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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/20 in Posts

  1. [GAME MODERATOR LEADER] @Martin. has been removed due to internal reasons, but will remain as Game Moderator.
    17 points
  2. [GAME MODERATOR] @[RusTK] Alex KERNEL leaves the team due to lack of time. Thank you for your time and efforts given to the team! [GAME MODERATOR] @Soul Knight leaves the team due to lack of time. Thank you for your time and efforts given to the team!
    6 points
  3. Suggestion name: 90km/h speed limit Why should it be added: I just rage quitted after being rammed for probably 5 or 6th time this week (twice today), by a truck without a trailer on a motorway, while i was minding my own business driving 90km/h, this guy comes at 110km/h and clearly rammes me on purpose. Literally every single day of the week the exactly the same scenario and i'm sick of it. ??? Now some will say, record and report. Dude, i find it enough if they ruin my gaming experience, i dont need them to make me wait all week for them to get banned, then it ruins my experince overall, not just gameplay. Speed limit 90km/h would reduce overtaking, reports, toxicity etc. to minimum, we would probably get rid of some of those racers too, make them buy actual racing game and bring back some people who left because of them. I don't remember ever doing anything bad to anyone who drives fast, what i do remember is the ones who drive fast ruining experince for the simulation players for literally, years. Suggestion description: not needed really, it's clear what i mean, in fact NFS guys probably started to rage when they saw the title. All in all, stop racing and start driving trucks. Example: well real life trucking and guys who already do that in game. This will probably get rejected but i hope it will be a small contribution in helping to start moving things in this direction. My english is what it is and it gets a bit woiorse after rage quitting, so yea... EDITED Also i realize this suggestion doesnt strickly follow the format, but i think that it does contain all the needed info. EDITED The fast guys, before you comment, what have we, simulation players, done to you that allows you to crash us as often as it happens? What law in this world allows you to use two lanes to drive "normally"? Two lanes, not one, i cant even drive in my lane because most of you cant keep it between the lines, some of you dont even know what mirrors are used for.
    3 points
  4. Please refer to the topic below as to why this suggestion has been rejected. Rejected.
    3 points
  5. 2 points
  6. [TRIAL TRANSLATOR] @lukabrazi has been promoted to Translator.
    2 points
  7. [Retired Staff Member] @LUIG returns to the staff team as a Game Moderator. [Game Moderator] @Kubuntu leaves the team due to personal reasons.
    2 points
  8. [Report Moderator] @meLadyBear has been promoted to the position of Game Moderator.
    2 points
  9. Witajcie! Nadszedł ten dzień. Po prawie miesiącu beta testów jestem gotowy. Oto przed Państwem... Tachograf v2 by Arkadiusz Fatyga Obecna wersja - 1.1.2c Głównie jest on dedykowany dla Wirtualnych Spedycji, które chcą mieć dostęp do większości opcji skryptu, by móc dostosować go do swoich potrzeb oraz VSek, które chcą posiadać tachograf na swoim serwerze (np. obok strony internetowej swojej firmy). Lista funkcji w obecnej wersji: system tras (dodawanie, akceptacja, odrzucanie z powiadomieniami), system rekrutacyjny (przy użyciu SteamID API za pośrednictwem SteamAuthenticator przez SmItH197 oraz TruckersMP API [Player oraz VTC]) system konwojów (listowanie, dodawanie i usuwanie) system wiadomości (oparty o TruckersMP API [VTC]) wsparcie dla najnowszych DLC (nie są dodane jeszcze miasta ani ładunki - jedynie ich nazwy)/modów (nie jest wbudowane!) rangi (wbudowane 2 role) generowanie raportów do formatu PDF, top 10 kierowców w danym miesiącu w różnych kategoriach i wiele innych Obecnie dostępny jest w dwóch wersjach językowych (wbudowanych w skrypt) - polskim oraz angielskim. Skrypt jest udostępniany na licencji GPL v3. Wykorzystane skrypty: Fat-Free Framework (cały skrypt) mPDF (generowanie raportów do PDF) SteamAuthenticator (system rekrutacyjny) Bootstrap 4 (cały wygląd skryptu) Font Awesome 5 (ikonki) Wykorzystane API: SteamID API (pobierane dane to nickname, email, link do profilu Steam oraz SteamID64) Trucky API (w celu pobierania informacji o aktualnym położeniu użytkownika - za jego wyświetlenie odpowiada ets2map) TruckersMP API (Player - sprawdzenie historii banów i od kiedy jest na TruckersMP; oraz VTC - wyświetlenie wymagań, opisu firmy oraz regulaminu Wirtualnej Spedycji) Wymagania do instalacji: posiadanie serweru VPS lub hostingu, wersja PHP 5.6 lub wyższa, baza danych MySQL Instalacja skryptu: Pobierz skrypt z gałęzi "master" Wypakuj skrypt Wstaw go na serwer poprzez FTP Przejdź do http://yourdomain.com/installer i dokonaj konfiguracji. Zgłaszanie błędów Jeśli potrzebujesz zgłosić błąd, możesz to zrobić na 3 sposoby: poprzez GitHub (zakładka Issues) poprzez serwer Discord poprzez wiadomość mailową na email [email protected] Strona demo aktualnie nie jest dostępna Zdjęcia Link do strony GitHub Życzę miłego korzystania ze skryptu! Wszelkie sugestie i tłumaczenia można publikować za pośrednictwem serwera Discord oraz emaila.
