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Veteran Driver VI
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    Have a relaxing drive after work on the weekend. Get in a respectful convoy time to time. Obey the speed limit +-10km/h.
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  • EU Garage Location
    Switzerland: Zürich
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    Bulgarian, English, French, German

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  1. Or just add chat tabs. Problem solved.
  2. Are you sure they are that sophisticated? The best choice is to make everybody use the English language. You curse or use other languages and don't heed the warning = you get a chat ban for a week. You do the same over the CB => no CB for a week. Easy. Then make all CB stations represent one of the main language groups of TMP, where CB 01 or 19 is the English only main station. OR just take Rule #1 of most red VTCs about written and verbal conduct and it should be ok.
  3. This will take some time... (check my profile info, before you say I am rude; there is a good explanation why my English is different) These are the points where the experience I got a big lump of Not-Good: - lack of active moderation (toxic CB; toxic chat; no traffic control; too many safe edited users causing mega lag and collisions/traffic jams/blocking because of afk or plane trolling); - no moderators in sight within Rush Hours; - wrong server to have this event in - it should have been in Sim 2; - no cargos attached to the event => most people lost interest fast; - organization could have been done better.
  4. Compared to the Calais thing, this was really very poorly executed. Thit is my PO.
  5. Can this be even possible to code, when TMP is not a 1:1 copy with the game? That is the big question.
  6. This can not be added due to one major flaw of the platform - the chat is multi linguistical. There is no AI that can filter normal from abnormal. Thus my suggestion for you is - buy a proper steering wheel and learn to play the game properly, so that the chat would never curse you.
  7. This is never going in and I will tell you why - normal folk don't and can't stand trolls. If this is to pass, you will be seeing plenty less people on the servers.
  8. Best solution is to have chat tabs as in MMO games.
  9. I had only pointed one thing that was radical on itself, but also one that makes a person thing long enough to realize that what is needed is something a lot simpler than deletion of names. All accounts when created have an ID-code. If a player had not been playing for more than 12 months straight, then it should be natural that the nick-name be released. Example - NAME (ID) -> ID (ID). Even with the present day ban rules this would not result in any form of player discrimination.
  10. Yea... this is yet one more thing the Polish team had never made countermeasure against. I understand the pain.
  11. The only solution to your suggestion is to have aa proper simulation server with a twist - DLCs requirement. This makes people behave as the cost of entry is a lot higher than 5 usd/euro.
  12. The best solution for that particular place would be to place a barrier and allow only right turn on exit. This will help the traffic flow more than to have an in-between 20m traffic lights. Another cool solution would be to re-model Calais and make it bigger so that it can accommodate more people, just like Duisburg before v 1.50.
  13. I have aa question - why would this be accepted by the potato PC and Internet users? While it has merit of its own, it will only add more stress to any of the already lagging server rooms. There is 0% practicality in this, only impending lag.
  14. In My Personal Opinion this should not be possible for ONE very important reason same as IRL - increased possibility to cause a traffic accident. There is a very good reason why the CB works in TMP.
  15. Yes, having a server where patrons can drive without messing the game of average players would be nice. After all these accounts can not receive a ban, no matter how dreadful they behave in-game. Practice confirms it.
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