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Veteran Driver VII
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About Lee1206

  • Birthday June 12

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Leeds, United Kingdom
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Sheffield

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    First Class Transport

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  1. happy birthday  🥳❤️

  2. Happy birthday! :D 

  3. Im aware that Im a bit late... If I were you I would do some research myself. As oppose to using websites such as Codeacademy, which spend ages on one thing... I would venture the we b a bit more, look for a website that suits you and allow you to learn. From my experience, if you teach yourself it is a lot better than being taught by an automated website. EG: http://www.w3schools.com/html/ https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Learn/HTML http://html.net/ http://learn.shayhowe.com/html-css/
  4. Hi everyone.


    Please stop complaining that your biology paper was easy.





    PS. If you can look through old Unit 1 papers and find a 6 mark question that easy, hmu :)

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Puncake


      Usually i fk up biology but today i aced it. On higher aswell. Only problem was there wasnt really biology questions. It was about evolution or some off topic thing like drunk 15 yr olds or independant company

    3. Smalley


      Think everyone got that paper Puncake 

    4. Whitelodge


      Well i do AQA which was mainly about quadrats and transects


  5. Stability should be fixable... All you have to do is modify the size of the "truck", to give it a lower centre of mass
  6. Maybe TEMPORARILY change it to an EU#3 server for ETS? With no speed limiter so another EU#2. Because as you can see EU2 is heeving!
  7. For the time being, I just think its pointless costs to TruckersMP
  8. Suggestion Name: Remove an ATS server Suggestion Description: Remove either ATS or ETS2 MP. Any example images: http://truckersmp.com/en_US/status I believe a link will be more useful... Why should it be added?: Ok, ATSMP is dead. I have experience in hosting servers and now it is a costly process. I believe that it is a waste of money to host two ATS servers, when you could have one more heavily populated one. I suggest removing EU#2, and taking the speed limiter off EU#1. It would save TruckersMP a lot of money, that could be invested in other places and used more productively.
  9. *Pictures MrCreeper slamming his keyboard because he doesnt realise he needs the DLC and its not working*
  10. -1 I'd just like to say that there are lighting problems in the game. Often if there was no clock in-game, I would be able to go all night with no headlights. I don't, obviously. However in certain places (Scotland, Norway in particular), it doesnt seem necessary. I think the times that you said should be later at night, 8.30-9.00PM
  11. I guess, if someone pulls out on you, you could pinfo them and see if they have any bans or whatever. Chances are that if they don't, it was a total accident, but if they have near on 5 bans, and ramming/careless driving comes up, they probably did it to irritate you.
  12. "Bloottyyy hell ya mong" Lee2k16

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