Status Updates posted by Chileno Trucker
updating to 1.28 now!! see you all on scandinavia, hope you'll behave there!!
So i tried in my computer with an account of a friend of mine who only have the base game, scandinavia and going east and his games keeps crashing, then i logged in my account that have all dlcs and played like 1 hour and got 0 crashes, maybe some dlc is messing with the game
what is wrong the game keeps crashing every time i enter (6th time already) since the last hotfix
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yeah yesterday didnt have this issue, now i was playing normally, some idiot rammed me loaded a save in a safe spot game started crashing like a shit.
then i did a sfc /scannow restarted the pc went to sp drived a little and exit then entered mp played like 20min and boom! the crashes started again 4 in a row, guees im not gonna play for a day or two until it gets fixed.
What I did is teleport to a garage in a different city before connecting to the server. Instead of clicking "Drive", quick teleport to a different garage. The problem might still come back later though.
Yeah but that just a temporary fix, just like i tried later, they must be trying something with the patcher, i've to update it everyday.
180 players right now! i guess all the ppl updated their game
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haha i was there recently i've encountered other 3 players before my internet started acting ;D
lol ats have like 12 players on
Driving my cargo "peacefully" when suddenly....
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'tis a fake one - there are no walls
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I saw someone with the name Hillary Clinton in MP once
but that number tho
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donald trump is joining with the illuminati
will be the update be available soon? my game updated and i want to downgrade, but i dont want to loose time. ;D
6 days until my ban expires is the right time to make a reflection.
What do i learned from this?
-I really need to control my temper
-I need to be more patient
How likely is that i will be banned for the same things as before?
-I need to be more careful in how i approach the issues i should encounter or the odds will be more than 80% of be banned again for the same stupid things.
Hope that i dont get in the same situations again.
we all make mistakes mate. when your back on the roads just make sure you are doing the right thing
Have a great day mate and best of luck.
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@SimulatorExperiencer thanks for the good vibes, drive safe!
Sounds like your willing to makes changes matey and that's good
its a shame a lot of users decide not too
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Just wondering if there's a time frame to report someone. I have footage from like 2 weeks ago but i dont have the time to edit and upload it right now.
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@Illogically Nope, that's how long the evidence must be available and not how old the evidence can be.
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If you don't wait too long with it, it still can be used. It should be fine if you submit it this week.
4 hours more of work until i can play again. If im not banned in the meantime.
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I was watch your ban history,dont insutling bro...
Good luck man
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thx @BattlelogMc01
so this happened today
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thats the only one I've ever seen
It used to be somewhat common. I haven't seen one for nearly two years, until now. I thought these were extinct. Turns out they simply became rare occurrences.
Here's another one at 3:20. I've seen many more that year but these two are the only ones I bothered with keeping the footage of.
so im seeing a lot of cars with the tires of michelin fan pack, i supposse that this is a bannable offence.
Yes. I have reported this to the TMP Guys.
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eu2 is frozen to me right now
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love how all this happens the day i get unbanned
mate the day i got un banned i was hoping to get back in to the game and every time i joined ets2mp or ets2 it would freeze so i just factory reset my computer just so i can play
wow lol
Great after lunch seeing that my reports got accepted thx @Aragon0450 and @Sgt_Tailor for keeping the game clean
Since winter mod everyday my ping to europe servers is getting worse, i used to play between 240-290ms now im getting 380-500ms.
finally completed the xmas event
the winter mod is taking ages to download
found my first gift cargo in san diego - right now
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i finished 2 and got bored
the speed limiter is really bad in 1000+km
the trailer is really ugly tough
are you famous?
downloaded updated ets2 to 1.25 start the mp, there's a new update