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  1. News

    1. News

      News and updates.

    2. Development Announcements

      All announcements and new version releases from our Development Team.

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  2. Information & Support

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    2. Guides

      Welcome to the Community Guides section of the TruckersMP Forum. This is a place where anyone in the community can contribute and create their own guides on anything related to TruckersMP and ETS2/ATS. You can find guides on everything from getting started to save editing, POIs on the map, easter eggs and more.

    3. Help

      Do you have some problem with multiplayer? Write here - we will try to help you! (MODERATED REPLIES)

    4. 22.1k
    5. Recruitment

      Add-On Team Recruitment: CLOSED

      Community Moderator Recruitment: CLOSED

      Event Team Recruitment: CLOSED

      Game Moderation Team Recruitment: CLOSED

      Media Team Recruitment: CLOSED

      Support Team Recruitment: CLOSED

      Translation Team Recruitment: OPEN

      Web Development Team Recruitment: CLOSED

      Game Development Team Recruitment: CLOSED

  3. Community

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    2. VTC System   (45440 visits to this link)

      Access the TruckersMP VTC System here.


      How to create a VTC

    3. Event System   (21793 visits to this link)

      Access the TruckersMP Event System here and find awesome convoys and truckfests to join.

    4. Discord

      Guides and information related to our Discord guild can be found here.

    5. Developer Portal

      Interested in programming or development? Got a question about it? Got a question about our API? Ask here.

      This is the place for discussion and questions related to programming, development, our API, or anything related.

      IMPORTANT: In order to reply to topics or interact with topics through other means in this Forum, you must have a Content Count of at least 10. 

    6. Unofficial tools

      List of unofficial tools for TruckersMP like search tools, VTC panels, you name it. Using our REST API in meaningful way is welcome!

    7. Media

      Popular screenshots, videos, custom user interfaces, everything in one place here. (Managed by the Media Team) 

    8. Q&A

      Section where users can ask us anything for a set period of time.

  4. International Community

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  5. Archive

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      • 'Leo.

  • Support TruckersMP

    • If you like our work and want to help support our game servers, website, or domain, please consider becoming a Patron. All amounts received will help us to improve our platform.
      Become a Patron
    • You can check out our Merchandise section with various cool items like phone cases, T-shirts, hoodies, mugs and stickers.
  • Recent Status Updates

    • HighwayMaik

      We would like to thank everyone who has helped us with this
      In English:
      Heidesprinter-Transporte is a virtual trucking company specializing in professional and reliable transport services in the TruckersMP community. Our company was founded to create a friendly and welcoming environment for truck simulation enthusiasts who are passionate about sharing convoys and interesting routes.
      Our mission at Heidesprinter-Transporte is to build a strong community of drivers who not only share the joy of driving, but also work together to provide the best transportation services. We emphasize professionalism, teamwork and helping each other to ensure that every driver in our company is successful.
      Our activities include regularly scheduled convoys, internal competitions, training programs for new members We are proud to have a diverse and dedicated community of members who all contribute to the positive atmosphere and success of Heidesprinter Transports.
      We strive to constantly grow and improve our services to provide the best possible experience for our drivers. With a strong emphasis on teamwork, respect and fun driving, Heidesprinter-Transporte is the ideal place for anyone who wants to share their passion for truck sims with like-minded people.
      Auf Deutsch:
      Heidesprinter-Transporte ist ein virtuelles Speditionunternehmen, das sich auf professionelle und zuverlässige Transportdienstleistungen in der TruckersMP-Community spezialisiert hat. Unser Unternehmen wurde gegründet, um eine freundliche und einladende Umgebung für Trucksimulations-Enthusiasten zu schaffen, die sich für gemeinsame Konvois und interessante Routen begeistern.
      Unsere Mission bei Heidesprinter-Transporte ist es, eine starke Gemeinschaft von Fahrern aufzubauen, die nicht nur die Freude am Fahren teilen, sondern auch zusammenarbeiten, um die besten Transportdienstleistungen anzubieten. Wir legen Wert auf Professionalität, Teamwork und gegenseitige Hilfe, um sicherzustellen, dass jeder Fahrer in unserem Unternehmen erfolgreich ist.
      Unsere Aktivitäten umfassen regelmäßig geplante Konvois, interne Wettbewerbe, Schulungsprogramme für neue Mitglieder Wir sind stolz darauf, eine vielfältige und engagierte Gemeinschaft von Mitgliedern zu haben, die alle zur positiven Atmosphäre und zum Erfolg von Heidesprinter-Transporte beitragen.
      Wir sind bestrebt, ständig zu wachsen und unsere Dienstleistungen zu verbessern, um unseren Fahrern das bestmögliche Erlebnis zu bieten. Mit einer starken Betonung auf Teamarbeit, Respekt und Spaß am Fahren ist Heidesprinter-Transporte der ideale Ort für jeden, der seine Leidenschaft für LKW-Simulationen mit Gleichgesinnten teilen möchte.
      · 0 replies
    • wennzy  »  Master*

      Thanks for following! 💙
      · 0 replies
    • Muhammad Nizar F  »  aluizio'

      Happy Birthday 🎉
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    • Muhammad Nizar F  »  -Gonzalez-

      Happy Birthday 🎂 
      · 0 replies
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