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Q&A 2022

You can ask your questions in this category where our Upper Staff team will try to respond to them within 7 days! The Q&A closes on the 28th of January. CLOSED

TruckersMP Q&A Section - How does it work?

Dear Truckers,


Similar to previous years, we have created this category on the forum to allow you to ask questions to our Upper Staff team that you have always wanted to know!


Feel free to ask any TruckersMP related questions to our upper staff team. Once the question has been answered, your topic will be moved to the "Answered" subforum. As always, there are some rules you will need to follow:


  • Questions should be related to TruckersMP and questions should remain sensible.
  • If your question is aimed at a specific department, please put that department name in the title. For example, "[CM] Will Spring mod be supported?".
  • If you have multiple questions to the same department, you can post them in the same message. If you have a question for another department, please create a new topic.
  • Questions regarding development or directed towards a specific Developer can take some more time to be answered as they are very busy with important things regarding the future of TruckersMP.


Keep in mind that you can ask us anything, but, we can choose not to answer some personal questions and useless topics will be trashed straight away.

We will try and respond to all questions within a week!


Happy Trucking!

TruckersMP Community Management



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    Questions that have been answered by our Upper Staff team.


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