they are of steep sides, the flat top. Difficult to make accesses.




      Plains as of their country we have few and very dense population, cities, farms and roads, in general saturated, to update them for these good trailers will cost billions, to expropriate lands, houses, factories ... many people.



      But government wants to do without the moral one also, from the claims of the left, because it will be companies to do for the government. Let's see we have 56 concessions by the end of the year. Hugs ... I'll update if I find it here in Brazil. Very interesting.  Thankful for the fedback

    3. plinio_lisboa




      So, just one of the Don-Bur trailers looks like it manufactures, on top of the chassis. But since the aerodynamic trailer requires low chassis, maybe they will make it. In any case, good trailers of this company. It would be great at ETS. I found this afternoon. I wanted to share. I found Chinese trailer good for the special loads or the loads posted tomorrow.

      Twitter: @DonBurGroup

      Maybe the company answers question.



    4. plinio_lisboa


      FernandoCR [ESP]


      Yes. Exactly. They would be good trailers on ETS2. Very different. I LIKE today TRAILERS Don-Bur.

  7. Good Morning! TMP



    New highways in Europe in 2021 forward.


    Remembering that Malta is still not possible to appear in the game, because scale of the map is still small.


    The connection to the country is by ferry in Italy:



    Ferry La Valleta (Malta) - Pozzalo.

    Ferry Valletta (Malta) - Catânia.



    Ferry Valetta (Malta) - Salerno





    Ferries between Malta and Catania,Salerno are not on Google Maps and Google Earth.


    Current national ferry connections:





    The Norwegian Highway will have 4 lanes, is an extension within the ambition to elude Lilehammer with Oslo.


    1-Norway new motorway.

    Norway’s Nye Veier will tender 23 km of motorway:


    Norwegian state-owned road developer Nye Veier has announced the tendering of a 23km four-lane motorway between Roterud and Storhove along Lake Mjøsa.





    2-Gozo tunnel motorway.


    Gozo tunnel receives bipartisan support from MPs without studies being published.

    Government plans for a 13-kilometre tunnel running options  Manikata, Mellieha  to Nadur.









    Malta-Gozo Tunnel Project Description Statement

    https://era.org.mt/en/Documents/Gozo-Malta Tunnel - PDS.pdf

  8. View  live Streaming. New player Brazilian.




    MAP EAA.-[MOD]-  MAP BRAZIL in ETS2.  + 500 CITIES.

