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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/24 in all areas
48 points
@SammyTech132 Report Moderator ➜ Game Moderator @BolorerReport Moderator ➜ Game Moderator @Aspеct Report Moderator ➜ Game Moderator33 points
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made a new steam trailer mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=33437507634 points
4 points
¡Saludos Comunidad de TruckersMP! Después del gran éxito de nuestro sistema mejorado de chat, hemos regresado para mejorar tu experiencia de TruckersMP aún más. Esta vez hemos reconstruido el antiguo Marcador a una interfaz más interactiva, moderna, e informativa. ¡Adiós al marcador, hola al Panel de Jugadores! Hemos decidido cambiar el nombre de 'Marcador' a 'Panel del Jugador' porque no hay ningún 'puntaje' que marcar en TruckersMP. El Panel de Jugadores está construido para servir más propósitos que solamente listar los jugadores cercanos al ofrecer características interactivas y una interfaz no solamente moderna, pero escalable, que se adapta a la configuracón de tu pantalla. Queremos dar gracias especiales a nuestros suscriptores de Patron por proporcionar comentarios valiosos al panel. ¿Qué hay de nuevo? Nuestra meta es crear un panel informativo con elementos interactivos y navegación simple. Adicionaltmente, hemos cambiado el diseño del panel para que sea más moderno, el cual era una característica con muchas peticiones dentro de la comunidad. ¡Revisemos lo nuevo! Escalado Funcional Una de las características más pedidas de la comunidad era implementar escalado funcional, el cual ya está implementado. El panel ahora ajusta su tamaño automáticamente dependiendo de la resolución y ajustes de tu pantalla. También puedes cambiar manualmente el tamaño de los diferentes elementos del HUD para que se ajusten a tus preferencias. Fuente & Renderizado de Texto Hemos integrado un nuevo motor de fuentes, lo que significa que ahora verás mejor soporte para una amplia variedad de idiomas y sets de caracteres. De esta manera, podrás ver nombres y tags que contienen caracteres especiales correctamente. Con este cambio, también hemos cambiado la fuente para que se vea más moderna. Lista de Jugadores Hemos mejorado el listado de jugadores al combinar las columnas de tag y nombre del jugador, lo que hace la lista más compacta. Los tags del jugador ahora están resaltados en negrita para que sean más visibles cuando los jugadores usan colores similares. Además hemos implementado íconos que aparecen al costado de los nombres de jugadores. Estos íconos son para amigos de Steam, miembros VTC (si estás en una VTC), Patrons, y miembros del equipo de TruckersMP. También puedes ver tus propios íconos si eso aplica para ti. Amigos de Steam Miembros VTC Miembros del equipo de TruckersMP Patrons Adicionalmente hemos agregado una columna que contiene diferentes acciones. A través de esto puedes fácilmente reportar, silenciar, y desilenciar a un jugador. Por ahora, esas son las únicas opciones, pero es posible que se expanda para cubrir más características en el futuro. El menú de contexto (click derecho en un jugador), donde las acciones como 'Mostrar Perfil de Steam' y 'Mostrar Perfil de TruckersMP' están ubicadas, se mantiene igual. Por último, el panel ahora se abre en medio de la pantalla por defecto, y hemos colocado el botón de reporte en la parte superior para acceso simple. Ordenado Los jugadores ahora son agrupados automáticamente, primero por amigos, seguido por otros miembros VTC (si estás en una VTC). Puedes cambiar el agrupamiento, por ejemplo ordenando manualmente por ID o Distancia. Ahora podrás mantener estos ajustes al marcar 'Save Player Panel's customization' en tu configuración debajo de la pestaña 'Interface'. Búsqueda La búsqueda ya no está escondida como una opción; ahora, es una parte permanente del panel. Funciona de la misma manera que antes, permitiendo la búsqueda de jugadores por ID, tag, o nombre. Descartes Necesarios Debido a razones técnicas, dos características que antes eran parte del Marcador tuvieron que ser removidas: Los paquetes de UI personalizados ya no aplican al Panel de Jugadores. Esto es debido a cambios a la actual interfaz. En el futuro, nos encantaría tener el soporte para personalizar los colores, tamaño de la fuente, y espaciado, pero por el momento esto no es posible con la tecnología que estamos usando. Para tener un diseño del panel más uniforme, hemos deshabilitado la funcionalidad de fecha/hora. Ya que esta información está disponible en la mayoría de dispositivos, simplemente sentimos que ofrecerlo era redundante y no justificaba los recursos necesarios para mantenerlo. ¡Tu Opinión Importa! Como con cualquier actualización, tu opinión es muy valiosa para nosotros. Queremos asegurarnos de que el nuevo Panel de Jugadores cumpla con expectativas y funciona fluidamente. Asegúrate de contactar al Equipo de Soporte si encuentras un error y Community Management para sugerencias y retroalimentación. Esto nos ayudará a refinar y mejorar este lanzamiento aún más. ¡No olvides compartir tus opiniones en nuestras redes sociales al usar el hashtag #PlayerPanel! El nuevo Panel de Jugadores está listo para la acción, y no podemos esperar para que lo pruebes. ¡Feliz Camionaje! - Equipo de TruckersMP3 points