    1 point
  10. Coffee-Spedition zaprasza na II edycję konwoju 'Road to California' w ATS! Informacje Data 20.06.2020 Godzina zbiórki: 18:45 Start konwoju: 19:30 Miejsce startu: Albuquerque (DLC Nowy Meksyk) Miejsce docelowe: Fresno Serwer: Dedykowany Komunikacja głosowa: coffeespedition.gclan.pl Mapa konwojowa ↓ Grupa 1 oraz 2 ↓ ↓ Grupa 3, 4 oraz 5 ↓ ↓ Miejsce zakończenia konwoju ↓ Regulamin konwoju 1) Nie zatrzymujemy się na światłach, skrzyżowaniach oraz nie ustępujemy pierwszeństwa graczom nie uczestniczącym w konwoju 2) Nie używamy dodatkowych świateł ostrzegawczych (tzw. kogutów) 3) Korzystamy z ustalonego przez pilota pasa ruchu podczas jazdy drogą wielopasową 4) Zachowujemy bezpieczną odległość za zestawem z przodu. Należy mieć w świadomości, że w każdej chwili kierowca przed nami może stanąć w miejscu 5) Nie wyprzedzamy innych uczestników konwoju bez zgody pilota grupy 6) Prędkość przejazdu grupy ustala pilot. Zazwyczaj jest to 105 km/h na drogach dwujezdniowych, 80 km/h na drogach jednojezdniowych, 50 km/h w strefach miejskich. Należy przygotować do konwoju zestaw w taki sposób, aby osiągnięcie i utrzymanie wspomnianych prędkości nie stwarzało żadnego problemu. Wymaga się również, aby zestaw w wyjątkowych sytuacjach był w stanie na prostej drodze rozpędzić się do przynajmniej 120 km/h. 7) Każdy uczestnik konwoju zobowiązany jest do posiadania ciągnika siodłowego z naczepą standardowej długości. Przejazd bez naczepy lub samochodem osobowym umożliwiony jest wyłącznie pilotom konwoju. 8 ) W trakcie konwoju nie przewiduje się przerw. Każdy uczestnik musi być w stanie przejechać cały dystans konwoju bez potrzeby robienia przerwy. 9) Wszystkie pozostałe przepisy porządkowe obowiązujące na serwerach pozostają w mocy. Podział grup ↓ Grupa 1 + 2 - Stacja w Centrum ↓ ↓ Grupa 1 - Pilot: karol_domag (Start 19:30) ↓ RISA MTD-Logistic Sons Of Anarchy W-Log ↓ Grupa 2 - Pilot: EliminatorPL (Start 19:40) ↓ Coffee-Spedition Maximus Maximus Virtual Spedition Eddy-Logistics SzachMat Panda Spedition ↓ Grupa 3 + 4 + 5 - Stacja na Autostradzie ↓ ↓ Grupa 3 - Pilot: Pan Serduszko (Start 19:30) ↓ Lesio-Trans Darkom Hard Group Transport H&K Trans Capricorns Dragon Poland Transport ↓ Grupa 4 - Pilot: Reksio (Start 19:35) ↓ Agromex Orzeł-Trans Jamajka-Trans Promil-Trans Quality-Logistics ↓ Grupa 5 - Pilot: Mefisto (Start 19:40) ↓ TransBED TruckersPL GTW Logistic BBATS Virtual Spedition Quadrifoglio Crew Lista zaproszonych firm Agromex BBATS Virtual Spedition Capricorns Coffee-Spedition Darkom Dragon Poland Transport Eddy Logistic GTW Logistic Hard Group Transport H&K Trans Jamajka-Trans Lesio-Trans Maximus Maximus Virtual Spedition MTD-Logistic Orzeł-Trans Panda-Spedition Promil-Trans Quadrifoglio Crew Quality-Logistics RISA Sons Of Anarchy SzachMat TruckersPL TransBED W-Log
    1 point
  11. Suggestion Name: Player Finder Suggestion Description: Add a search bar to the map, to search a player, friend with their truckersmp ID or steam name, to locate where the person you're looking for is driving in the map. Option to search for friends in steam friends list with a window. Any example images: http://prntscr.com/r9tlyw ; http://prntscr.com/r9tm2t ; http://prntscr.com/r9tm6o Why should it be added?: It should be added, because right now, if I want to search for someone, I need to search them in a site, tabbing out of the game. MrFinn PS: Sorry for photoshop bad quality, it's just to get the idea!