    FRA/ Metz - Garanhus /BRA




  9. Search: Biggest routes to Istanbul.



  10. NOVA DLC: "CAMINHO PARA O MAR NEGRO" Para onde essas novas estradas levam? É a questão que muitos de jogadores na comunidade têm especulado ao longo dos últimos meses, e hoje animadamente SCS software anunciou a próxima expansão do mapa para o Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Road to the Black Sea. Clique para ver o Gif ou interagir no Twitter. - "CAMINHO PARA O MAR NEGRO" - Confirmado que esta nova adição trará os países da Romênia, Bulgária e parte européia da Turquia (Trácia) para o ETS2. Vídeo Promo: DLC - "Caminho para o Mar Negro". Das pequenas aldeias encontradas no campo, à grande cidade movimentada de Istambul, esses três países são ricos em história, arquitetura única e marcos como o Castelo de "Drácula", encontrado na Romênia. Tudo isso veremos em nossas viagens na estrada para o Mar Negro. Tão impressionantes quanto as estruturas feitas pelo homem construídas nesses países são as paisagens naturais circundantes. Muitas de suas viagens podem levá-lo através de florestas, estradas costeiras ou cadeias de montanhas, como as encontradas na Transilvânia, que criam um passeio panorâmico para qualquer viajante. Então, quando a questão: "seremos capazes de explorar essas novas estradas por si mesmo?" Espera-se oficialmente confirmado liberar a expansão deste mapa no final deste ano.(2019). Em breve SCS software espera compartilhar mais conosco através dos próximos posts e em seus canais de mídia social. Enquanto isso, podemos já adicionar o "Caminho para o Mar Negro" - "Road to the Black Sea" à lista de desejos do Steam!
  11. American Truck Simulator Update 1.35 Open Beta Como a versão 1.34 do American Truck Simulator foi mais uma atualização de manutenção, entendemos a SCS software entende como nós todos estamos ansiosos pelo 1.35 Open Beta - que finalmente está aqui! Onde começar? Esta atualização é ainda maior do que qualquer um dos seus antecessores - e quando dizemos "maior", queremos dizer muito! Há mudanças em quase todas as partes do nosso jogo, então vamos em frente! American Truck Simulator receberá duas novas estradas, OR-58 e CA-299. O OR-140 também apresentará o segmento final de seu comprimento. O sistema de sinal do Arizona também foi melhorado junto com os Semáforos (que serão lançados posteriormente no Open Beta) que foram re-trabalhados para todos os estados atuais. Além dos vários novos trailers listados no "change-log" (B-duplos de todos os tipos, reboques van com chip, trailers de contêineres, etc.) e novas cargas, os veículos em no jogo também receberam alguns recursos novos. Isso inclui três configurações de limpador de pára-brisa que ajudarão os motoristas a lidar com a chuva melhorada, um navegador acessório para reboques próprios, trailers de contêineres expansíveis e uma função de cópia para sua configuração de caminhão e reboque - que será útil à medida que sua empresa continuar crescendo. A partir da lista de novas adições gerais, alguns desejos de longa data ocupam os primeiros lugares. Uma delas é uma opção altamente exigida para usar seus próprios trailers para contratos externos ( empregos no World of Trucks ). De agora em diante, nós podemos! Suporte experimental DX11. Obs: Incluída para fins explicativos e de conhecido. Não está ano post origina da fonte. video: Comparativo de qualidade gráfica. Obs: Incluída para fins explicativos e de conhecido. Não está ano post origina da fonte. É exatamente como parece - a maior parte do trabalho no suporte ao DX11 é feito, então a maioria de seus aspectos estão funcionando muito bem em nossos jogos e o feedback do Experimental Beta promete um bom aumento de FPS. Ainda assim - não está em seu estado final, então use-o apenas por sua conta e risco. Apesar de que a SCS software será grata pelo seu feedback! Isto ajuda a evoluir o recurso. Agora vem uma série de adições "menores", baseadas principalmente em suas sugestões. Uma grande quantidade de novos drivers hireable foi adicionada, assim como seu império cresce, poderemos expandir muito mais do que antes. Para ajudar com esse crescimento, também adicionamos uma opção para comprar garagens on-line (sem a necessidade de descobrir a cidade anteriormente). Outra característica útil é o reabastecimento de emergência, que será uma opção importante para aqueles que amam dirigir no limite (por que tantos gostam de ir com tanques vazios?). E para tornar as viagens um pouco mais diversificadas e interessantes, poderemos ver a o STAA duplicar no trânsito. Considerando todas essas mudanças, a interface do usuário teve que mudar drasticamente. Os jogadores que nos ajudaram entrando no Experimental Beta não relataram problemas sérios com ele, então espera-se que não tenhamos problemas também. E para fechar a lista, há muitos novos aprimoramentos de entrada e suporte oficial para os periféricos externos. Informação de auxilio para comunidade relacionada ao periférico: Disponível no Brasil em: Mercado Livre, Shooping Time, Submarino, Amazon, Americanas. Permitindo maior realismo na condução, na imersibilidade de visão da cabine ,espelhos. Europa em: Tobii Gaming Link: https://gaming.tobii.com/product/tobii-eye-tracker-4c/ Obs: Não está ano post origina da fonte. Então aproveitemos todas as novas adições, mas lembrando: é apenas uma versão beta aberta, não uma versão pública estável - assim poderá encontrar bugs, instabilidade, Kinks ou Crashes . Está tudo bem quisermos esperar pela versão final. Mas se estivermos interessado em ajuda-los a nos mudar para lá mais rápido, apreciarão todos os nossos comentários no fórum do SCS software e os relatórios de bugs na seção . Se alguém da comunidade lusófona deseja participar da versão beta aberta, nós pode encontrar esta versão na ramificação public_beta no Steam. A maneira de acessá-lo é a seguinte: Cliente do Steam → LIBRARY → clique com o botão direito no American Truck Simulator → Propriedades → aba Betas → public_beta → 1.35 beta público. Nenhuma senha é necessária. Fonte: https://blog.scssoft.com/2019/05/american-truck-simulator-update-135.html
  12. It really is useful. I agree with the other people below the name or hud, as they call it. Suggestion .... just more to improve Speeds should be in color patterns, are more prominent and easier to visualize. Proposal to add: 0-90 KM / H ______ color green. 91-150 KM / H ______ yellow color. + 151KM / H ______ red color. The color system would be useful for a quick assessment even to be alerted by a colleague. The physics that comes with 1.35 will make everything so much more realistic that high speeds will be very important for curving, rotating accidents. I would add something else. How much is the speed allowed for rotations, tunnels, bridges, accesses of viaducts and connections between highways. Yes I know there are differences. A calibration so that the speed in these locations respects the actual law of the game, nearby boards. EX: French Rotarian limit 40 km / h. Trucks, cars would have speed following the color scale. Would be like this: 0 km / h - 40km / h _____ color green / perfect ok. 41km / h - 80km / h ______ orange color / warning. 81km / h - 150km / h ______ yellow color / dangerous attention. 150km / h ___ red imprudent color.
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