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  2. Tovedk

    Dansk VTC

    til dem der vil være med og er fra danmark. og kan brugeer de krav der er. håber vi ses https://truckersmp.com/vtc/3276
  3. I was going to do a poll for this, however there is so many popular VTC's and only a few question slots! I'm just curious to see which the best VTC's are; my friend is looking for a VTC to join! So what is the best VTC in your opinion, and what are your reasons for that? (please dont start a war :))
  4. Hello, Truckers! I am pleased to present to you the VTC.World project. What is VTC.World? A community of Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator players who are focused solely on the multiplayer TruckersMP. Your career in TruckersMP multiplayer. Network game profile VTC.World, which is stored on our servers. Joint delivery with friends with the same cargo and route. Always relevant cargos and jobs of the agencies. Online map and friends on the map. Events, organised by the administration and Virtual Transport Companies. A complete history of your deliveries. Trucking Match Rating (TMR) — the rating of your deliveries. Reputation of players in the VTC.World project. Protected from the changes from outside the game profile. Three gameplay modes: "Vanilla", "Simplified" and "Simulation". Changed economy, police and fines. VTC.World Tax System. Accounting for damage, speed violations and running red lights. Built-in online radio player. Keyboard shortcuts complement the gaming experience with TruckersMP. In-game overlay, friends on the server, upcoming events and friends on the map. TOP of players per day, week and month in six nominations. VTC.World — for real fans of cargo transportation First of all, it must be said that this project is not suitable for everyone, because here it is necessary to deliver cargos and drive carefully — you will play the game as it was intended by SCS Software. If you are a fan of collective farm tuning, you want to get everything at once and, of course, a fan of driving fast — then this project is definitely not for you. What will you get when you register? After registering on the VTC.World project: you will get a brand new game profile that has 4 level/skill points that can be used at your own discretion. The starting capital is 120 thousand euros for ETS2 and 135 thousand dollars for ATS. It is forbidden to cheat money and gaming experience, and attempts to do so will be severely punished - permanent ban from the project without the possibility of appeal. storing the profile on the server. This allows all players to be on an equal level, where you can build up a new and powerful truck only after you earn money and increase your level by transporting dozens of goods and driving thousands of kilometers. your current progress is automatically saved and you can see detailed information about each cargo delivered by you at any time. You don't need to upload screenshots, fill out reports, etc. On VTC.World you just transport cargos and enjoy by that without unnecessary manipulation, and the system will do everything itself. your friends can join you at any time, taking your cargo and getting the same saved route so you can continue the journey in a convoy. for VTCs there are planning arrangements, this is a simply indispensable tool, allowing reduced time for preparation and organisations of convoys. Logisticians need to choose the cargo, route and make a save. After that, VTC employees, by pressing just one button, will be at the start position of the convoy with the necessary cargo and the route set. hotkeys, information and your own overlay allow you to control the process of your delivery. What are the hotkeys? Well, for example, by clicking on the button you can update the jobs, if suddenly they are not on the list in your chosen city. disabled the ability to lend money from the bank. disabled the ability to hire drivers. changed the cost of buying and selling garages. The cost of selling a garage is less, and buying a garage online is more expensive. changed the cost of fines and the impact of traffic violations on the game level. In contrast to the basic economy of the game, in addition to monetary penalties for traffic violations, on the VTC.World, the player loses game experience (XP). some gameplay settings are also changed so that all players are on an equal level. Always on: police (traffic violations), realistic fuel consumption, parking brake when appearing in the game world, speed limits, preferred route - optimal. TOP rating 10 and TOP rating 50 in six nominations. TOP rating of the players of the day, week and month are available. Suppoted languages Russian English Specificity Your friends list in the games in the Steam privacy settings have to be available to everyone (i.e. set to public). Arcade servers are not supported. The benefits of VTC.World For VTCs, it is a great tool to see the real achievements of your employees. And given the future functions - it will simply be an indispensable tool for the organisation of convoys in your company. For single players - it will also be interesting, because the temptation to cheat money and level will be less - this simply can not be done, which means you will need to competently choose loads, distances and routes, controlling your costs. Well, actually, it is better to try once, as they say. Therefore, if you are interested in the project — welcome to open beta testing - https://vtc.world Useful links VTC.World forum - https://forum.vtc.world FAQ - https://forum.vtc.world/index.php?/forum/118-guides-faq/ Discord - https://discord.gg/9By8Hkf Useful video How to join to friend for joint delivery Indicator of high beam headlights and of additional lights Ability to create invites for joint delivery Joint deliveries via invites Players joint to event
  5. Hello, Suggestion Name: View my applications page Suggestion Description: What about adding my previous applications page on the main VTC page: (https://truckersmp.com/vtc). All current and previous applications requests are shown on one page and can be accessed from the VTC main-page. Any example images: None. Why should it be added?: It makes it easier for the user to reach his application page from the VTC main-page: (https://truckersmp.com/vtc). I hope you understand what I mean. Kind Regards, Fezz [AE]
  6. Suggestion Name: VTC Leaving Notification for VTC Management Staff Suggestion Description: When a player is leaving the VTC Company he is in there should be pop up field that ask's them why they wish to leave the VTC. Any example images: [N/A] Why should it be added?: Would make it easier for VTC's to know why a Member is leaving the VTC. So for my instinct it would save a lot of time because if a user is leaving our VTC Company we would have to open a ticket with the user in question within our discord server to ask them why they decided to leave our TruckersMP VTC without notifying us. This feature could be an additional settings of the Company administration page which allows the VTC Administrator's to enable it or not have it enabled, also should have a setting to make it so its required for a leaving member of a VTC is required to fill it out before finally leaving the VTC.