    1 point
  12. Best Truckers, Welcome to the Monthly Competition, Picture of the Month; this is a competition between users where you can post screenshots and pictures and then the winners will be decided within the Media Team at the end of the month. What is Picture of the Month? Picture of the month is a community event released by the Media Team for users to share their best images with the community. How does it work? Take a stunning picture In-game, either in Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator. Upload the image to any picture host (e.g. Imgur). Paste the link to the image in a reply to the thread and it will automatically add your image for you. Rules: -A maximum of 2 pictures per each user's entry -The picture must be your own -Images must be taken in either Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator (pictures can be taken in Singleplayer) -Images may be digitally modified -Images submitted must be at a resolution of 1600x900 or more -You can only use one image to enter in any competition once (e.g. You can't use last month's entry for this month) -Doesn't contain overlays (e.g. Discord, Overwolf) -Images may not contain the In-game chat, Name-tags or the Tab-menu (F10 + F11) What makes a good entry? -Abides by the rules above -Unique Camera Angles -Using the In-Game Photo Studio -You have put some exemplary effort into creating your image -You submit an image that is not very standard or of just a truck that may be flipped -The image should be of Good Quality and not taken with bad graphical quality or on a Mobile Phone -Not taken within the Pause Menu All posts in this thread must be valid entries, if not, your entries can be considered void and you could be disqualified from the competition. By posting an image here you agree, that should you be the winner, then your image can be digitally modified by us and put on our Social Media pages. The competition closes on the 27th of March 2020 at 23:59 UTC And if you wish to gain some motivation for your own idea, you may have a look at our last month's winners in our topic below: We wish you the best of luck in the competition and hope to see some stunning photos this month! Happy Trucking! TruckersMP Media Team
    1 point
  13. Best Truckers, We have seen some amazing pictures send in this months competition. And it was very hard for us to pick our top three. After looking at every picture multiple times we choose these three winners. 1st Place @Judha_ 2nd Place @Winged [PL/SK] 3rd Place @Jxkke Congratulations to all three winners! ? We want to thank everyone who has send in their pictures this competition. And we are already thrilled to see what you will come up with March! Happy trucking! TruckersMP Media Team
    1 point
  14. Witajcie! Weekend spędzany w domu sprzyja pojawieniu się... wielu błędów w skrypcie. ? Stąd postanowiłem je naprawić. Jest już ona dostępna na GitHubie (wersja 1.1.1b). Naprawiłem tam instalator oraz poprawiłem angielski pakiet językowy. Choć obecnie jest to wersja oznaczona numerkiem 1.1.1b, to tak naprawdę jest to 1.1, gdyż oprócz w/w rzeczy nie dodałem ani też nie zmieniłem nic. Na horyzoncie powoli pojawia się kolejna rzecz... Radzę zaglądać tutaj, gdyż może za niedługo coś przedstawię. Do usłyszenia! ?
    1 point
  15. Looks like there's a storm moving in?
    1 point
  16. Happy to come third! Awesome seeing more people enter the competition showing their creations. I'm still going to fight for that first place though!
    1 point
  17. Dnešní road trip do Bulharska ??
    1 point
  18. Using a trainer, in this case, a third-party-tool is not permitted, regardless of whether you use it for good or bad intentions. Back in the days it was popular due to the fact that you could easily combat people trolling and ramming you on purpose. This feature, however, has been abused so much that it got banned really quickly. Nowadays you can use the /fix command every 10 minutes. There were 2 types of people using the trainer: Using the no-damage-hack to not get any damage, whether that be people ramming you on purpose or causing an accident due to bad driving. It was a good way to combat trolls as stated above. To use the no-damage-hack to ram as many people as you can. This feature gave you the ability to drive from a to b with 0% damage non-stop. Literally a paradise for trolls. §2.1 - Hacking/Bug/Feature abusing - PERMANENT BAN Using any kind of tool to change gameplay, including but not limited to using the in-game console, trainers or cheat engine in order to bypass the speed limiter, to jump hack, no collision hack or anything similar. Misusing features such as ghost mode to cause damage to others while connecting to the servers.