3 points
@Ata35 Player ➜ Game Moderation Trainee @GbmbRnmf Player ➜ Game Moderation Trainee @Xiolin Retired Team Member ➜ Game Moderation Trainee3 points
3 points
Hey right now I'm really curious about who will see this post or not. Can you send likes to this post? Also I'll follow the first person to reply. I really wonder who it will be2 points
Suggestion Name: Revert sorting of achievements on the profile view Suggestion Description: Display more recently unlocked achievements first in the achievements preview Any example images: Why it should be added: Many people argue that completing the delivery events just for the achievement is pointless, as "no one will ever see the achievement". With this change, recently unlocked achievements are displayed first, so they'll be visible straight up on the user's profile without the need to view all the achievements.2 points
Suggestion Name: Editing Achievements Suggestion Description: There are different achievements on the Truckers mp site and the Truckers mp forum. Making the achievements selectable in order to ensure that these achievements appear on the profile as people want Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: Sometimes the achievements tab can be adjusted so that the desired achievements on the site cannot be displayed, or users can decide which achievements to display instead of seeing repeated achievements.2 points
Hello. Frequently asked question in appeals: very often my colleagues and I hear that the appeal should be considered by another GM, and not the one who issued the ban. But will this really be right? How do you feel about the fact that your appeal will be viewed by another person, and not the one who can explain the reasons for his ban?2 points
2 points
Trying to pack up some of my dad's stuff, I discovered just how old at least one of his oldest bibles is. I've always known he had at least one that is over a century old, but only today I found out its exact age: 150 years. It's a Spanish bible, printed back in 1874. I'll take a couple photos of it and post here later/tomorrow.2 points
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It seems aesthetics over functionality have been prioritised with this update, and that is such a shame. We all knew this update was coming, and unfortunately it is a massive disappointment. I do want to say massive kudos to whoever was involved for adjusting the width limit very quickly with the initial bad feedback from multiple players. The general usefulness of this new player panel has decreased significantly from it's previous iteration, yes, it does of course have a more modern look. However that modern look is instantly negated by every sub-menu still being the old style. And honestly, being able to compare old and new literally side by side, the new aesthetics really don't outweigh the new, limited, functionality. There is so much wasted space, for example the ID column is too wide for what is a max 4 digit number that needs to be displayed. All of that redundant spacing needs to be streamlined, currently, it is a very intrusive window, that a lot of people rely on to drive safely. The scaling is also very unhelpful as it is linked with the chat window. I use 2560x1440 resolution, and luckily I can have the scaling on the minimum setting to still be able to read chat, which thankfully makes the new player panel smaller, however the text within the player panel, specifically usernames are too small. Increasing the scaling makes the player panel more and more intrusive. Another change is the use of icons after a username to display a Steam friend, VTC member, Patreon member or TMP staff member, instead of using coloured usernames. This seems like a massively unuseful and cluttered change. A coloured username was instantly recogniseable at a glance, and now these icons require the user to have an increased minimum width to be able to view them all with longer tags + usernames. One thing I personally liked on the old scoreboard was that it could be made as long / tall as needed, now there is also a limit to that, which is a personal annoyance for me. I am very curious how much testing this new player panel had. Assuming it was done by upper staff within TMP, this really shows how disconnected they are to the average player. It seems recently the quality of TMP has been decreasing and it is such a massive shame. I hope in near future the player panel can be improved and suggestions by the community are taken onboard.2 points
