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Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Ryan345

  • Birthday February 13

Profile Information

  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Flagstaff
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Rotterdam
  • Known languages
    English, German & French

TruckersMP Information

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  1. NOW HIRING https://twitter.com/nationalvtc/status/1157578397092069376?s=20
  2. We're now only utilizing our own VTC Application System, check it out: https://apply.nationalfreightways.co.uk
  3. We've now signed-up to the TruckersMP VTC System, you're welcome to apply & you'll still gain full access if you use this rather than our site! https://truckersmp.com/vtc/9
  4. This will have been because your bans were not public, at the time you're welcome to re-apply.
  5. Nice to know what's happening now, only just seen this!
  6. What exactly is it saying? Is there any error message being displayed? (bottom left corner, chat area) or a popup? First off, I'd suggest restarting your TruckersMP, closing the application - if that fails, try to turn off your Computer, and update me from there!
  7. Good luck with this VTC, know it's hard to start up - but I'm sure you'll do great!
  8. We've lost a few great team members this week, @heyhococo, @Aestrial - and everyone else, but also gained alot of great team members, I wish everyone the best of luck in whatever path they follow, especially a huge congrats to ew @Keezome, @Armonk and @Nathan for becoming Human Resources! :P :truestory:

  9. Sad to see you go pal.. best of luck in the future! May the roads take you now!


    1. Aestrial


      Thank you mate, appreciated.

  10. okay just getting a drink, brb

  11. just sitting here at the minute, enjoying views

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