    1 point
  19. Thank you guys, and congrats to @Winged [PL/SK] and @Jxkke
    1 point
  20. Those are my two most favorite Screenshot´s so far i have taken with photo Studio inside of Euro Truck Simulator without any Editing been done.
    1 point
  21. No entendí lo que significaba tu escritura..Lee las reglas y síguelas siempre Tu escritura es similar a la de William Shakespeare #novel
    1 point
  22. Witajcie! Dostałem informację o błędzie, który występuje w instalatorze. Niestety - jego naprawianie nie będzie takie proste, stąd zostanie ono ujęte w dokumentacji. No właśnie - kiedy ona będzie? ? Wstępną dokumentację mam zamiar udostępnić w następną niedzielę (tj. 8 marca [dzień kobiet BTW]). Dokumentacja będzie dostępna za pośrednictwem darmowej strony trzymanej dzięki GitHub Pages. Jest też duża szansa, że w tym samym czasie opublikuję również stronę internetową, jednakże więcej informacji będzie wkrótce. Tymczasem życzę miłego korzystania ze skryptu i do usłyszenia!
    1 point
  23. First of all, you are bringing this topic up almost a year too early at least when we talk about Iberia, Iberia is far far away and with France as abandoned as it is, the same could happen with Iberia, i dont really see a bright future there. Idaho, bring it on! Currently ATS is the better game in my opinion, basically the whole map has the same standard which is huge "+" gameplay wise, but the player base is what it is. I just enjoy seeing ATS overtaking ETS2, it's not there yet but it looks really promissing.
    1 point
  24. Witajcie! W końcu po dłuższej przerwie powracam z aktualizacją Czas na wersję 1.1! Co ona zawiera? ? System konwojów (listowanie, dodawanie i usuwanie) Użytkownicy spoza wirtualnej spedycji mogą zajrzeć na listę publicznych konwojów. Pozostali natomiast widzą zarówno publiczne, jak i nie. Dodatkowo zawsze jest dostępna aktualna lista serwerów - nie trzeba się bawić w ręczne dodawanie serwerów System newsów (oparty o TruckersMP API) Pokazuje pierwsze trzy wiadomości, które zostały umieszczone na tablicy wirtualnej spedycji w TruckersMP. Zaktualizowany instalator oraz aktualizator Aby dostać się do aktualizatora, wystarczy wpisać http://yourdomain.com/upgrader i postępować zgodnie z instrukcją. Usprawnienia oraz poprawiony CSS Warto też wspomnieć, że skrypt dodaje również nową ciężarówkę do gry ATS - International Lonestart Ważna informacja dla aktualizujących z wersji 1.0.x - proszę o usunięcie pliku, który nazywa się "LOCK" przed zaktualizowaniem skryptu! Zapraszam do pobierania!
    1 point
  25. [Trainee] @Chris [PL] has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator. [Trainee] @ATEKGaming has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator.
    1 point
  26. Dear players, From the 1st February at midnight to 29th February, we are going to be looking for new Community Moderators to help engage the community on the Forum or Discord as well as ensure that the community follows the TruckersMP rules. Description of role: The Community Moderation Team is responsible for moderating all non-game related platforms that we use to interact with the community. Included in this, is moderation on our Forums, Discord guild and Facebook page as well as the TruckersMP group. Required languages: Forums: Finnish, Romanian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish Discord: Dutch, Portuguese, Turkish Social Media: English Although these are the languages that we are primarily looking for, we will be flexible. Forums: Create positive community interaction; Ensure all topics, posts, replies, status updates and messages comply with the official TruckersMP rules; Moving mistakenly submitted topics to the respective sections; Keep the forums organised; Archiving inactive topics; Handling the forum reports; Dealing with Suggestions. Discord: Create positive community interaction; Ensure all content posted in the Discord Guild complies to all Discord rules; Regularly work with the Community Moderation Manager to check the suggestions; Regularly review the Discord Guild rules and work with the Community Moderation Manager to rewrite them; Work with our users to keep a clean environment. Additionally, we encourage every Community Moderator to be active on social media, the public Discord guild and forums in order to be informed about everything. The more you know, the more valuable you are for the team and the better you will understand various situations. Joining requirements: Have good knowledge of TruckersMP and the rules Must be a member of TruckersMP for at least 12 months Must be registered on the TruckersMP forum for at least one month No bans within the last 12 months Must have no more than 3 bans at all Activity on the forum and/or discord Must have overall good behaviour, which includes in-game, forum, Discord and our official social media pages Language skills - English is necessary; being bilingual will be an advantage. Good communication skills Resilient, active and flexible Ability to work within a team and on your own at times Eager to learn and progress your knowledge Organised and adaptive Be able to accept constructive criticism Previous experience is an advantage, but not a necessity Forums: To be registered on the forum for at least 6 months There is no minimum of posts, however, we strongly encourage you to interact with the community Discord: Good activity on the Discord. Our guideline is participating in conversations every other day for 1 month. Social Media: Excellent activity and interaction on the forums OR flawless Discord activity, so we can see how you interact with people. Optional: Previous moderation experience. About Applying: You can only apply once in this recruitment round; You must have a forum account; Having knowledge of other languages may give you an advantage. However, you have to speak English. Sounds good? You can send in your application here: https://truckersmp.com/recruitment End of recruitment: 29th February 2020 (23:59 UTC) Good luck!