  7. Halla. Tenkte jeg ville fortelle litt om et prosjekt jeg holder på med Det norske simulator samfunnet for truckersMP er ikke akkurat det største, og dette hadde det vært gøy å gjort noe med! Jeg har selv begynt et prosjekt om å starte opp et Norsk basert VTC, hvor vi kan prøve på å samle et stort norsk samfunn av truckersMP interesserte. Jeg ser på dette som en mulighet for en plattform å møtes, jobbe sammen, og bygge opp et norsk virtuelt selskap. Det er mange store selskaper fra før å velge imellom, men hvorfor ikke ha ett med litt særpreg av oss nordmenn ? (Nettsiden er på engelsk for tilgjengelighet for alle) Selskapet jeg lager er basert på logistikkselskapet Postnord, som leverer hovedsakelig i Sverige, Danmark og Norge. Selskapet vil bli kalt Virtual postnord. Jeg er fremdeles i den tidlige fasen av utviklingen av selve selskapet og dens nettapplikasjoner, men vil prøve å poste noen oppdateringer i denne posten. Foreløpig har noe av tiden gått til basic design slik at jeg har noe å jobbe utifra. Skal nå begynne på brukersystemer som logg inn, registrering osv. Jeg legger ved noen bilder slik at dere kan ta en titt. Merk: at mye av det du ser er bare for å illustrere og vil mest sannsynlig bli endret i senere tid. Interessert i prosjektet? Kom gjerne med forslag om hva du tenker kan være greit å ha med!
  8. La BRT EXPRESS cerca Autisti seri e attivi... Riscopri un modo di lavorare unico con possibilità di fare carriera all'interno dell'azienda... La nostra azienda utilizza la Piattaforma gratuita Trucksbook (obbligatoria per entrare in azienda, tranquilli vi guideremo noi per entrare e farla funzionare) per la registrazione dei lavori, assegnazione dei carichi, convogli, gestione e molto altro ancora... Grazie ad essa avrete la possibilità di confrontarvi con altri vostri colleghi, soddisfare degli obiettivi mensili e poter far carriera ricevendo sempre maggiori responsabilità! Per vedere i nostri requisiti, il Regolamento e altre informazioni sulla nostra azienda usa i seguenti link Venite a trovarci su Trucksbook https://trucksbook.eu/company/74304 O sul nostro VTC di TruckersMp https://truckersmp.com/vtc/14989 Per maggiori info... Non esitare a contattarmi!
  9. Hey there, For example: You are in VTC Phoenix and another player wants to know which VTC you are in without asking you. Then they can simply look at your profile or simply see the VTC photo next to your name ingame (for us the Pheonix). Suggestion Name: VTC Picture next to Player Name Suggestion Description: As I said above, it's about a picture that should be next to the name. I will attach a picture below where you can see it a bit better. However, I would like to say that this function is only for VTCs that are validated or verified. This way the TMP team can better check what kind of pictures are there. Any example images: here Why should it be added?: It should be added to the game because I think it would be a great new feature that is missing in the game. Also, only the people who are in the VTC can have this picture, so no strangers (who are not in the VTC) can use the picture. This would reduce the problems with the TAG (everyone can use every tag).
  10. Name of Suggestion : Refresh TruckersMP Login to the game ! Suggestion Purpose : To make the page more functional, to increase participation in players' activities, to provide more opportunities for VTCs. Suggestion Description : First of all, hello to all of you, today I would like to offer you a suggestion. I think that adding the VTC System and Event Page to the login page will positively affect the game, as indicated in the images below. In addition, with this feature, participation in the VTC System increases, participation in Events increases. In addition to these, if we specify on which server and in which city the active players are in the VTC Section (maybe ID), thus giving VTC users the opportunity to see each other. I prepared visuals for you: Image 1: This image is for users who are not in any vtc. For users who do not have a VTC, we can show vtc adverts in the vtc section and events on the Featured Events page. Image 2: This image is for users in a vtc. NOTE: You must be logged in before this feature works. I think it would be nice to move the login page to the Launcher, but according to the current system, the systems in these images can come after pressing the LOGIN key.
