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About Rhastalord

  • Birthday 03/12/1999

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bucharest, Romania
  • Interests
    I love running, listening to music and playing simulators!
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Winnemucca
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Swansea

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Community Answers

  1. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  2. If you have Windows 7, do what's said above. If you have Windows 10, try to right click on ETS2MP Icon > Troubleshoot Compatibility> Choose A Lowered Version of Windows ( Windows 8 ) .
  3. Dear Numaad13, Below you`ll find all the solutions in order to fix your economy and get new jobs: a)You should try to rescue to service F7 + Enter (this sometimes resets your economy) b)You should try to sleep (only a temporary fix, but is not guaranteed to fix economy) c)You should teleport to another garage d)Economy reset. This solution will reset and repopulate your jobs list / freight market and return you to your home garage. Below there are two examples of how to do it: 1. Go to My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\profiles My Documents\American Truck Simulator\profiles or and find your profile - if you only have one profile it'll be the only one, otherwise you'll have to work out which one you want. 2. Open the config.cfg in the profile folder in your text editor of choice (e.g. notepad). 3. Look for the line uset g_force_economy_reset "0" - change the 0 to a 1 and save the file. 4. Now start ETS2MP and load your profile. You should receive a message saying "Game change detected", etc. Your economy will now have been reset. 5. Lastly, exit again and change that 1 back to a 0 in your config.cfg, otherwise it'll reset every time you start the game. How to reset game economy using the in game console: 1. Go to My Documents\Eurotruck Simulator 2\profiles or My Documents\American Truck Simulator\profiles and find your profile 2. Open the config.cfg in the profile folder and open with Notepad/wordpad 3. Look for uset g_developer "0" 4. Look for uset g_console "0" 5. Change the "0" to a "1" 6. Save the file (NOT save as) 7. Load your game and profile 8. Press ` key 9. Type in "uset g_force_economy_reset "1" 10. Save your game and exit 11. Reload the game and your recent saved profile 12. Open the console by pressing the ` key and pressing the up arrow 13. Repeat step 9 but change the "1" to a "0" 14. Repeat Step 11, 12 & 13 15. You should now get the "Game change detected" message 16. Your economy should now be reset Please notice that all these fixes are temporary.
  4. Topic Moved to Polish Help ( Pomoc )
  5. Hello @HUBERT128, If nothing works, I suggest you go to Windows Search > Write " Device Manger " > Go To " Sound, video and game controllers" > Right Click on " High Definition Audio Device " and hit Uninstall. Hope you can get your problem fixed! Regards, Rhastalord
  6. Hello @tophatmenis, Have you checked by going to Options > Controls > Scrolling down untill you find this menu and check if the settings are ok? ( Shifter Position 1-6 )
  7. Hello @snipe_r_t1, Could you please tell us your current Windows version? Note that in order to play on Multiplayer you must have 64 its. If it's windows 7 64 bits, try and install Service Pack 1 If it's windows 10 64 bits, try to right click on ETS2MP Icon > Troubleshoot Compatibility > Choose lower version of windows ( Windows 8 ) . Also have latest Graphics Driver and DirectX Version. Regards, Rhastalord
  8. Hello @Jigoloo, If you're running on Windows 10 64 bits you should right click on ETS2MP Icon > Troubleshoot Compatibility > Choose a lower version ( Windows 8 ) . Also make sure to have latest Graphics Driver + DirectX Version Regards, Rhastalord
  9. Hello Tutibubu, That's a really strange problem and therefore I ask you : Has he tried connecting the steering wheel on a different USB Port ? Starting the game with the steering wheel plugged might solve the problem? Also, it might work on a USB 3.0 Port but take care that you need to install the latest drivers. Regards, Rhastalord
  10. Hello seamustrainfan25, From what you are saying, whenever you are trying to open up the Multiplayer launcher, nothing shows up? Considering you have Windows 10 64 bits installed, have you tried to right click on ETS2MP Icon > Troubleshoot Compatibility > Choose Lower Windows version ( Windows 8 ) and see if it starts?Also you must have the latest graphics driver and the latest DirectX Version. Regards, Rhastalord
  11. Hello blakeisagamer12, Can you please tell us what's your Windows version?Also, have you tried running the game as administrator?I'm guessing Singleplayer works just fine ?
  12. Hello Smalley, Is this issue happening on both ETS and ETS2MP? Also, are there other games that are intrerrupting your browser?Trying other browser might solve the problem. Regards, Rhastalord
  13. Hello Lener101, What problem are you exactly encountering?Is your game crashing? Have you tried playing out on Multiplayer with a clean profile? If the problem persists don't hesitate to write a support ticket here : http://support.truckersmp.com/index.php?a=add Regards, Rhastalord
  14. Hello Dodge Charger, Make sure you have the Steam Community in-game overlay enabled in Steam's settings. To check, go to: Steam > Settings > In-game tab. Check the box next to Enable Steam Community In-Game. Additionally, each Steam game has the option to remove the In-Game Overlay. Please check your individual games as outlined: Right click the game in your Library Select Properties On the General tab, check the box next to Enable Steam Community In-Game The default shortcut to open the Steam Community while in game is Shift + Tab. You can change the shortcut in by clicking Steam > Settings > In-Game.
  15. Exactly. Only DLC's and the mods specified up there are allowed on Multiplayer.I'm happy I answered your question and don't forget to use our service more in case you have any other problems! Also, mark the best answer and this topic will automatically close.Thanks for the patience : ) Regards, Rhastalord
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