    1 point
  27. Uma nota antes de proseguir com o tópico: Esta é uma tradução feita por um usuário comum, o texto a seguir será uma adaptação(em PT-BR, que pode causar confusão para quem é de Portugal) para melhor entendimento do assunto tratado e poderá conter erros de digitação ou tradução! E também espero que @Tuna_ não se irrite por roubar seu trabalho hehe, brincadeiras a parte, vamos para o guia. "Eu tenho estado tão perto de cometer ritual seppuku ultimamente com o comportamento dos pilotos de carro / pilotos especificamente, então tenha um guia. Como piloto por @Ozy Então, deixe-me abrir isso com algo que deveria ser óbvio, mas muitas pessoas não entendem; Você não é um administrador. Você não é um policial. Deixe-me dizer isso de novo. Você não é um policial. Você não é um policial. Agora que isso está fora do meu sistema, vamos passar para o que é um carro piloto.." O que é um carro-piloto? Dentro do contexto da vida real, um carro-piloto acompanha uma carga superdimensionada/acima do peso, garantindo a segurança da carga e de outros motoristas. Mas, como não temos cargas "realmente" superdimensionadas (indiscutivelmente as únicas cargas aplicáveis como "superdimensionadas" são os equipamentos pesados de construção, devido às suas dimensões estranhas), eles são mais provavelmente usados como escolta de comboios para comboios de jogadores. O que é uma responsabilidade dos carros-piloto? Desde que você perguntou, como mencionado, você não é um policial. O seu trabalho é garantir a segurança da carga (dentro do contexto do ATS / ETS2, o comboio) e de outros motoristas na estrada à volta do seu comboio. Como? Através de várias formas principais: Atuando como os olhos e ouvidos dos comboios. Você deveria estar à frente do comboio, detectando tráfego, obstáculos, etc, e transmitindo-os por meio de comunicação por voz (seja no jogo CB, no TeamSpeak ou Discord) Navegando por várias ruas, rodovias, etc, siga o seu caminho. É o seu trabalho e o trabalho dos organizadores do comboios garantir que a rota seja planejada adequadamente e tudo esteja em ordem antes de partir. Não seja aquele cara que faz uma curva errada e trava todo o comboio. Agindo como um dispositivo de aviso para outros motoristas, particularmente em estradas menores. Garantindo que o comboio saia do ponto A até ponto B com segurança. Manobrando, operação do veículo, etc. Há realmente apenas dois lugares que os carros-piloto devem estar; na frente e atrás. Seu trabalho será totalmente inútil se ficar no meio do comboio por longos períodos de tempo sendo um carro-piloto. Aqui está uma ilustração (mal desenhada) de carros-piloto em relevância para um comboio em uma rodovia de 4 pistas: Os quadrados laranjas representam as posições dos Carros-piloto 1 e 2 respectivamente. Oretanqulo vermelho representa todos os caminhões do comboio. "O tráfego não participante do comboio deve *SEMPRE* ter uma faixa para passar o comboio em rodovias de multipas pistas" Observe algumas coisas: Os carros-piloto não estão bloqueando ou obstruindo o tráfego. O tráfego não participante do comboio tem uma pista livre para ultrapassar o comboio, que provavelmente estará dirigindo mais devagar que o tráfego normal devido ao seu tamanho. Os caminhões do comboio estão contidos entre os dois pilotos. O trabalho dos pilotos é garantir que os caminhoneiros saiba do tráfego à volta e que o tráfego à volta saiba o comboio. Eu entendo que controlar comboios, particularmente os grandes, pode ser muito difícil, mas EVITE que o comboio ocupe várias pistas de uma rodovia de várias pistas. É uma forma ruim e haverá outros motoristas que vão querer ultrapassar comboio. Mantenha a pista mais à direita (ou na Grã-Bretanha, a pista mais à esquerda) use as outras para as pessoas que passam dentro do comboio ou para fazer curvas. Em comboios maiores, você geralmente pode contar com pelo menos 1 admin para ajudá-lo com isso. Algumas vezes, os pilotos também devem tomar iniciativas para garantir que o comboio possa atravessar com segurança uma situação