  11. Do you prefer to cruise on TruckersMP by yourself or do you prefer to cruise within a/your VTC? Let me know down below!
  12. Suggestion Name: "Advantages" for VTC Leaders Suggestion Description: - A game cell colour of the name in the game - A game cell rank in the TruckersMP profile - Exclusive vehicles if possible Any example images: /// Why it should be added: I believe that everyone who has created a VTC in the TruckersMP system should receive benefits as a thank you. All VTC Leaders who manage a large VTC invest a lot of time in the project every day. And without VTC Leaders, nobody would have as much fun. We VTC Leaders are an important part of the community, because without VTC there would be far fewer people playing. Of course, it wouldn't make sense if everyone could create a VTC just like that, so I think that everyone who has 20 VTC drivers can get these advantages or it is an advantage from rank validation onwards.
  13. Mistakes of setting up a VTC Many people are interested in setting up a VTC of their own and want their VTC to become popular in some degree. It's common that people jump ahead of themselves when setting up a VTC of their own and sometimes their ideas are ahead of the necessities they need which can negatively impact the VTC both short term and long term. I will go through some of the mistakes made when setting up a VTC. 1. Buying what they don't need. It's easy for people to get ahead of themselves in the start, and will set up unnecessary materials. These include: Websites - Website are a great material to use for your VTC, however they cost money to keep up. When starting out, a website is not vital to promoting your VTC however it can be useful long term. Do not commit to buying a website host at these early stages. Domains - When people first make their VTC, they want to keep it their own and will buy a domain. Although domains are not entirely expensive, they are also not really needed when starting your VTC. A domain is the name that appears on a web link and can be connected to a company email system e.g. (www.[ComanyName].com) and (help@[CompanyName].com) These make your company look more professional and although that's what you may want, it will not impact your first stages of recruitment. Logo - Although some people can make their own logo, others may look elsewhere for a logo and will sometimes pay for a logo. This is not a good investment for your VTC. Your company is starting off, meaning that things will change through the process and a lot of the time, logo's and names will be changed at the beginning. Keep a simple, free logo and if you want to change it, you don't have to worry about wasting the money you spent. Trade-Mark - It's normal for people to want to keep what they make, however you do not need to trademark the company name in the start. Similar to the logo point, people will change their mind on the name of their VTC and even if you are dedicated to that name, there is always a chance that you may prefer another name. Let your VTC expand and improve before you pay for a trademark. All of these materials are great to have for your company and I would suggest investing in them, but don't splash your cash in the early stages. 2. Recruitment Recruitment is the front line of any VTC. The way you recruit will determine the successful of your VTC and the people you have in your company. Take these notes to your advantage and don't stay blind to recruitment. Don't expect people to join immediately - Although this may sound very basic and obvious, it's easy for you to forget about this. As soon as you have made your VTC, all you want now is for people to join, and this is how VTC's reach their end. Instead of wanting people to join, you need to be think of 'how am I going to get people to join'. This can be a challenge sometimes but you build a baseline of your recruitment, so how are they going to apply, what is needed for them to apply, what materials can I use to get it out there. Don't push recruitment on people - When recruitment, all you are thinking about is getting people to join, and this can blind you from why people join. The last think you want to do in a recruitment sense, is force it on people. By force it on people, I am talking about heckling. Don't make people join and stay approachable, people want a friendly experience in a VTC so make recruitment more human. This means that you see the player as the player and not a number. Don't start recruitment without a foundation - The last thing you want to happen, is for people to join, and not know what to do next. You need materials available for players, a place where the community will communicate and chat. A great example to use, would be Discord. This is a great platform that enables you to make announcements, get the community involved and communicate to your members. Always have a goal - Even when you get the members, you may loose people and recruitment will fall. The best way to deter this, is to have company goals, both for the whole company and individual members. This may include making a rank structure (the more you do, the higher you go), having convoys (keeping the community active). The main point, is to always have something for members to do / reach. All of these points will help you successfully build your VTC and although there are many more mistakes people make, these are the mistakes which will impact you most when first starting. The rest are learning curves and a chance for you to improve your VTC.
  14. Heyho everyone, since the vtc i've been a member of for a while now sadly closed i wanted to look for an alternative. In the past i just simply searched through the vtc search page and picked a vtc that caught my eye. However, this time i want to try something different and pick or at least make a decision for a vtc to join based on your recommendation. It would be great to hear the pros and also contras of some vtc and hopefully find one i really like The rest is up to you guys, feel free to make any recommendation Best regards Zysto ~ Dominik
  15. Howdy fellow truckers, I'd like to know if you are a member of a Virtual Trucking Company (VTC). If you like, please state your reason(s) in the comments. Thank you! Your feedback is much appricaiated!
