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Community Answers

  1. Hey @cjcni, Can you also please upload your game.log.txt file after the crash happens? Cheers. Kind regards, djoh TruckersMP Trial Support
  2. Hello there @sergeypopov2009, Of course! TruckersMP does not restrict you in where you can use your profile. You can switch between TruckersMP/singleplayer anytime you want. The only "issue" you might encounter when doing so is the "Content change detected" message. There is nothing bad about that, it simply happens because there was an update to the game map. However, you can avoid it by copying TruckersMP's map modifications and use them with your profile in singleplayer. Here's a guide on how to do that: https://truckersmp.com/kb/1438 Kind regards, djoh TruckersMP Trial Support
  3. Приветствую, @SEVA1784 | 197 RUS, На данный момент эта проблема уже должна быть решена. Дайте знать, если она всё ещё присутствует. С уважением, djoh Команда поддержки TruckersMP
  4. Приветствую, Так как ваша проблема была решена, я перевожу эту тему в раздел Решенных. Если у вас появяться другие вопросы или проблемы, обращайтесь. С уважением, djoh Команда поддержки TruckersMP
  5. Про які саме скарги йде мова? Ви хочете подати апеляцію на свій бан?
  6. Hello @VanDeAhmed, This is a known issue for TruckersMP HQ and Wroclaw (and other custom cities on ProMods). It is caused by one of the updates from SCS, which broke some of the prefabs in modified cities. Please take your cargo in any other city and it should work just fine. Kind Regards, djoh TruckersMP Trial Support
  7. Hello there! Has your question been answered? Your confirmation of the status regarding your question helps us keep the forum organized. I await your return! Kind Regards, djoh TruckersMP Trial Support
  8. Hello there! Has your question been answered? Your confirmation of the status regarding your question helps us keep the forum organized. I await your return! Kind Regards, djoh TruckersMP Trial Support
  9. Hello there! Has your question been answered? Your confirmation of the status regarding your question helps us keep the forum organized. I await your return! Kind Regards, djoh TruckersMP Trial Support
  10. Hello there! As your question has been answered, I will now go ahead and move this topic to "Solved". If you have any issues/queries in the future, do not hesitate to contact us via the Support System or ModMail, or by creating another topic. Kind Regards, djoh TruckersMP Trial Support //Locked and Moved to Solved
  11. Congrats🎉:tmp:

  12. Hello @Vortex.TMP, I can see that you're using two plugins - ScsSDKPopupBypass and ScsUnitTypeCheckBypass. I would suggest you to temporarily remove these to make sure they are not causing the crash. Open the "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/bin/win_x64/plugins" directory; Move ScsSDKPopupBypass.dll and ScsUnitTypeCheckBypass.dll to some other directory (your desktop, for example) In case you are still experiencing crashes even after removing those two plugins, some people were able to solve these crashes by using a new profile. I understand that this might not be the solution you want, but if it works, it works. Kind regards, djoh TruckersMP Trial Support
  13. Congrats!

  14. Congrats!

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