I did a suggestion for improvements that is similar to this one and then my suggestion was rejected. Now they made a change without prior consultation with the community and shoved it down our throats and we have to accept it without an option to keep the previous one like everyone else does? It is regrettable how the current management is incompetent and makes decisions without first consulting the community. This story that was already a previous request is to deceive these unsuspecting people. This is my opinion and I hope it is respected and that in the future it improves even more, since each Senior thinks individually and the proof of this was the last Senior who never read or paid attention to the suggestions and I saved this comment that was made by one of the few serious Seniors on this site and who unfortunately retired shortly after, why would that be?!!2 points
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Discord Moderator Recruitment From the 7th of October until the 14th of October, we will be looking for talented individuals to join our Community Moderation team as Discord Moderators. About the role: As a Discord Moderator you are responsible for enforcing the rules and guidelines, reviewing reports and issuing punishments where necessary on the Discord guild. You will also engage in positive community interacting and ensure the community is kept safe and enjoyable for everyone. Core Requirements: Must be at least 16 years old; Must be registered on the TruckersMP website for at least 1 year; Must be familiar with TruckersMP and its rules; Must be sufficiently proficient in written English; Must be able to accept constructive criticism; Must be eager to learn and want to progress your knowledge; Must be organised and adaptive; Must be resilient, active and flexible; Must be able to work within in a team as well as on your own; Must have a forum and Discord account for internal communication; Must have no forum/Discord bans or punishments within the last 12 months; Must have no more than 3 game server bans in the last 24 months; Must have good behaviour across our communication channels; Must have good communication skills. Hard and soft skills that are considered a plus when we consider applications, but are not mandatory requirements: Being able to understand multiple languages fully; Previous Moderation experience with provable examples in similar communities. Languages: We are primarily looking for candidates who can moderate the following communities: Turkish; Chinese; French; Russian; Ukrainian; Czech. English-only speaking applicants will also be considered. Since we do not necessarily have a need for English-only moderators, the available positions will be very limited. How do I submit a good application? Before you submit an application, we strongly recommend that you read this knowledge base article with many tips and information regarding our recruiting process. How do I apply? If you think that you'd be a valuable asset for the Discord Moderation Team, you can apply here, starting October 7th.2 points
@[MCG] Garmy Player ➜ Game Moderation Trainee @sneakyypython Player ➜ Game Moderation Trainee2 points
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2 points
Greeting TruckersMP Community! After the great success of our improved chat system, we have come back with improving your TruckersMP experience even more. This time we have completely reworked the old Scoreboard into a more interactive, modern, and informative interface. Goodbye Scoreboard, hello Player Panel! We decided to change the name from ‘Scoreboard’ to ‘Player Panel’ because there is no ‘score’ within TruckersMP. The Player Panel is built instead to serve more purposes than just listing the surrounding players by offering interactive features and a modern as well as scalable interface that adapts perfectly to your screen settings. We want to give a special thanks to our Patron supporters for providing their valuable input on the panel. What’s new? Our goal has been to create an informative panel with interactive elements and easy navigation. Additionally, we have changed the design of the panel to be more modern, which was a highly requested feature from the community. Let’s check out what’s new! Functional Scaling One of the most requested features from the community was to implement functional scaling, which is now implemented. The panel now automatically adjusts its size based on your screen resolution and settings. You can also manually adjust the size of the different HUD elements