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Retired Team Member
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Status Replies posted by Jake_F

  1. Happy Birthday! ❤️

  2. Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday! :D

  4. Happy Birthday! ??

  5. Happy Birthday! ❤️ 

  6. Happy Birthday ??

  7. I've been in the team now for almost 3 months and this is truly a night to remember! Thanks to everyone for attending the event. Also thanks to all those I worked with tonight, you're all such amazing people ❤️ 


    Quick mention to @Coolio85 for being a crane nub :love:





    Special mentions to: @Lasse @Polyxena [GER] @Roenz @Geology Rocks @Bolts @flybel @Jake_F @[IMPERIAL] Skazochniсk @[WT] Bingo [CH] @Nataliia @SarahMaddy @[C-S] karol_domag @ThiagoBR_ Sorry for the ping :kappa:

    1. Jake_F


      This was such an awesome event and it was a pleasure working with you for it! Some great photo's, that accident was huge! ?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  8. Congratulations!

  9. Welcome to the team! ?

  10. Congratulations!

  11. Welcome to the team! ❤️


  12. Wanted to get a brand new FH Tuning Pack DLC but did not have a chance? Then I might have some great news for you!

    Pries Logistics is hosting a big giveaway where we are giving away 30 copies of that DLC :mlg_doge:

    Want to try out your luck? Join our Discord server for more information - https://discord.gg/gF6hb6G



    1. Jake_F


      Wow, 30 copies! ? ?


      It's a great DLC too

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  13. yPlIUev.png24f7I3A.pngCHgyXxq.pngqTPbVdY.png





    Just a few of our formations we've done recently, The heart consisted of 54 trucks. We are looking forward to test new formations out soon.

  14. Courtz Carriers Reopening Convoy is tonight!


    After closing in September we are Officially back open as of today.


    Join us in our convoy to celebrate with us!


    Info https://truckersmp.com/vtc/28/news/4815

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