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Takumi Fujiwara 86

Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Takumi Fujiwara 86

  1. i see what you did there


  2. just got internet back and find out ive been here for 4 years now, man how time flies

  3. you know you've been gone for awhile when people you have never heard of are retired legends

  4. so are those paintjobs from the christmas event going to be supported at some point because its been quite awhile since they came out

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MR_XY2


      @Kid Fabi 

      if this is a x-mas related painjob then i dont know...

      for sure its an winter related pj (called crystal dimension) but it would also look quite cool on summer roads


    3. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      but crystal dimension paint job is not supported for Multiplayer @M-S HAULING - est.2014

    4. MR_XY2


      yes but its part of the xmas delivery event ( and ppl talk here about these unsupported pj's)

      and i just wanted to show that Kid Fabi's argument has 0 (zero) value in my opinion

  5. that feeling when you update the mod before the servers do


    1. Mika L.

      Mika L.

      I also just updated and went online and then was like: "Awwwww :(" :lol:

  6. LA is slightly busy on VATSIM tonight (most of the planes heading SW are going to LA)


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. xBestBBx


      Yea, LA is just hectic. I don't do VATSIM, but I have a good reason. Just what is going on in LA right now :D

    3. Takumi Fujiwara 86

      Takumi Fujiwara 86

      dont blame ya, 79 scheduled arrivals

    4. xBestBBx


      Jesus man... That's hell... Suppose there could be much worse though.

  7. bonus cookies to whoever can guess what plane this is


    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. DerAmpelmann


      Tru... Btw, are those in the background Yakolevs?

    3. _Pingu_


      tbh i dont even know XD i just pulled something out of google, Anyway youve named the plane no need to sound smart by naming everything in the picture:lol: tell me what crop is growing in the background 

    4. _Pingu_


      And to answer your question yes they are YAK I think was the shortend name for them good old Russians 


  8. boy has this place changed since two years ago

  9. Pw8xGXX.jpg

    probably the best one yet

  10. what is all this about calais duisburg and why is it the new europoort

    1. Forraz


      It's a very popular road lately. The reasons of traffic jams usually ends up being

      • Collision
      • Overtaking
      • Slow going vehicles (under 80km/h)
      • A lot of drivers coming from the highway and merging into the Country road where we have to give way for them
    2. heyhococo


      TL;DR Bad things happen


      or something

    3. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      During my time not many players online so its ok for me  to drive on any road with out having issues :) i'm a very good driver and know the rules. 

  11. its a bit dark out


    1. Gun Powder

      Gun Powder

      I would very dark

    2. MrHarv98


      yeah just abit dark.. not much

  12. whats this serverside economy thing that people are whining about

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. [VIVA] Savage Frog
    3. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      The economy is handled by the server, now as well as the time, meaning that the time is always flowing, even if you are not playing, thus, the jobs keep on "running". Because the client has to sync its economy with the server, when you connect, your client will have o job available. That happens because all the jobs its had on the last time you connected have already expired by the time the new connection is made. Since the server does not automatically refresh the client's economy, it is up to the player to do that by "forcing" the client to refresh. That is done by performing any action that makes time change, such as sleeping, teleporting to a garage or taking a ferry. Once any of these is done, the client will refresh its economy and only then it will receive the list of available jobs from the server.

    4. Chileno Trucker
  13. how to count: staff edition


  14. ah the illegible text rank, love that one


  15. gone for something a bit older today


    1. Chris.D


      I really liked Southwest's old liveries, but I'm starting to lean towards their new livery too, especially on the 737-8H4.

    2. Takumi Fujiwara 86

      Takumi Fujiwara 86

      i remember back in 2007 when i flew on a 737-700 down to SFO and it was painted in the old livery (they've kept one with winglets that has the old livery ive heard)

  16. last bit of light fading away


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