adversa. Alguns exemplos: Se estiver se aproximando de uma curva/interseção estreita e o tráfego estiver próximo, é melhor você deixar o tráfego passar antes de prosseguir. Você está prestes a ocupar esse cruzamento por um tempo com o comboio e não adianta forçar o tráfego a ficar preso. Especialmente se você precisa fazer uma curva fechada e o tráfego está na outra faixa que os caminhoneiros podem precisar usar para virar. Ao se aproximar de uma curva à esquerda (ou à direita no Reino Unido) em uma rodovia de duas pistas, o carro-piloto traseiro deve se mover * antes* do comboio e ocupar a faixa da esquerda. Ilustração: O quadrado azul representa o tráfego que se aproxima. "O carro-piloto traseiro indica, depois muda para a pista da esquerda. O tráfego que se aproxima à esquerda vê o carro piloto fazendo a sua mudança de pista, desacelerar para permitir que o canboio mude de pista e vire. O comboio, agora protegido do tráfego, pode mudar com segurança para a pista da esquerda. O comboio faz com segurança uma curva à pista da esquerda já protegida. Isto é importante porque, se o piloto da traseira não tivesse iniciado o mudança de pista para proteger o tráfego, o tráfego teria tentado ultrapassar e acabaria preso no comboio quando tentou fazer a mudança da pista para a esquerda. A ação do piloto não é bloquear, apenas proteger ambos o comboio e o tráfego à volta." Espaçamento + Estradas pequenas/cantos estreitos Embora o espaçamento não seja tão importante em rodovias divididas, em estradas rurais/de mão dupla, o carro piloto líder deve aumentar seu espaçamento do comboio. Pode ser prático mudar o arranjo de comboios do arranjo típico de rodovia para o seguinte: Isto é por várias razões: A rodovia/estrada não está mais dividida. O tráfego oposto colidindo com o comboio é agora uma possibilidade real. Muitas estradas têm cantos estreitos/cegos que são propensos a colisões entre caminhões. O veículo líder, 300-500m à frente do comboio, pode agir de duas formas; para atuar como os olhos e ouvidos dos comboios para o tráfego que se aproxima, e para permitir que o tráfego próximo saiba que há um comboio se aproximando. Isso garante que tanto o comboio quanto o tráfego próximo saibam um do outro antes de se encontrarem em uma pequena estrada ou num canto cego. Ambos estão mais preparados para navegar com segurança pela situação, ambos desaceleram, etc. O piloto 2 assume o papel de 'Guiar' o comboio diretamente a sua frente. Um carro traseiro não é mais tão importante em comparação com a ameaça de tráfego que se aproxima. Preparando seu passeio para o dever do piloto Você leu o guia e quer rasgar, o que você faz com o Skoda? Dispense o grande motor. Você não vai precisar dele, é muito sensível, difícil de manusear, e você não vai precisar de ir a 140 mph de qualquer maneira. Use a barra de luzes de PILOT (Dã). Use a pintura de PILOT. Não seja esse cara que é como "HU3HU3HU3 EU SOU UM PILOTO!" quando você tem uma metálica customizado no carro. Você parece um troll e ninguém vai te levar a sério (se alguém quiser). Se estiver em algum tipo de comboio oficial, defina sua tag de clã para CONVOY PILOT ou algo parecido. Reafirma quem você é, porque haverá trolls em carros-piloto falsos, fingindo saber o que estão fazendo. A principal diferença é que eles não fazem e você faz. Conclusão Espero que este guia tenha ensinado pelo menos parcialmente como pilotar. Espero que possamos consertar a reputação de que todos os pilotos são trolls um comboio de cada vez. Diverta-se! Link para o tópico original AQUI.
    1 point
  28. Od jutra zaczynamy testy BETA! Wersja 1.1 będzie posiadać... system konwojów. Jak on będzie działać? O tym opowiem wkrótce. Tymczasem mam nadzieję, że dołączycie do mojego grona testerów. Niezależnie od tego, czy posiadasz firmę, czy też nie - wystarczy, że znasz się na niektórych rzeczach związanych z obsługą hostingu dedykowanego oraz bazy danych. Dlatego jeśli czujesz się na siłach - dołącz do serwera Discord. Więcej szczegółów w poście powyżej. Tymczasem miłego tygodnia!