to suit your preferences better. Font & Text Render We have integrated a new font engine, which means you will now see better support for a wide variety of languages and character sets. This way, you can see names and tags that contain special characters correctly. With that change, we’ve also changed the font to look more modern. Player List We improved player listing by merging player tag and name columns, which makes the list more compact. The player tags are now highlighted in bold to make them stand out more when players use similar colours. On top of this we have implemented icons that appear next to player names. There are icons for Steam friends, VTC members (if you are in a VTC), Patrons, and TruckersMP team members. You are also able to see your own icons if that applies to you. Steam friends VTC members TruckersMP team members Patrons We have furthermore added a new column containing different actions. Through this you are able to easily report, mute, and unmute a player. For now, these are the only options, but we might expand this to cover more features in the future. The context menu (right click on a player), where actions such as ‘Show Steam Profile’ and ‘Show TruckersMP Profile’ are located, remains the same. Lastly, the panel now opens in the middle of your screen by default, and we have placed the report button at the top for easy access. Sorting Players are now automatically grouped, first by friends, followed by other VTC members (if you are on a VTC). You can still change the grouping, for example with sorting manually by ID or Distance. You can now maintain these settings by checking ‘Save Player Panel’s customization’ in your settings under the ‘Interface’ tab. Searching Searching is no longer hidden as a toggle option; instead, it is a permanent part of the panel. It works the same way as before, allowing you to query players by their ID, tag, or name. Needed Removals Due to technical reasons, two features that were previously part of the Scoreboard had to be removed: Custom UI packs no longer apply to the Player Panel. This is due to changes to the current UI skin. In the future, we would love to support the ability to customise the colours, font sizes, and spacing, but at the moment this is not possible with the technology we are using. To streamline the overall design of the panel, we have disabled the date/time functionality. Since this information is available on most devices, we simply felt that offering it was redundant and didn’t justify the resources required to keep it maintained. Your Feedback Matters! As with any update, your feedback is very valuable to us. We want to ensure that the new Player Panel meets your expectations and works seamlessly. Make sure to contact the Support Team if you find a bug and Community Management for suggestions and feedback. This will help us to refine and improve this release further. Don’t forget to share your thoughts on our socials by using the hashtag #PlayerPanel! The new Player Panel is ready for action, and we can't wait for you to try it out. Happy trucking! -TruckersMP Team --> View post on homepage1 point
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1 point
Hello @wlobaba I will give you some Local Mods Discord Server.There are also some tutorials there for your reference. 1.Insanux 2.Only way is Dutch 3.Chip Tuning 4.58 Works Garage 5.Night's TruckStyling Hope can I help you! Kind Regards, SmallKai1 point
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Save-edited this today but the kingpin on the second trailer is too far back, the trailers hit each other on tight turns1 point
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Dir auch ein schönen Samstag und ein schönes Wochenende Auch für alle anderen einen Schönen Tag und ein schönes Wochenende1 point
1 point
Saudações à comunidade TruckersMP! Após o grande sucesso do nosso sistema de bate-papo aprimorado, voltamos para melhorar ainda mais sua experiência no TruckersMP. Desta vez, reformulamos completamente o antigo Scoreboard em uma interface mais interativa, moderna e informativa. Adeus Scoreboard, olá Painel do Jogador! Decidimos mudar o nome de “Scoreboard” para “Player Panel” porque não há “pontuação” no TruckersMP. Em vez disso, o Painel do Jogador foi criado para servir a mais propósitos do que apenas listar os jogadores ao redor, oferecendo recursos interativos e uma interface moderna e escalável que se adapta perfeitamente às configurações da sua tela. Gostaríamos de fazer um agradecimento especial aos nossos apoiadores Patronos por fornecerem suas valiosas informações sobre o painel. O que há de novo? Nosso objetivo foi criar um painel informativo com elementos interativos e de fácil navegação. Além disso, alteramos o design do painel para torná-lo mais moderno, o que