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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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Хидара last won the day on September 28

Хидара had the most liked content!


About Хидара

  • Birthday 06/27/2000

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Samara, Russia
  • Interests
    Organizer of major festivals and concerts. Media manager.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Switzerland: Bern
  • Known languages
    Russian, Japanese, English

TruckersMP Information

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Хидара's Achievements


Contributor (4/13)

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  1. Have you tried out the new road?

    1. L-DR@GO


      Till when I get a New laptop 😃

  2. Traffic lights at the intersection have been improved

  3. They put a train and poles on the ring at the entrance to Duisburg Bridge


  4. New object on the Duisburg bridge

  5. Hey! Congrats on making it as a moderator!

  6. Parked. I went to eat. Then I came and saw that I had created a parking lot for Skoda XD
    (I'm second from the left)spacer.png

    1. L-DR@GO


      Nice photo 👍 

  7. Rest in peace @sanamaria and @SpeedyTMP... We hope you are in a better place...😭

    1. Хидара


      I've only talked to SpeedyTMP a couple of times. But he left very good impressions.. ❤️

  8. Today I visited the TruckersMP office! I haven't been here for a long time. It was nice to be back here!

  9. @SiberianCoffehey! Endless fuel does not work on an electric truck :с The mod makes a lot of kilowatts in the battery, but when you spend even a little energy, the value resets to the maximum possible default. We are talking about Scania S BEV. https://medal.tv/games/euro-truck-sim-2/clips/iLQ0G19ZQzyVI3JDB?invite=cr-MSx2NEksMjY1Mjk5NzI0LA
  10. He's been looking for a folder with saves for 10 minutes now UPD: I'm stupid. I found a solution to the problem in the same topic.
  11. I don't agree. If players want to return, they will want to keep their nickname.
  12. It's been a long time since I posted beautiful photos. So, we need to start again!

  13. Why can't I insert a video without a link? 😭

    1. Waveeyy


      You can, inspect element, click on the video and paste the URL 🙂 if not you can enter text and have a video shown

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