  16. Szukasz wirtualnej spedycji z doświadczeniem ? Zapraszamy serdecznie do nas. Jesteśmy wirtualną spedycją z ponad 3 letnim doświadczeniem. Szukamy kierowcy który ukończył minimum 15 lat. Zapewniamy Tobie dobrą atmosferę, konkursy, pomoc techniczną oraz wyrozumiały zarząd. Więcej informacji znajdziesz na naszej stronie internetowej www.euro-speed.pl. Jeśli chcesz do nas dołączyć wystarczy wejść w zakładkę contact i kliknąć w ikonę discorda, napisać podanie a po akceptacji podania skontaktować się z przydzielonym rekrutantem. Pozdrawiamy serdecznie Euro Speed
  17. I believe that VTC Owners should be able to submit liveries. The way this could be implemented is a set list of ideals that every submission would have to follow. These submissions would then go through a verification process for any breach of the set ideals. Accepted liveries then get added. To decide who can use them would be to see if they are in that specific VTC (On TruckersMP's VTC Section) and limit the usage to those members, while allowing other members of the community to view them. I believe adding these with the above ideas would be great for the community. It would add sleeker designs to VTC Trucks and allow VTCs to match easier and get recognised. It can be set up as a file for the VTCs ot 1 file for all but, when applying said liveries, they would be limited. Adding the checking system wouldn't be much different from the Patreon checks
  18. Proposal Name: VTC Post Unlisted Suggestion Description: I was thinking about sharing my suggestion and idea with you guys. Every VTC leader has the possibility to publish a VTC post. How about in the future you guys could post but not publicly. So that anyone who has the link can access that post. Any example pictures: / Why should it be added? VTC Leaders could publish rules and posts on TruckersMP. So we leaders would have everything together on our VTC.
  19. Guest

    Independent truckers

    Since you claim this to be a community... why do you not have a section for independent drivers to advertise?? don't you think its a little self centred and selfish to exclude and discriminate against us who want to advertise our services... if you where truly a community then this would have already been implemented instead of handing out warnings to drivers who post an ad in a channel because they don't have 1 to post in... over half of the trucking community is independent and would be happy to join VTCs if they could place they're own adds.. what they offer and the terms they set for employment and then let the VTCs go head hunting... since why should we do all the leg work when they're the slowly failing VTCs because no driver actually wants to be forced to drive a VTCs truck wrap because most of them look foul... so why not do the community an honour and consider the independents as much as the VTCs since we are the true backbone of ETS2 and the biggest part of the player base
  20. Suggestion Name: VTC Recruitment System. Suggestion Description: I am currently in the recruitment team for Prime Logistics. When I recruit people, it gives me an option to recruit someone to the role of CEO. Obviously I don't want to be able to do that. I think that it should be changed so tha you can only recruit people to roles that are under you. Why should it be added?: It should be added so that there is no confusion when recruiting people to their VTC.
  21. Suggestion Name: VTC Color in Map Suggestion Description: Shows in a diferent color your VTC mates in the world map, advisor etc... like it shows in "green" the Friends Any example images: Why should it be added?: Is a important way to see where your VTC are in convoys or in freeroam.
  22. Suggestion Name: Ability to change the colour of VTC members on the map. Suggestion Description: You can already change the colour of your steam friends bleeps in-game. But with the new VTC's we should be able to change their colour bleeps on the map so we know when we see people in our VTC. Any example images: No Why should it be added?: To be able to see other people in our VTC on the mini-map to bring VTC's closer in-game.
  23. Dovolte nám, abychom Vás pozvali na náš veřejný konvoj, který se bude konat 30. září 2023. Požadovaná DLC Vive la France Informace o události ✪ Datum: 30. září 2023 ✪ Trasa: Toulouse-Roscoff ✪ Start: Toulouse (garáž) ✪ Cíl: Roscoff (přístav) ✪ Přestávky: žádné ✪ DLC: Vive la France ✪ Convoy Contro: žádný ✪ Server: Simulation 2 ✪ Čas: Čas setkání: 12:00 UTC (14:00h našeho času) Čas odjezdu: 12:30 UTC (14:30h našeho času) Pro zjištění časového pásma : Click here Sloty Veřejný slot: Bude přidán! Odkazy: Discord Webové stránky ETS2MCG VTC Instagram Facebook Twitter YouTube Jestliže máte jakékoliv otázky, kontaktujte nás zde na našem serveru - Discord TENTO EVENT JE ORGANIZOVÁN FIRMOU ETS2MCG VTC Tuto událost vytvořil: @[MCG] Aashraye Přeložil: @[MCG] RedWolf [CZ] ~ Těšíme se na Vás! Tým ETS2MCG VTC
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