    1 point
  29. Czas na mały update informacyjny. Otóż już za dosłownie 20 minut udostępnię serwer Discord. Dostęp do niego będzie miał każdy, jednakże... No właśnie - czy aby na pewno? ? Najprościej mówiąc - jest on stworzony dla osób, których kręci testowanie skryptu. Mam tu na myśli, że chcą działać w dobrej wierze i chcą pomagać przy rozwoju skryptu. Aktualnie na serwerze będą dostępne 3 rangi - Tester BETA, Tester [Pre-Release czyli prawie gotowego produktu] oraz Tłumacz (niestety, ale nie ma innego słowa na to, zatem przepraszam ? ) . Jest to miejsce, gdzie będzie można ze mną się kontaktować bezpośrednio (jako druga opcja obok e-maila), a także do składania ewentualnych sugestii czy tłumaczeń. Jeśli zatem będziecie mieli ochotę, to zapraszam serdecznie. Link pojawi się równo o 20 w głównym poście oraz w tym, który teraz czytacie. Za niedługo także zostanie wydana kolejna aktualizacja poprawkowa... Zapraszam również do polubienia fanpage'a skryptu -> https://www.facebook.com/tachographarekfatyga/ Tam za niedługo pojawią się między innymi "zajawki" na temat nadchodzących funkcji, a także changelogi. Do usłyszenia! P.S. Radzę zaglądać tutaj, gdyż może za niedługo coś przedstawię. Gdyż na horyzoncie powoli pojawia się kolejna rzecz... Link do serwera Discord
    1 point
  30. Tuż po pierwszym wydaniu już pierwszy update! Co zostało poprawione? Zostały usunięte błędy związane z bezpieczeństwem, aby móc uniknąć ataku SQL Injection. Dziękuję za zgłoszenie, @Penguin. Choć obecnie jest to wersja oznaczona numerkiem 1.0.1, to tak naprawdę jest to 1.0, gdyż oprócz w/w rzeczy nie dodałem ani też nie zmieniłem nic. Na horyzoncie powoli pojawia się kolejna rzecz... Radzę zaglądać tutaj, gdyż może za niedługo coś przedstawię. A jak nie tu, to w dyskusji. Do usłyszenia!
    1 point
  31. Hmm... gdzieś już widziałem coś podobnego... Bardzo dobra robota Arkadiuszu
    1 point
  32. Hey, I bought this game yesterday and played it for 5 hours without any issues. Today, when I wanted to run it, this error popped up "An application fatal error! Do you want to send crash.log file to developers?". I have done basically everything: tried to restart my pc, re-installed single and multiplayer, tried to run it with all windows compatibilities and steam preferences, forced updates on multiplayer, cleared cache. Can anyone please help me? I have windows 10 and every game works perfectly fine, it's the first issue like that. I've attached all crash logs and screenshot of this issue. game.crash.txt crash.log last_crash.log
    1 point
  33. "How to properly create a report and give valid evidence" Hello everyone. I decided to create this tutorial since many people don't know how to properly fill in a report and give us proper evidence and this is an issue that has been around for quite some time. With so many reports coming in, a perfect report that has only what we really need to ban a player, is what would let us to check reports faster and better. -PART 1 : Recording/Capturing an offence Many players record their sessions but some players can't use a recording program because their PC is slow and using a recording program would cause even more lag. Here's what you can do to give us proper evidence, whether it's a video or a picture. Video Evidence Recording an offence is always the best thing, it shows exactly what happened! However even if recordings are evidence that can't be proven wrong (almost), there are always some issues related to video evidence: very long videos with unrelated content, incomplete evidence, missing informations and video reports that would only need an image (I'll talk about this later). If you record your whole session on Twitch or YouTube (or similar), or you like to create compilations of reports that are longer than a few minutes, we need you to put in your report the exact time when the accident happens, we can't watch minutes and minutes of videos until the evidence pops up. Writing where in the video we have to look, will let us check only what we need for that report and we will be able to check it faster and go check another report. We really like your videos, but we don't want to watch them when we're doing our "job". This apply to shorter videos too: usually an evidence needed for a ban is from 10 to 30 seconds long, we know you're a good driver! But please show us only what we need for the report, you can always show off your driving style in the videos topic, we'll appreciate it much more there! Something like this would be enough for longer (or multi reports) videos (/pinfo in the video or in the report would be appreciated): Obviously we love short videos since they're faster to check and they contain what we need, but don't cut them too much (giving videos that could lead to some misunderstandings)! If the evidence of the video is too long you can still speed up the video. Always check the videos you give us, so we don't have to decline them for Wrong or Insufficent evidence! No one will waste time, we won't have to check a bad report and you won't have to create a new one. It's also important to give us evidence that happened recently, you can't report a player for an offence which is older than one month. Photo Evidence As I said, some people can't (or don't want to) use a recording program, that's fine! Some things can only be documented with a video (ramming and spamming cb for example) but other offences that can be documented with pictures are good as video evidence! You only need to take those screenshots properly! Things like blocking, insulting, driving a car with trailer, excessive save editing, inappropriate name/tag/picture, are fine with one or more