foi um recurso muito solicitado pela comunidade. Vamos dar uma olhada nas novidades! Dimensionamento funcional Um dos recursos mais solicitados pela comunidade foi a implementação do dimensionamento funcional, que agora está implementado. O painel agora ajusta automaticamente seu tamanho com base na resolução e nas configurações da sua tela. Você também pode ajustar manualmente o tamanho dos diferentes elementos do HUD para se adequar melhor às suas preferências. Fonte e renderização de texto Integramos um novo mecanismo de fontes, o que significa que agora você verá um suporte melhor para uma ampla variedade de idiomas e conjuntos de caracteres. Dessa forma, você poderá ver corretamente os nomes e as tags que contêm caracteres especiais. Com essa alteração, também mudamos a fonte para parecer mais moderna. Lista de jogadores Aprimoramos a listagem de jogadores mesclando as colunas de nome e tag do jogador, o que torna a lista mais compacta. As tags dos jogadores agora são destacadas em negrito para que se destaquem mais quando os jogadores usam cores semelhantes. Além disso, implementamos ícones que aparecem ao lado dos nomes dos jogadores. Há ícones para amigos do Steam, membros da VTC (se você estiver em uma VTC), patronos e membros da equipe TruckersMP. Você também pode ver seus próprios ícones, se isso se aplicar a você. * Amigos do Steam * Membros da VTC * TruckersMP Staff * Patronos Além disso, adicionamos uma nova coluna que contém diferentes ações. Com ela, você pode denunciar, silenciar e silenciar um jogador com facilidade. Por enquanto, essas são as únicas opções, mas talvez possamos expandi-las para abranger mais recursos no futuro. O menu de contexto (clique com o botão direito do mouse em um jogador), onde estão localizadas ações como “Mostrar perfil do Steam” e “Mostrar perfil do TruckersMP”, permanece o mesmo. Por fim, o painel agora abre no meio da tela por padrão, e colocamos o botão de relatório na parte superior para facilitar o acesso. Classificação Os jogadores agora são agrupados automaticamente, primeiro por amigos, seguidos por outros membros da VTC (se você estiver em uma VTC). Você ainda pode alterar o agrupamento, por exemplo, classificando manualmente por ID ou distância. Agora é possível manter essas configurações marcando a opção “Save Player Panel's customization” em suas configurações na guia “Interface”. Busca A pesquisa não está mais oculta como uma opção de alternância; em vez disso, é uma parte permanente do painel. Ela funciona da mesma forma que antes, permitindo que você consulte os jogadores por ID, tag ou nome. Mudanças necessárias Por motivos técnicos, dois recursos que antes faziam parte do Scoreboard tiveram que ser removidos: * Os pacotes de UI personalizados não se aplicam mais ao Painel do Jogador. Isso se deve a alterações na aparência da interface do usuário atual. No futuro, gostaríamos de oferecer suporte à capacidade de personalizar as cores, os tamanhos das fontes e o espaçamento, mas no momento isso não é possível com a tecnologia que estamos usando. * Para otimizar o design geral do painel, desativamos a funcionalidade de data/hora. Como essas informações estão disponíveis na maioria dos dispositivos, simplesmente achamos que oferecê-las era redundante e não justificava os recursos necessários para mantê-las atualizadas. Seu feedback é importante! Como em qualquer atualização, seu feedback é muito valioso para nós. Queremos garantir que o novo Painel do Jogador atenda às suas expectativas e funcione perfeitamente. Não deixe de entrar em contato com a Support Team se encontrar um bug e com a Community Management para obter sugestões e comentários. Isso nos ajudará a refinar e melhorar ainda mais esta versão. Não se esqueça de compartilhar suas ideias em nossas redes sociais usando a hashtag #PlayerPanel! O novo Painel do Jogador está pronto para entrar em ação, e mal podemos esperar para que você o experimente. Boa viagem! - TruckersMP Team1 point
The display function of deleting the date/time is really inappropriate, because it is for us to record the point of the accident to facilitate the submission of the report. Secondly, I think the zoom function of the current new panel is still not so perfect. I hope it can be reduced a little more, because it really affects the driving vision at present. In addition, the player's label and name will not be completely displayed after shrinking the panel, which does not mean that it is more convenient. I hope this design can change the size of the font display with the panel scaling. I hope these will be changed in the near future update. #PlayerPanel1 point
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Честита нова българска полицейска кола за админите! Надявам се в скоро време да имам възможността да я карам. Успех!1 point