screenshots. To prove that some player is blocking with screenshots you need to give us at least two pics (where you show the in-game time, so we can see how long he/she/it blocked). You can also use the /time chat commend to show real time. In most cases one picture for blocking is not enough. Obviously we ask for original and unedited screenshots, this is just an example to show what a valid evidence for blocking with a picture would look like: For proof like insulting/spamming chat/inappropriate language (etcetera) it would be better to have an in-game screenshot of the chat, sending us a picture of the chat logs would take longer to check and will probally be declined since logs can be easily edited (unless they get checked by higher ranks). While making a good report for blocking is pretty easy (if you're patient), creating report to prove ramming with screenshots is not enough. Unless you manage to take many screenshots in a small time, creating a stop motion evidence, which should be enough (even better if it's uploaded to some pic hosting website as an album). Creating reports for inappropriate overtake (talking about overtaking traffic jams), can be reported with screenshots, but one screenshot only isn't enough to prove that the player is moving. To provide a valid report for "overtaking a traffic jam" you should provide at least 2 screenshotsNEW -PART 2 : Stuff that doesn't need to be reported Now that you learnt what you can do with your F12 key and with your short videos, you're ready to fill in a report. But wait a moment! Not everything you see is a bannable offence or a kickable offence, as you know punishments depends on which admin deals with the report, I'm here to show you what you don't need to report because no action will be taken! As you surely know we have server rules and we often look at EU and UK driving regulations for ETS2 and US driving regulations for ATS, but we do not punish for every thing you do that's against real traffic rules, we're not monsters, yet. Here are some examples (more will eventually come) of things you don't have to report. -Parking on the hard shoulder (or in the grass). It's allowed as long as you don't block the driving lanes, to make an example those two things, are completely fine (unless where TruckersMP rules forbid to do so, Europoort, Rotterdam, busy roads like Duisburg-Calais): -Ignoring traffic lights. There's nothing wrong going past red lights if you don't want to wait a minute (or even less), you can do that. Ignoring traffic lights becomes a problem when you ram someone or force someone to change their direction because you decided to ignore a traffic light with players around, that's a bannable offence and you will be probally banned for it. -Overtaking in solid lines/Ignoring some markings. There's nothing wrong in overtaking when there are solid lines as long as the overtake is clean and it does not result in an accident or it makes one or more players crash to avoid a reckless overtaker. Overtaking on a single lane road is NOT considered as driving wrong way! That's simply an overtake. Remember that overtaking is not allowed at all in some places (EP, Duisburg-Calais when there's heavy traffic for example). Remember that evidence which show a player who speed up while being overtaken by another player could result in a ban for both players. -Insulting. No one like to be called names, everyone got called names at least once in their life and I'm sure you didn't appreciate that. However the word "Idiot" is not something we ban for, we kick for it so you don't need to make a report for this. Obviously you can't go around calling every player an idiot, any excessive use of the word or similar (placing profanities with it) won't be tolerated. And in that situation we'll be happy to deal with that report. -PART 3 : How to fill in a report properly Now that you learned how to use your F12 key, how to send us your videos and you know what you can report and what not, you're ready to know how to fill in a report properly! With so many reports coming in, giving necessary and correct informations in the report is really important to deal with a report properly and in a fast way. You will be asked to give us the TruckersMP ID. The TruckersMP ID is not the number that you see near players' name, that's the in-game ID and it's temporary, we have no use of it. The TMPID is the number you get when writing /pinfo or when reporting a player in-game, and it's also the same number we'd love to see in your evidence, it's really helpful for us to check if you reported the right player. Here's where you can see the TMP ID (you'll be able to find it in the chat log in Documents->ETS2MP or ATSMP->logs): The other things are pretty simple to understand, just fill in the evidence box with all the informations needed. Remember: always put evidence, don't write what happened without giving us evidence (like I previously explained) and don't write stuff like "Add me on Facebook and I'll send evidence" or "Tell me if you need evidence", writing what happened is not enough and without something to look we will decline the report immediately. As you can see, there's a "Language" box where you can chose an admin that requires the knowledge of a certain language to check that report. This means that you must change the language from "English" to another one only when there's a report related to Insulting, chat spam, cb spam. No need for explanations in your report other than a timestamp, the video speaks for itself. So offences like, speedhack, ramming, blocking etc. Must have the Language set as English.
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